I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1834: Back to Central! Go to war!

After moving his neck, which had not been moved for a long time, Wang Mang rubbed his hands and stood up.

The moon is dark and the wind is high, it is the night of the murder.

Thinking of this, the corners of Wang Mang's mouth raised involuntarily.

"This seat is about to start action, you can continue to practice here."

After speaking, the space around Wang Mang shook, and he disappeared in place.

Wang You also disappeared together.

After Wang Mang left, Abyss Xuanming stopped attacking.

Liang Qi, who originally wanted to sneak attack, suddenly changed his face when he saw this situation, and almost confiscated him.

"Damn, what are you doing suddenly?"

Looking at the abyss Xuanming, which was only a few inches away from the short sword in his hand, Ryoshichi immediately cursed.

so close! Remember the URL m.luoqiuzwww. cc

Almost hurt this thing!

Abyss Xuanming was completely defenseless in the end.

After hearing Liang Qi's words, Shen Yuan Xuanming glanced at him coldly, and said rather dissatisfied:

"You didn't use all your strength just now."

The angry look on Liang Qi's face disappeared immediately, and he smiled, and his face returned to calm.

"It doesn't make any sense to go all out."

"Except for hitting your heart."

While speaking, Liang Qi tied his hands behind his back, looking like an outsider.

Looking at his face raised at forty-five degrees, the corners of Shen Yuan Xuan Ming's mouth twitched involuntarily.

"By the way, is brother Wang Mang really that strong?"

Through Liang Qi's cautious attitude, he can naturally see who is the eldest brother.

However, he has not intuitively experienced Wang Mang's strength.

Of course I am very curious about this.

Liangqi on the side laughed disdainfully, and said quite calmly: "At least ten, hundreds of them, if I go together, it will be difficult to hurt him at all."

After hearing this, Shen Yuan Xuanming also complained in his heart, what's the matter with this disdainful expression!

At this time, in the edge area of ​​the middle.

All the top-level personnel sat cross-legged with their eyes closed to preserve their health, releasing their weak perception to prevent emergencies.

At this time, at the junction of the north and the center, the place is full of people, including Abyss Bo Yang.

Abyss Bo Yang, with a small gap in his eyes, was in an unusually low mood at this moment.

Through other people's conversations, he also knew Wang Mang's situation at this time.

Although this trip to the central region created a gap between the two.

But in his heart, Wang Mang is still a brother.

Even if time has infinitely weakened the emotion between the two.

The evacuation this time must have something to do with the starry sky ancient beast breaking through the seal.

If Wang Mang also wants to leave the special world, then the domain gate at noon today is the only way.

All members of the top powers have gathered on the edge of the middle.

Once Wang Mang appeared, he would definitely end up being besieged.

Although Wang Mang's fighting power in front of him seemed very strong.

In terms of personal combat power, among all the young generations of top powers, absolutely no one can compare to Wang Mang.

But this is the gathering of the top talents in the entire second ring universe.

Two fists can't beat four hands, not to mention that there are far more than four people here.

Thinking of this, Abyss Bo Yang suddenly showed bitterness on his face.

My own strength is low, and I have more than enough energy to help.

When he was dreaming, a warmth came from his shoulder.

Turning his head to look, Abyss Tianqiong really looked at him with a smile on his face.

Just when he was about to speak, Abyss Tianqiong quickly covered his mouth and made a silent gesture.

Don't want to attract the attention of those around you? After taking a panoramic view of the situation of the people around him, Abyss Bo Yang nodded.

Seeing this, Abyss Tianqiong slowly moved his hand away.

"Bo Yang, have you met Wang Mang?"

"Use sound transmission." Abyss Sky Vault reminded him.

After a moment of silence, he replied via voice transmission: "That's right, how did you know?"

After hearing the answer he wanted, the smile on Abyss Tiandome's face was even wider.

"So that's the case, then it's okay."

Abyss Tianqiong patted him on the shoulder, and continued to transmit the voice: "Okay, you can cultivate with peace of mind."

"Today can change."

After finishing speaking, he disappeared in place without waiting for Abyss Bo Yang to reply.

Seeing the disappearing figure, Abyss Bo Yang rubbed his face helplessly.

One by one, come and go without a trace.

At this time, Wang Mang, who was wrapped in the space avenue, had arrived in the middle of the middle.

It is also the place where the ancient starry sky beast was sealed.

On the way, the surrounding situation has been fully understood by him.

On the way, Wang Mang spent 5 million dao crystals before he learned from the system that the top-level personnel were going to evacuate at noon today.

After hearing the news, Wang Mang was immediately elated.

Zheng worried that killing them one by one would not be able to complete the task, so it came to the door.

No, Wang Mang has already stepped out of the space, and he can't wait now.

Whether it is from the perspective of completing the task or swallowing to obtain the Dao Crystal, this time the task is a big profit.

The moment Wang Mang stepped out of the space, countless strands of perception were thrown towards him.

And Wang Mang didn't intend to hide it, so he released his aura with such fanfare.

In an instant, countless avenue powers and dao rhymes erupted from several edges in the middle.

Countless people, like sharks in **** water, rushed over one after another.

Except for the members of the Abyss Nine Clans, they still stayed where they were.

Wang Mang, who was fully aware, was first surprised and then ecstatic.

Good guy, there are quite a lot of people.

Nearly four hundred people! And the strength is not weak!

The worst ones are those of the sixth and seventh heavens of the Immortal Realm!

Among them, there are even more eternal realms!

After a while, the space around Wang Mang was filled with figures.

For a moment, Wang Mang almost burst into laughter.

With so many people, in addition to the task rewards, it is simply a huge amount of extra money!

At this time, the people around ~www.readwn.com~ looked at Wang Mang with malicious intent.

If you go back with his head in your hands, the reward will be huge!

Facing so many people, Wang Mang still didn't panic, and even showed a smile on his face.

This is still his utmost restraint.

"If you are below the Eternal Realm, don't come here to make a fool of yourself."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Mang's eyes froze, and an invisible storm surged out of his primordial spirit and swept towards the surroundings.

The overbearing divine sense instantly covered a radius of ten miles.

Within this range, those below the Eternal Realm instantly lost their fighting power, and all fell towards the bottomless pit below.

And more than 30 young patriarchs in the eternal realm also drove Dao Yun to resist this divine thought.

Not long after, the people who had surrounded Wang Mang like an army of locusts had only a few thirty or so people left.

After doing all this, Wang Mang also withdrew his divine sense.

A big halberd suddenly appeared in his hand.

"Very well, it should be neat and tidy like this!"

There is really no giant python in my reservoir https://

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