I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1829: The power of the ancient gods!

After a while, Wang Mang's body recovered again.

Before its consciousness returned to its body, the sparrow attacked again.

A pair of sharp claws waved back and forth, like scratching tofu.

And Wang Mang's proud body of refining the gods had no power to resist in front of these sharp claws glowing with cold light, and was cut open in an instant.

The speed was so fast that Wang Mang's consciousness didn't even have time to return, and his body began to reorganize again.

The thin silver thread of time began to intertwine, and soon evolved into a human form.

Staring at this situation, Zique immediately frowned.

Is it really impossible to kill?

Although he was puzzled in his heart, the movements of his hands did not stop at all.

Whenever Wang Mang's body is reorganized and there is only the last link of consciousness returning, the bird will ruthlessly tear his body apart.

The body that suffered fatal damage triggered the constant time again, and the body was recast by the thin line of time again.

Repeatedly, the time for a stick of incense passed like this.

Staring straight at the unchanging thin line of time, the bird also stopped moving, not making a move.

finally! After being tortured and killed several times, Wang Mang's consciousness can be regarded as returning to his physical body.

Of course, Wang Mang himself was not clear about such a situation.

For him, he just recovered, and only a moment passed.

"Hehe." Seeing the doubtful expression on the alluring face of the bird, Wang Mang squinted his eyes and sneered full of teasing.

The next moment, four avenues surged out from his body at the same time, like a tide.

Several characteristics were released at the same time, erupting a terrifying divine power that distorts reality.

All of a sudden, there was a strong wind, and fierce wind blades shot out from the whole body of the bird, offsetting the surrounding forces that distorted reality.

After the power of the great way was resisted, Wang Mang immediately retreated violently to the rear, and at the same time, an incredible expression appeared on his face.

Just now, after glancing at his personal information, Wang Mang became restless when he saw the remaining time of the constant time body.

How much time is left for a stick of incense? ? ?

what's the situation? Didn't you just recover once?

The time for a stick of incense is gone?

Seeing that the sparrow did not attack, Wang Mang quickly said in his heart: "System, what's going on?"

"Something went wrong?"

After finishing speaking, Wang Mang immediately looked at the bird again. Seeing that the latter still had no intention of making a move, Wang Mang was relieved.

【Ding! Answer to the host: The system will not have any targeted serious problems. 】

Hearing this, Wang Mang's eyes suddenly flashed a trace of puzzlement, his face was still calm and very calm.

Doesn't this mean that it took more than a stick of incense to restore my body once?

This is so possible?

With such confusion, Wang Mang also drove Space Avenue to launch an attack on the sparrow.

A fault suddenly appeared in the space around it, revealing the void.

However, the bird's body was unscathed.

Its body has been solid to an unimaginable degree.

The power of space is hard to hurt it.

Of course, this is also the reason for the strength of Wang Mang's great power.

Wang Mang narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling a little awe-inspiring in his heart.

I don't believe that its body can withstand the seventh-rank top-rank magic weapon.

The next moment, there was a burst of space ripples in Wang Mang's right hand, and the massacre halberd suddenly disappeared into the space, replaced by a snow-white sword cutting the sky.

The sharp sword energy rippled out, cutting everything around.

With the appearance of the Excalibur, a dignified look appeared on the sparrow's face.

The strands of green gauze on his body began to flutter wildly with the appearance of the gust of wind.

The faintly exposed parts are imaginative.

The bitter wind swept the power of the stars, rippling towards the surroundings continuously, colliding with the sword energy.

Seeing this situation, Wang Mang swallowed inexplicably.

A strong sense of crisis suddenly filled my heart.


A black shadow appeared in front of Wang Mang, the speed was too fast for him to react.

again? ?


Wang Mang's body was cut open again, and he lost consciousness.

The silver-white thin line of time reappears, floating in the space.

Faced with such a situation, the sparrow waved its sharp claws with a cold expression, even though it couldn't attack now.

The fierce gang wind was compressed to the extreme and revealed between its sharp claws.

After a few breaths, Wang Mang's body recovered again.


The figure of the body being cut open came out, and Wang Mang's body was directly broken.

Another stick of incense time has passed.

During this time, Wang Mang had been killed dozens of times.

Looking at the thin line of time that still appeared invariably, the doubts in the bird's heart became even worse.

Can't this kill me?

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