I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1812: Stay on the sidelines!

After hearing Qing Yi's words, Shen Yuanwu lightly sniffed the fragrance on her body, said with a smile on his face, "That kid is my favorite junior."

After finishing speaking, Shen Yuanke pinched her face again, and asked curiously: "By the way, I heard that kid, all the young patriarchs in your clan..."

Hearing this, Qing Yi, who was leaning against his chest, chuckled suddenly, and said slowly: "That kid's talent is top-notch, but his personality is a bit bad."

"However, he attaches great importance to the relatives and friends around him."

As soon as these words came out, Shen Yuanhu laughed dryly twice, and silently hugged the beauty in his arms tightly.

At this time, in the middle of the specially made world.

The originally incomparably desolate central region was now filled with incomparably powerful energy fluctuations.

The phantoms of hundreds of millions of stars exploded with radiant light that shook the sky.

The terrifying power made all the creatures who accidentally stepped into the middle prostrate and tremble.

Wang Mang, who was hiding his figure near the mouth of the abyss, also sensed this monstrous aura.

For a moment, Wang Mang also had heart palpitations.

Made, this breath can only be described as outrageous.

The huge aura like a vast starry universe reminds Wang Mang how small he is all the time.

The self-confidence originally brought about by the increase in strength is indifferent at this moment.

"We still have to be careful." Staring at the bottomless abyss below, Wang Mang sighed with fear on his face.

Recalling his previous provocations, Wang Mang's mood at this time could not be calm for a long time.

Only when you feel this breath in person can you realize how terrifying that mysterious existence is.

"System, what is that thing in the abyss?" Wang Mang muttered in his heart.

As soon as the voice fell, the system's voice also sounded:

[Ancient Star Beast: A life form of great thought born from a galaxy formed by billions of stars. 】

[The ultimate form born after ten thousand years of time evolution! 】

[Strength Evaluation: The strongest under the perfection of the Eternal Realm! 】

[Ability details: The power of billions of stars, the transformation of virtual and real forms! 】

[It is recommended that the host run as far as possible and not die. 】

The corner of Wang Mang's mouth twitched immediately when he heard the last sentence of the system's suggestion.

Grandma knows the danger, what's the point of posting that last mission?

"System, open personal information."

As soon as the voice fell, the system's voice also sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Open personal information successfully! 】

Host: Wang Mang.

Cultivation realm: Immortal Realm Six Heavens! (Great Supreme Tianjiao).

Yuanshen Realm: Eternal Realm Level 1 (Shen Yuan Value 200/3000 Immortal Realm Level 6)

Realm of physical body: Immortal Realm Level 2 (Refinement of God and Hegemony, 0/500 perfection).

The special extreme state of the physical body: not activated.

Realm special extreme state: the power of double extreme state.

Primordial Spirit Special Extreme Realm: Domineering Extreme Realm (cannot be upgraded).

Comprehensive Combat Strength: (Sixth Layer of Eternal Realm).

Divine Pet Status: Unborn (8000/10000).

Supernatural powers: Aspect of gods and demons (seventh-level top grade), ultimate territory (seventh-level middle-level special!), constant time body (seventh-level middle-level!), rebellious sky (seventh-level middle-level.), universe star sea (from Chuang Shentong.). The fruit of all fruits (seventh-rank top grade.)

Included in the physical body: Overlord Wushuang!

Weapons: Slaughtering God of War (top seventh-tier mid-tier), Slaughtering Great Halberd (top seventh-tier mid-tier), Heaven-cutting Sword (top seventh-tier), seventh-tier mid-tier top magic weapon 2

Items: Seventh-rank mid-grade God's Blessing Talisman x2 Seventh-rank mid-grade Marriage Talisman x7, Body Realm Enlightenment Scroll x1, Karma Fragment x6. The ancient scriptures of the universe, the entourage of the eternal realm x1, armor: overalls, split headgear. Forbidden Consumable Weapon: Supreme Orb! Realm promotion card x1, high-level **** pet experience card x1, annihilation of a ray of starlight!

Dao crystal value: 88 billion/200 billion (the limit of the sixth heaven in the Immortal Realm).

Garbage bin: None.

After looking at his own strength assessment, Wang Mang's uneasy heart calmed down a bit this time.

"The combat power of the sixth heaven of the Eternal Realm is completely enough to stand out from the crowd in this year's Starfield Emperor's Conquest."

"It happens that I always encounter some outrageous things."

Wang Mang complained softly.


At this moment, a roar that resounded through the sky suddenly sounded.

An extremely tyrannical aura, like a ferocious beast coming out of a cage, continuously came from the abyss below.

Staring down, Wang Mang swallowed subconsciously.

The situation may be bad!

After contemplating for a moment, Wang Mang stopped hiding and got up and flew out of the abyss.

When the time comes, as soon as there is any situation, I will take the lead and run away.

As for tasks, Wang Mang said that his life is more important.

After a few breaths, Wang Mang had already arrived in the middle of the sky.

Staring at the abyss where the tyrannical aura burst out from time to time, Wang Mang squinted subconsciously.

After half a stick of incense, the vision above the central part began to dissipate slowly.

The terrifying aura that filled the middle also disappeared slowly.

Seeing this situation, Wang Mang, who was suspended in mid-air, stared at the mouth of the abyss more carefully.

After a stick of incense, a few people came out from the mouth of the abyss.

After half a stick of incense, the large army that came to strengthen the seal this time completely appeared near the mouth of the abyss.

And the young man holding the flag also appeared in Wang Mang's sight.

After seeing everyone coming out~www.readwn.com~ Wang Mang probably guessed the situation.

For a moment, a smile appeared on his face.

The next moment, the four great powers burst out from Wang Mang's body.

The powerful breath instantly rendered the entire sky.

In an instant, it attracted the attention of everyone below.

Seeing Wang Mang surrounded by the unparalleled avenue, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

Among them, the young man holding the flag, who was the leader, also stared at Wang Mang very seriously, with a desolate expression on his face.

"You wait for me to wait!"

Looking down at the crowd below, Wang Mang spoke very contemptuously.

As soon as the words fell, the four great powers around him suddenly glowed with light.

The power of time flies, the avenue of cause and effect pervades, and the dark avenue that swallows everything spreads across the sky.

It's like the might of God descending into the world.

"How courageous, you dare to come and die when you are given a chance."

The young man holding the flag waved his arms and aimed at Wang Mang while holding the flag.

All of a sudden, a bright blue light erupted from the banner in his hand.

The vast aura of the ancient world of stars confronted several supreme auras.

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