In the external space of the special world.

The divine sense of the will of the universe covers the entire specially made world.

After a few breaths, he whispered in surprise: "It's gone? Is that possible?!"

After the target disappeared, the will of the universe no longer blessed the thunder disaster that descended in the specially made world, and began to wait and see from the other side.

At this time, in the south, the terrain that was originally full of mountains has been completely flattened at this time.

The huge body of the starry sky ancient beast is like a star in the sky, floating in the southern sky.

While breathing out, endless power of the stars spewed out.

A pair of pupils are like those ancient stars, extremely vast.

The imperceptible aura exudes coercion over all races, making all the creatures in the south tremble and kowtow.

Next to its translucent giant body, there is also a sparrow perched.

The sparrow, which was already extremely huge, now looks like a tiny sparrow next to the ancient starry beast.

The extremely sharp beak opened and closed, saying:

"Boss, that stupid dragon is dead."

"Killed by humans."

After hearing this, the starry sky ancient beast who was looking left and right suddenly became a little interested.

I saw it said with great interest: "Oh? Aren't the human beings in this world all ants?"

"How could it be killed by humans?"

After hearing its words, the sparrow still trimmed the feathers on its wings with its beak, and ignored the ancient starry sky beast.

The ancient starry sky beast was not annoyed, it just stared at the sparrow.

After half a stick of incense, the sparrow finished arranging the feathers of its wings, and then slowly said:

"I've seen that person once."

"Such an evil breath, even I was shocked."

After hearing its words, the ancient starry sky beast also pondered for a moment.

"I probably know."

"Speaking of which, I can break the seal, and it all depends on him."

Hearing this, the sparrow also nodded in confusion.

"So are you going to find the old turtle and the fierce tiger now?"

"After gathering those two goods, there is no need for this world to exist.

"I'm tired of the sky here."

After hearing its words, a burst of brilliance flashed in the huge pupils of the starry sky ancient beast.

"You should be able to transform into a human form now, right?"

"It's natural." The sparrow said calmly.

As soon as the words fell, there was a gust of wind all around. Immediately, sporadic gravel dust was blown up.

After a few breaths, the gust of wind stopped instantly, and a royal sister wearing a small amount of green gauze suddenly appeared.

On his face was a world-weary look.

"Hehe, they are exactly the same as those humans." The Starry Sky Ancient Beast commented.

After hearing its words, the cold expression on the face of the woman transformed by the sparrow suddenly showed some waves.

"I have seen a lot, so I will naturally write it down."

Originally, the Starry Sky Ancient Beast wanted to complete a few sentences, but at this moment Wang Mang's aura suddenly appeared in its mind.

"An interesting person is here."

As soon as these words came out, Chique, who hadn't planned to say anything, also changed slightly: "It's this evil breath again."

The two beasts just looked at the sky, waiting for Wang Mang's arrival.

After a few breaths, Wang Mang, who was supported by the four powers of the Great Dao, suddenly appeared in their sight.

In the sky at this time, Wang Mang flew by quickly with a trailing afterimage.

Staring at the incomparably conspicuous body of the ancient beast in the starry sky, Wang Mang licked his lips and accelerated his speed.


A strong airflow erupted around it in an instant, like a sonic boom.

At this moment, a sharp blade composed of several strands of star power suddenly appeared on Wang Mang's only way.

Looking at these azure sharp blades, Wang Mang flew towards the ancient starry beast without changing his face, and the silver-white avenue of time gushed out from several avenues of power, bombarding the obstacles ahead.

"passing away."

Following Wang Mang's whisper, the Avenue of Time suddenly burst out with supreme characteristics, glowing with immeasurable aura.

The power of the stars in front of him was wrapped in terrifying power for an instant, and disappeared in an instant.

This situation made the Starry Sky Ancient Beast's heart tremble.

"Interesting, do you actually master the time avenue?"

The deep voice of the starry sky ancient beast sounded slowly.

Afterwards, it did not attack again, and Wang Mang, who was unimpeded all the way, soon came to it.

"You will come here on your own initiative, which I didn't expect."

While speaking, its huge body began to materialize.

In an instant, the entire south was enveloped by its body and lost its light.

With such a huge body, even Wang Mang, who is used to seeing big scenes, was shocked for a while.

The moon-like pupils of the starry sky ancient beast hung high above Wang Mang.

Between breathing and breathing is the power of endless wind and stars.

Looking up at its star-like pupils, Wang Mang spoke to it:

"You and I are the thorn in the side of all the top powers, why not cooperate and attack them together."

After hearing Wang Mang's sound transmission, the starry sky ancient beast was stunned.

After reacting, it slammed and laughed.

The collision of the huge mouth of the abyss is like the collision of continents, making muffled sounds.

"Hahahaha, you deserve it too?"

"I can crush you to death with one hand."

Its mocking sound was like a thunderbolt in the clear sky, and the huge sound wave made the space around Wang Mang turbulent.

A brilliance flickered in the eyes of the bird not far away.

"Hehe." Wang Mang sneered, and the scarlet in the depths of his eyes was fleeting.

At this time, it has a constant body, and it is naturally full of confidence.

"Tell me your answer." Wang Mang's indifferent voice transmission echoed in the mind of the ancient starry sky beast.

As soon as the words fell, the laughter of the ancient starry sky beast stopped completely.

"Do you know what kind of existence you are talking to?"

The deep voice of the ancient beast in the starry sky slowly sounded, and the power of the stars permeating the surroundings began to faintly turbulent.

Hearing this, Wang Mang squinted his eyes and nodded inexplicably.

The next moment, the slaughter halberd appeared in his hand through space.

Gazing at the ancient beast in the starry sky like the sky, Wang Mang took a deep breath.

"One last time, what's your answer?"

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding atmosphere suddenly became dull.

The faintly turbulent power of the stars has begun to boil, exuding an incomparably thick aura.

At this moment, the power of stars on Wang Mang's right side rioted and bombarded him directly.

Taking a casual glance at from the corner of the eye, Wang Mang withdrew his gaze.

The power of the dark avenue flowed out from his body, resisting the power of the stars.

For a moment, Wang Mang also clenched the halberd in his hand.

It seems that there is still a fight.

A humble request to join?

Impossible, the current self absolutely cannot do it.

After coming to the second ring universe, Wang Mang's state of mind has undergone earth-shaking changes unknowingly.

Unchanged invincibility in the same class, leapfrog beheading, made Wang Mang's invincibility aspiration.

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