I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1835: The battle begins!

As soon as the words fell, Wang Mang's eyes flashed a light.

The power of the four avenues surged out of his body like a tide.

At the same time, there was a ripple in the space beside Wang Mang.

After a few breaths of time, a space crack formed.

Another figure walked out of it.

Seeing this person who looks exactly like Wang Mang, these young patriarchs were taken aback for a moment.


I wanted to release my perception to see the reality, but at this time, I was surrounded by Wang Mang's great power.

Perception can't go through the Dao of Devouring at all.

Helpless can only withdraw perception.

The appearance of more than thirty strands of Dao Yun caused the space in this area to shatter rapidly. Remember the URL m.luoqiuzwww. cc

Without the blessing of the power of the stars, the space is no longer restored, revealing the void.

His gaze kept switching among these people, and Wang Mang said calmly, "It's the old rule, keep the whole body."

After finishing speaking, a snow-white long sword suddenly appeared in his other hand.

After casually throwing the Excalibur to Wang You, Wang Mang ordered again: "Be quick."

Wang You, who was beside him, took the Excalibur and nodded dully, "Yes!"

As soon as the words fell, Wang You burst into a rhythm of speed all over his body, and the light disappeared in a flash.


The next moment, the collision sound of a divine soldier suddenly sounded, and fragmentary sparks flew, which were extremely conspicuous in the dark night.

Wang You took the lead in attacking.

Seeing this situation, Wang Mang did not hesitate, and swung the slaughtering halberd towards the front to kill.

The power of the massacre eucalyptus blessed with the power of the four avenues has soared to a terrifying level.

With a random cut, a crack appeared in the divine weapon in the hand of the person in front of him.

The huge force directly made the divine weapon in his hand fly away.

However, it was difficult for Wang Mang to take advantage of the victory to pursue, and several black shadows struck again in an instant.

It is a few seventh-rank middle-grade top magic weapons accompanied by wisps of dao rhyme.

For a moment, Wang Mang's eyes flashed, and violent spatial fluctuations rippled.

Except for where Wang Mang is, this piece of space is distorted without exception.

Although this cannot directly destroy these incoming magic soldiers, it can still be done by slightly changing the trajectory.

Unsurprisingly, these attacks have all gone off track.

The already fragmented space completely disappeared after being distorted by Wang Mang.

As the surrounding environment was completely empty, everyone's expressions changed immediately.

The power of the Great Dao cannot flow in the void.

This also shows that they cannot transform into Dao Yun by absorbing the power of Dao.

Only out and not in!

The subtle changes in their expressions were clearly noticed by Wang Mang.

But Wang Mang didn't take it to heart.

He, Mr. Wang, has never changed color because of the environment.

A stunned time is very short!

But it was enough for Wang Mang.

The Avenue of Time flickered fiercely, and at the same time wrapped the area around Wang Mang.

The silvery white light is extremely dazzling.

All of a sudden, Wang Mang's newly acquired supernatural power appeared in Wang Mang's mind.

Without it, Wang Mang really wouldn't dare to do this!

Feeling that the avenue of time has filled, Wang Mang's mouth slightly raised.

The next moment, the characteristics of backtracking began to explode.

The supreme mighty force, began to intervene in all this!

Under the terrified eyes of more than thirty people, the dao rhyme lingering around them began to disappear quickly.

Returning to the body beyond common sense, it is still the one that is not stimulated!

For a moment, everyone's faces relaxed.


The next moment, there was a sound of a divine soldier breaking through his body.

One person trembled all over, his eyes widened, and he looked down in disbelief.

The crescent-shaped halberd sliced ​​open his chest.

At the same time, the four great powers invaded his body, continuously annihilating his vitality.

He stretched out his hand to pull out the thing that had entered his body, but halfway through the movement, his hand drooped.

Wang Mang drew back the slaughter halberd and sneered a few times.

The next moment, the Devouring Avenue erupted from the inside of the corpse.

In an instant, a systematic voice sounded in Wang Mang's mind:

【Ding! Ants devouring the second heaven of the Eternal Realm! Get 200 million Dao Crystals! 】

This sudden situation caused everyone's pupils to shrink for a while, and they quickly retreated to distance themselves from Wang Mang.

This situation, let them know that this is going to die!

Who is the hunter and who is the prey is uncertain.

Cold sweat dripped slowly from his forehead.

Who it is, I don't know, maybe there are all of them.

Wang Mang, who was still surrounded by the crowd, was also looking around to choose his next target.

From the corner of the eye, I happened to see the young man with the afro.

For a moment, Wang Mang looked away and re-selected the target.

This person is so transformed, it is not a wise choice to be an enemy from the beginning.

After Wang Mang looked away, the afro-haired youth secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

The power of the Buddha cannot be used at any time.

In an instant, the scene returned to the original place, and everyone still used Dao Yun to resist the surroundings.

Wang Mang was also surrounded by four great powers.

Except for one person missing.

wrong! One less!

At this moment, a sharp sword light suddenly appeared beside the young man with the afro.

The speed was so fast that he had no time to react.

The sword light was close at hand, the young man with the afro gritted his teeth and raised his arms to resist!


Sparks splashed, air waves exploded, and the unique hairstyle of the afro youth briefly deformed.

The huge force made him tremble all over, and his arms were cut by the sweeping sword light.

In an instant, these wounds healed as before.

When the blow failed, Wang You's face showed a little strangeness, and he walked away without hesitation.

The next moment, Wang Mang also started to act, this time the target was his old enemy!

Shen Xuan Bai Ye!

The two supreme avenues of cause and effect and time show their power at the same time, and the mighty power of tampering and distorting reality reappears, covering Shen Xuanbaiye.

The latter panicked, Dao Yun burst out all over his body, and began to resist.

At the same time, he shouted at the top of his voice: "Everyone, unite! If you are defeated one by one, you will all die!"

After hearing this ~www.readwn.com~ everyone also snorted.

However, there are still a few hard-headed people who choose to help.

Those who shot were all the young patriarchs of the Shenxuan Clan.

Seeing the attack on Shenxuan Baiye from several directions, Wang Mang gave a smirk and withdrew the power of Dao.

For a moment, the faces of the people who came to help froze.

Shenxuan Baiye who reacted: Zhuo!


A sharp breath flowed around.

Brilliant flames appeared.

The next moment, Wang Mang's body flashed, and he found someone at random to attack.

But I didn't expect this product to be a stubble!

This is a young man with his upper body naked.

Seeing his innocent face, Wang Mang still thought about squeezing the persimmons first.

I never thought that as soon as the halberd went down, my slaughtering halberd would directly collapse a little.

A gap appeared on the sharp halberd blade!

There is really no giant python in my reservoir https://

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