The lowly ants don't know what to say. "

"Take your ignorance and arrogance to Jiuyou!"

The roar of the starry sky ancient beast was like thunder.

As soon as the words fell, the power of stars around Wang Mang rioted and rushed towards him.

Like a monstrous wave, it wants to overturn and devour Wang Mang!


At the moment when the power of these stars was about to touch Wang Mang, the four powers of the Dao burst out at the same time.

Like a volcanic eruption, it spread crazily towards the surroundings, and the power of the stars passing by was directly covered and annihilated.

Among them, the Dao of Devouring is the most prominent, the dark Dao reveals an ominous breath of blood mist, assimilating and devouring the power of the surrounding stars crazily.

It was like black ink meeting white drawing paper, and in an instant the area around Wang Mang became a place filled with the Dao of Devouring.

This situation naturally attracted the attention of the Starry Sky Ancient Beast.

The moment the Dao of Devouring appeared, the ominous and strange aura rushed straight to its sky cap.

It made the latter tremble.

Such a breath made it instinctively frightened.

But it was quickly suppressed in the bottom of my heart.

Staring straight at Wang Mang below, the starry sky ancient beast even forgot to manipulate the power of the stars.

This kind of aura was not present in the previous five people.

What is the history of this son?

It was a moment of stupefaction, and the area below was occupied by Devouring Avenue again.

At this moment, a gust of wind blew up, and a light voice sounded slowly: "Let me come."

As soon as these words came out, the stupefied starry sky ancient beast immediately came to its senses.

Wang Mang also looked at the place where the voice came from.

A graceful figure came out from the strong wind, Wang Mang was also taken aback for a moment when he saw this woman.

Aren't all the people in the south killed?

Why is there another one here?

As if offended by Wang Mang's stare, the bird frowned and said sharply:

"Your eyes were dug out by me as collectibles."

While speaking, the surrounding wind suddenly intensified, making Wang Mang's face painful.

Suddenly, Wang Mang's pupils shrank.

The wind is weird!

The next moment, Wang Mang immediately manipulated the space avenue, forming a space barrier in his body.

In an instant, these strong winds stopped in front of Wang Mang and spread to other places.

After stroking his messy long hair, Wang Mang muttered in a very puzzled voice, "Do you control the wind?"

"The power of the natural system."

"No, I didn't feel the breath of the power of the Dao at all."

In Wang Mang's perception, the woman in front of him didn't have the slightest fluctuation of the power of the Great Dao.

But the vitality is surprisingly majestic, at least at the seventh or eighth level of the Eternal Realm.

Did it block my perception?

All of a sudden, Wang Mang became more suspicious.

"It's not a good habit for a sparrow to **** prey."

"But if you want it, then I'll let you do it once, and I won't be an example."

The voice of the ancient beast in the starry sky suddenly interrupted Wang Mang's thoughts.

"Little sparrow?" Wang Mang's eyes sparkled. I probably have a guess in my heart.

This is probably the bird that had met once before.

Wasn't killed by the ancient starry sky beast and turned into a human form?


Zique replied impatiently, with killing intent in his eyes.

"A creature like you is not in reincarnation, and it will only bring destruction."

As soon as the words fell, a pair of wings appeared behind it.

For a moment, Wang Mang also showed such an expression on his face.


Wang Mang was stunned for a while, and the bird came to him.

Qianqian's long and slender jade hands had now turned into five sharp claws.

The space in front of Wang Mang has been broken by it, and a huge crack appeared.

Immediately, Wang Mang retreated violently towards the rear, and at the same time, the power of the Great Dao in his body began to surge.

The four forces of the Great Dao scrambled towards it.

"Heh." On the face of the iceberg beauty Fan, the bird showed disdain, and waved her hands violently.

The next moment, two wind blades with rice characters burst out from its hand, directly obliterating several strands of great power, and landed in front of Wang Mang.

The power was so strong that Wang Mang couldn't parry, and the speed was so fast that Wang Mang almost didn't react.

Constant time body!

Wang Mang said silently in his heart.

Swish Swish -!

The wind blade passed through Wang Mang's body and directly slashed towards the rugged mountains behind.

Several peaks were cut off in an instant.

Seeing this situation, the sparrow frowned.

Missed? so possible?

At this time, the face of the starry sky ancient beast who was watching the battle from above also showed a strange color.

Boom! Boom! Boom—

Suddenly, a quaint bell sounded melodiously.

The phantom of the silver clock appeared around Wang Mang.

And Wang Mang also let go of the arm covering his chest.

A thin silver thread of time spread out from the opening in its chest.

Staring at the astonished face of the bird, Wang Mang raised the corners of his mouth slightly to reveal a shallow smile.

Apparently, this is the first time for the frightening bird to face such a situation. Looking at Wang Mang wrapped in the thin thread of time, it didn't move for a while, just looking at the latter.

A few breaths of time passed, and hundreds of millions of thin threads of time were stitched together to form Wang Mang's appearance.

At the same time, Wang Mang's consciousness returned again.

Facing the unbelievable gaze of the bird, Wang Mang smiled lightly, and said calmly, "I'm not dead yet."

As soon as the words fell, a look of anger appeared on the pretty face of the sparrow.

"Good opportunity!" Wang Mang secretly said!

The next moment, a crack in space suddenly appeared behind the bird, and a halberd blade with a few strands of power protruded from it!


A crisp sound came out, sporadic flames fell, and the sparrow's sharp claws blocked Wang Mang's sneak attack.

Seeing this situation, Mang immediately withdrew the halberd, and next to his right hand was a space crack that was slowly healing.

"It's a pity." Wang Mang pouted, UU reading www.uukanshu. com said as if nothing had happened.

Staring at the expressionless Wang Mang, the sparrow whispered to himself, "Is it the avenue of time and space?"

"It's obviously an ominous existence, why is it so mastery of these two avenues?"

"Does the will of the universe not care?"

It had a puzzled look on its face, as if it was very puzzled by the power that Wang Mang possessed.

"Hey! Don't talk about the will of the universe!" The starry sky ancient beast reminded.

"Understood, I'm so long-winded!" The ancient starry beast, the sparrow, still responded impatiently.

Seeing this situation, Wang Mang was also very surprised, the attitude of these two guys is really strange!

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