I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 109: This is the legendary momentum as fierce as a tiger? 6 seconds 5 in actual combat?

Remember in a second【】

"Turn all of you into evolutionary points to calm the anger in my heart!"

In anger, Wang Mang muttered to himself.

Afterwards, Wang Mang began to move his huge body, rushing towards these two guys.

After seeing Wang Mang rushing up.

The 20-meter-tall brown bear stood upright, opened its **** mouth, and roared loudly at Wang Mang: "Ho Ho!"

"Let me meet you first!"

At the end of the sentence, the brown bear rushed towards Wang Mang like a hill shaking with the ground!

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang secretly sneered in his heart, these two guys are really crazy!

In this case, choose to fight alone with him?

Isn't this giving Wang Mang a chance to kill them instantly?

Of course, the morals of these two guys are similar to those of Wang Mang.

Therefore, Wang Mang did not use the skill of Ten Thousand Beasts Deterring.

On the contrary, Wang Mang used another skill that must be used in battle, Man of Steel!

The next moment, the charging super brown bear stood upright again when he was about to meet Wang Mang!

Then, this super brown bear, with two huge bear paws, grabbed Wang Mang's head!

Obviously, this super brown bear monster has dealt with super giant pythons many times, so it can be said that he is familiar with it.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang subconsciously avoided the huge snake head.

But his body was still hugged by this guy's huge bear paw.

Similarly, Wang Mang also seized the opportunity, opened his **** mouth, and sprayed the corrosive poison on the brown bear's face.

Seeing this scene, the brown bear turned pale with fright.

He subconsciously wanted to escape, but it was too late.


Wang Mang's corrosive poison was sprayed all over his face!

The next moment, the brown bear couldn't help but let out a miserable roar.

At the same time, his huge bear paw let go of Wang Mang, covered the bear's face in pain, and screamed: "Ah! My eyes! My eyes!"

Obviously, this super brown bear demon never dreamed of it.

Wang Mang's super giant python can spray venom!

In fact, before he came, the tree demon king had already told him to be more careful.

But he didn't take it seriously at all!

If he had been more vigilant and careful in advance, he wouldn't have faced Wang Mang's poisonous corruption!

Now the corrosion is extremely poisonous, and it is rapidly rotting his face, the sour feeling can be imagined!

It made the super brown bear howl in pain, rolling on the ground and knocking down a large tree.

Seeing this scene, the cyan super giant python not far away couldn't help but be surprised!

He did not expect that Wang Mang's strength was so powerful!

It's only been one round of fighting, and the super brown bear monster is tossed to death with a mouthful of poison!

It can even be said that Wang Mang's strength is simply to hang the opponent up and beat him!

Thinking of this, the cyan python's heart became extremely heavy.

Now the super brown bear has lost its combat power after only one round, which makes him terrified!

Even, the cyan python is already thinking of retreating, and Wang Mang's strength is a bit scary.

Even though they are both giant pythons and monsters, Wang Mang can still spray poison, which is simply unscientific!

After all, although he has a lot of powerful means, but he doesn't have the means to spray poison!

Just thinking about the scene of Wang Mang spraying poison, he felt that it would make him burn out.

All of a sudden, the cyan python became timid!

Not far away, Mr. Hushan was also dumbfounded when he saw this scene!

When he saw the super brown bear monster tearing the flesh and blood on his face in pain, his hairs stood on end.

Wang Mang used this move in front of the Tree Demon King, and killed the Golden Eagle King with one move.

At first he thought that the Golden Eagle King was too weak, but now it seems that it is not at all!

Wang Mang's poison-spraying method turned out to be the same method, tossing the super brown bear to death, and instantly lost its fighting power!

Is this the legendary trick that is eaten all over the world?

After all, the strength of this super brown bear has not been displayed at all!

Thinking of this, Mr. Hushan felt envious.

It is also a big monster, he can only run for his life when he meets this big brown bear monster, but Wang Mang is able to defeat the enemy with one move!

