I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1811: The furious starry sky ancient beast! Sit back and reap the benefits of the fisherman

[Task reward: Promote to the realm of the two heavens, and open the only initial divinity contained in the left leg. 】

Wang Mang's pupils shrank subconsciously when he heard the last task.

This reward is really too rich!

Although he coveted the reward for this task, Wang Mang did not intend to accept it.

The mysterious existence in this abyss is not clear to him.

Not to mention devouring.

This mysterious existence was imprisoned by the surrounding seals. If he broke the seal, he would be the first to suffer according to the strength of his ridicule just now.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang also silently said to the system in his heart: "System, choose task two!"

As soon as the voice fell, the system's prompt sounded suddenly:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Choose success! Please complete the task as soon as possible to get the reward. 】

After hearing the system's words, a smile appeared on Wang Mang's face. Remember m in a second. luoqiuwww

After scanning the surroundings, Wang Mang withdrew his gaze and said with a smile, "Farewell."

The moment the voice just fell, four great powers burst out from his body.

The bright light flashed away, making the entire abyss a moment of daylight.

The sudden light made everyone close their eyes subconsciously.

When they opened their eyes again, Wang Mang disappeared in place.

"Pretending to be a ghost." The young man with the flag squinted his eyes, and said calmly, "Now that the obstacle is gone, let's act quickly."

As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately came back to their senses and accelerated the movements in their hands.

At this scene, the ancient beasts in the starry sky in a different space were furious.

Grandma, is it so hasty?

Not only did the seal not be destroyed, even those who came to strengthen the seal were not dealt with.

For a moment, it greeted Wang Mang thousands of times in its heart.

Looking at the space runes faintly beginning to emerge in the surrounding space.

The pupils of the starry sky ancient beast shrank suddenly.

You can't just sit around like this!

All of a sudden, an invisible haze began to pervade the entire abyss.

The sharp wind came from nowhere, and beat everyone continuously.

This situation also caused a riot.

Everyone who was drawing the rune was also affected by the disappearance of the five senses and the strong wind.

Seeing this situation, the young man who was in charge of the overall situation in the crowd frowned suddenly.

The next moment, he threw the flag in his hand into the sky.


The sound of breaking through the air resounded, and the flag suspended in mid-air suddenly glowed with invisible fluctuations.

Ripples rippled out from the depths of the space.

The invisible smog was expelled and dissipated in an instant.

Seeing this situation, the ancient beast that was sealed in the starry sky in a different space suddenly became restless.

This banner is!

It seemed to think of something, and the pupils were full of astonishment.

"Star Zhoutian Banner?!"

With a shocking sound, there were bursts of space ripples in the different space.

The banner under the abyss erupted with brilliant divine light.

Through the hundreds of millions of dislocation spaces around it, it directly illuminates the entire different space.

At the same time, it also illuminated the infinite body of the starry sky ancient beast.

Like a galaxy hovering, a body that was too huge to describe was revealed.

A pair of star-like eyes are full of surprise.

"Damn thing!"

The next moment, many stars hovering in the different space began to burst out with immeasurable light.

The starlight in the sky outlines the frame of the starry sky ancient beast's body.

Hundreds of millions of stars erupted with powerful avenue fluctuations, and at the same time headed towards the place where space runes continued to emerge.

Like the wrath of the heavens, the power of destruction erupted at the same time.

The celestial energy column that runs through half a different space is gathered by hundreds of millions of stars.

The powerful energy column instantly wiped out the runes suspended in the air.

"You **** bastards!"

The monstrous roar of the ancient beast in the starry sky shook the sky, revealing countless dislocation spaces, echoing under the abyss.

All of a sudden, the people who carved the runes under the abyss burst into sweat.

Although it is not clear what kind of ancient starry beast that was sealed.

But the power just now is somewhat bluffing.

The ancient beast that was barely sealed by the joint efforts of the six top forces.

They have more or less heard of the rumors of the ancient beasts in the starry sky.

In the universe of the second ring, among all kinds of fantasy creatures, the ancient starry sky beast is also very famous.

In terms of popularity, it is slightly inferior to Ancient God.

Hundreds of millions of stars are the base, and the sky is full of stars, both tangible and invisible.

Strength, the strongest under the consummation of the Eternal Realm!

The existence of such a seal is somewhat shocking.

Driven by fear, everyone unanimously accelerated the speed of drawing runes.

At this time, Wang Mang, who was hiding at the entrance of the abyss, felt palpitations when he heard the movement below.

Fortunately, I came up from below first.

After choosing Task 2, Wang Mang immediately planned to take himself out first, and it would not be too late to rob and kill these people after they came out.

In this way at least there is no need to worry about the mysterious existence.

Looking at it now, the following battle situation may not be optimistic.

After looking around, Wang Mang also became thoughtful.

Just sit back and reap the benefits of the fisherman.

In Wang Mang's heart, he obviously believed that this group of people came out alive.

After all, the movement of the mysterious existence was restricted, and the group of people came to reinforce the seal.

If that mysterious existence can really have a way to deal with it.

Then when he was so provocative before, it would definitely not be indifferent.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang shook his head lightly, with a smile on his face.

At this time, in the box of the Spiritual Enlightenment Clan outside.

Looking at Wang Mang on the crystal screen, Zhao Si also had a smile on his face.

"This kid is extremely cunning."

"It is still so easy in the robbery and killing of the major top forces."

While speaking, he glanced at the empty seat beside him.

Not long ago, Qing Yi gave him and the great elder ~www.readwn.com~ and rushed outside with a shy face.

Of course, based on the experience of the elders, they are all very clear about what is going on.

It's just that no one will say it.

"Ahem, the patriarch has something to do, so I, the Great Elder, will definitely come out and preside over the overall situation." The Great Elder sat up straight, coughed twice, and said calmly.

As soon as these words came out, the corners of the mouths of the elders beside him twitched.

But no one said much.

Zhao Si, who usually likes to hate him, surprisingly didn't say anything to refute.

At this time, in the auditorium outside.

A man and a woman are sitting in a corner seat.

The audience around the two fell silent after recognizing their identities.

The two are exactly Qing Yi and Shen Yuanhu.

"Brother Mu, who is that kid Wang Mang to you?"

Qing Yi leaned his head against Abyssal's chest, and asked curiously.

There is really no giant python in my reservoir https://

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