I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 110: The reappearing selection task, 10 million evolutions for free...

Remember in a second【】

After hearing the entreaties of the green python monster, Wang Mang was even more speechless.

He didn't even know where this guy heard this famous saying!

Of course, Wang Mang couldn't let him go easily.

This guy is already Wang Mang's table fish.

He couldn't bear to give up a good amount of evolution points!

Therefore, Wang Mang responded with a grinning grin: "You don't need to follow me! Let's obediently enter my stomach! Let's become one!"

As soon as the words fell, Wang Mang's entanglement became more and more powerful, and he began to constantly exert corrosive poison!

after an hour!

The cyan python was finally killed by Wang Mang successfully!

Afterwards, Wang Mang slowly let go of his body and looked not far away.

Seeing that this super brown bear is not dead yet.

Wang Mang spent another hour to get rid of this super brown bear.

So far, these two big monsters were completely killed by Wang Mang!

After killing these two big guys, Wang Mang joyfully began to enjoy the spoils.

Needless to say, the super brown bear, Wang Mang tossed and tossed for half an hour before dividing and eating.

As for this super green python, it was much more convenient for Wang Mang to eat.

He easily divided it into two parts and swallowed it. So far, both ends of the behemoth have entered Wang Mang's stomach.

At the same time, the familiar voice of the system sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Swallow the super brown bear monster! Get 8 million evolution points! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Swallow the super giant python monster! Get 8 million evolution points! 】

After listening to the sound of the system, Wang Mang was elated.

These two big guys are worth more than he imagined!

Every guy is worth 8 million evolution points!

Moreover, Wang Mang is now one step closer to evolution!

He previously ate 4.6 million of 10,000 pigs!

Now get another 16 million evolution points!

Plus tonight's pigs haven't been eaten yet!

Wait for Wang Mang to eat 10,000 pigs tonight.

He has almost accumulated, 25 million evolution points!

Don't forget, although Wang Mang needs 520 million evolution points to evolve.

But he won a 10% off evolution card!

In other words, he only needs 52 million evolution points to evolve!

He has almost accumulated half of the 52 million evolution points!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang couldn't help feeling happier.

With this in mind, Wang Mang rushed towards his own farm, leaving only Tiger Tiger who had already been stunned.

After coming to the farm, Wang Mang easily ate another 10,000 pigs, and another 4.9 million evolutionary points were credited!

So far, Wang Mang is only about 25 million evolution points away from evolving again!

Satisfied, Wang Mang left the farm happily and went to the bank of the reservoir to wash off the blood from his body.

After taking a bath, Wang Mang moved his huge body and rushed towards his lair!

Although there was a big battle this night, the harvest was simply more abundant than he imagined!

At this moment, the familiar voice from the system sounded again in Wang Mang's mind: [Ding! According to the current status of the host, give the host the following tasks to choose from! 】

[Mission 1: Facing the pursuit of the Dryad King, swallow your anger and choose to ignore it! 】

[Task time: Choose to get rewards. 】

[Mission reward: 10 million evolution points! 】

[Mission 2: Facing the pursuit of the Dryad King, come and fight back, regardless of success or failure! 】

[Task time: within 3 days. 】

[Mission reward: 30 million evolution points! 】

[Mission 3: Facing the chasing and killing of the tree demon king, attack with anger and kill the tree king! 】

[Task time: within 5 days. 】

[Mission reward: 50 million evolution points! Intermediate Blind Box x1, Random Lucky Draw Chance x1! 】

After hearing the sound of the system, Wang Mang was even more stunned!

He didn't expect the system to ask him to fight desperately with the tree demon king!

Of these three tasks, the easiest one is of course the first one!

The first task is to do nothing at all, and if you choose, you can prostitute 10 million evolution points for nothing.

But how could Wang Mang be willing to choose task one!

What confuses Wang Mang is that he really can't beat the Tree Demon King now.

Do you really want to choose task two?

Go find a fight with the Dryad King?

Although this task also has 30 million evolution points.

But Wang Mang didn't want to choose, and the reward for being too lazy to run was not big.

The problem is that Wang Mang wants to choose the third task, but the problem is that he can't beat it!

For a while, Wang Mang couldn't help but get tangled up again.

Naturally, what Wang Mang most wanted to choose was task three.

But faced with a very real problem.

He really can't beat it!

There was a long silence.

Wang Mang has already made a decision.

With a ruthless heart, he said silently in his heart: "System! I choose the task first!"

yes! Wang Mang chose task one.

The main reason is that he really can't beat it!

Choose task 2, to fight with the Dryad King, you can get 30

^0^Remember in one second【】

00 evolution points are meaningless!

However, in mission three, he couldn't defeat the King Dryad, let alone kill the King Dryad.

The next moment, the familiar voice of the system sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Complete the mission successfully! Get 10 million evolution points! 】

After hearing the sound of the system, Wang Mang secretly felt helpless.

Although he paid 10 million evolution points for nothing, this is really a helpless move!

If he had the strength, how could Wang Mang be willing to give up the generous reward of task three?

This is just out of desperation!

Fortunately, after prostitution of 10 million evolution points, he is only 10 million evolution points away from evolution!

With more than ten million evolution points, he only needs to honestly eat pigs for two or three days, and it is completely enough to evolve!

Thinking of this, although Wang Mang felt a little regretful, he relaxed a little.

Now let him fight desperately with the tree demon king, the system thinks highly of itself!

Wang Mang, who shook his head secretly, hurried towards his lair absent-mindedly.

After returning to the lair, Mr. Hushan rushed up excitedly:

"Brother Big Python! You are simply too powerful!"

"Which two big monsters have 2,500 years of Taoism!"

"In the end, it was easily killed by you! Amazing!"

"I admire you!"

Facing Mr. Hushan's compliment, Wang Mang gave a absent-minded hum.

Afterwards, Wang Mang stopped talking to Mr. Tiger Tiger, but huddled together, feeling sad in his heart.

He felt like he was missing a lot!

Intermediate blind box!

Random draw chance!

see clearly! It's a random chance!

This is not a junior lucky draw opportunity!

Thinking about it, you can see how much Wang Mang's heart hurts.

Of course, Mr. Hushan doesn't know all of this.

Seeing Wang Mang ignoring him, Mr. Hu Shan mistakenly thought that Wang Mang was issuing an order to chase away guests.

Therefore, he smiled embarrassingly, greeted Wang Mang a few more times, and finally took his leave and left Wang Mang's lair.

Wang Mang didn't react too much to Mr. Hushan's departure, he was still immersed in heartache.

This kind of feeling of looking at a huge reward but not getting it is like... breaking up in love!

Just at this moment, the system's voice sounded again: [Ding! According to the current status of the host, give the host the following tasks to choose from! 】

[Mission No. 1: Facing the pursuit of the Dryad King ~www.readwn.com~ Swallow your breath and choose to ignore it! 】

[Task time: Choose to get rewards. 】

[Mission reward: 20 million evolution points! 】

[Mission 2: Facing the pursuit of the Dryad King, come and fight back, regardless of success or failure! 】

[Task time: within 3 days. 】

[Mission reward: 60 million evolution points! 】

[Mission 3: Facing the chasing and killing of the tree demon king, attack with anger and kill the tree king! 】

[Task time: within 5 days. 】

[Mission reward: 100 million evolution points! Intermediate Blind Box x2, Random Lucky Draw Chance x2! 】

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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