At the same time, Wang Mang seized the opportunity again, opened his **** mouth, and bit the super brown bear's arm fiercely.

Afterwards, Wang Mang followed suit and bit the super brown bear several times in a row, causing the super brown bear to scream wildly in pain.

Because, Wang Mang didn't just bite him!

Every bite he takes will inject a large amount of corrosive poison!

Therefore, under the corrosive poison of Wang Mang's five or six mouthfuls, this super brown bear basically had to wait to die.

After doing all this, Wang Mang slowly erected the huge snake head of the ten-meter-high front body, and stared at the giant cyan python coldly.

Facing Wang Mang's ferocious aura, the blue python, which was already afraid, couldn't help lowering its huge snake's head subconsciously.

Obviously, when facing Wang Mang, the cyan python knew how powerful Wang Mang was.

Even, after facing Wang Mang at this moment, he felt an inexplicable sense of fear in his heart!

Of course, what the cyan python didn't know was that Wang Mang had already treated him

^0^Remember in one second【】

The skill was cast: Beast Deterrence!

This guy is not as big as himself, so he definitely can't be counted according to the size of this super brown bear!

Therefore, Wang Mang did not hesitate to use his skill: Beast Deterrence!

After all, if this super brown bear is 50 meters in size, its combat power is not to mention terrifying.

Because the monster that destroys the earth in Ultraman is only about sixty or seventy meters high.

If this super brown bear really reaches more than 50 meters, it will be no different from a monster.

At the same time, Wang Mang also slowly moved his huge body, and began to approach the giant blue python.

Seeing Wang Mang approaching, the giant cyan python subconsciously backed away for a long distance.

"This comrade, this is all a misunderstanding, I really didn't think of asking fellow daoists for trouble!"

"I was completely persecuted by the tree demon king!"

After hearing the words of the cyan python, Wang Mang felt speechless, this guy is also an idiot!

But now Wang Mang, who is short of evolution points, how could he let this guy go so easily?

This guy and the super brown bear can be said to be Wang Mang's lunch, and they are massive evolutionary points!

Therefore, Wang Mang opened his **** mouth, and said in a cold tone:

"Since you have come to trouble me, you should be prepared to die!"

"I will send the two fellow Taoists a ride, so that the two and the Golden Eagle King below can reunite as soon as possible!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Mang moved his huge body and rushed towards the giant cyan python recklessly.

Seeing this scene, the giant cyan python felt bitter and had no choice but to bite the bullet before rushing forward.

He knew that if he escaped, it would be impossible.

Wang Mang is bigger than him, will his speed be slower than him?

"Ah! Even if I die, I will drag you with me!"

With no way to retreat, the giant cyan python roared and rushed towards Wang Mang quickly.

When they were about to meet each other, Wang Mang opened his **** mouth and bit the body of the giant cyan python.

Similarly, the cyan python also bit Wang Mang's body, but the hardness of Wang Mang's body almost didn't make him cry out.

On the contrary, Wang Mang bit his body easily, although he also bit Wang Mang's body, but definitely not as deep as Wang Mang.

Because Wang Mang's bite strength and defense level are not comparable to the big blue python monster.

At this moment, after Wang Mang was bitten, not only did he not panic at all, on the contrary, his huge body was entangled with the giant blue python.

The huge bodies of both sides are entangled together, and the picture is like fried dough sticks, and they are still rolling crazily on the ground.

But as Wang Mang continued to wind and strengthen, and even used the highly corrosive poison, the cyan python suddenly screamed in pain. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Although, the cyan python also used its own healing methods and even defensive methods.

But in every aspect, he is inferior to Wang Mang in any field!

No matter the strength!

Still defense!

Still bite!

Even the ontology!

None of them are Wang Mang's opponents!

When he found that he couldn't beat Wang Mang at all.

The cyan python even begged without integrity:

"I beg the king to spare the little demon's life, the little demon is willing to follow the king to the death!"

"Your Majesty! They were born from the same root, so why rush each other..."

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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