I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1836: Fight with ease!

The black and purple dao rhyme burst out from the eyes.

One blow directly caused the slaughter halberd to collapse a little!

This situation made Wang Mang say that people should not be judged by appearances, and immediately chose to change targets.

But Wang Mang wanted to leave, but it was not so easy.

At this time, there is no space on this battlefield, and the space avenue that used to be universal oil has also lost 90% of its effect at this moment.

Another beam of purple and black dao rhyme struck Wang Mang's back.

All of a sudden, Wang Mang's mind rang an alarm, and his body tilted automatically.

Zihei Taoist rhyme flashed in front of his eyes, leaving a hole in Wang Mang's deep space Taoist robe.

The breath of silence made Wang Mang's heart tremble.

Before Wang Mang could react, countless strands of Dao Yun came from various positions.

Faced with such a situation, Wang Mang gritted his teeth, and roared in a low voice: "The Overlord is unparalleled." The first website m. luoqiuww

As soon as the words fell, a thin layer of golden light emerged from Wang Mang's body.

The next moment, a few strands of dao rhyme erupted on him in his somewhat disturbed eyes!


A dazzling light appeared, like the sun.

At this time, everyone had already reacted, and began to attack Wang Mang frequently to take the lead.

Of course, Wang You, the old Lu, still relied on his extreme speed to attack everyone continuously.

As for the safety of the master, Wang You said that he would never die if anyone died.

After a few breaths, everyone turned on their perception, trying to learn about Wang Mang's situation.

But this is obviously futile, let alone the isolation of the three supreme avenues, and Wang You's interference from time to time, bothering them.

As for why he didn't continue to make up the knife, Dao Yun can't get replenished now, so don't waste it.

As the light gradually dimmed, night became the main theme again.

At the same time, Wang Mang's unscathed body was revealed in the eyes of everyone.

All of a sudden, everyone showed shock and widened their eyes.

You said that it is understandable to use supernatural powers in advance to run away, but what do you mean by direct resistance and unscathed?

Facing everyone's surprised eyes, Wang Mang only felt comfortable for a while.

This pen is pretending to be cool!

Of course, the business must not be forgotten. After turning on the overlord mode, these people must not be able to know their own flaws for a while.

This is a good time to kill yourself!

All of a sudden, he picked up the massacre halberd and rushed towards the crowd.

The person who was being targeted by Wang Mang suddenly felt a shudder.

One after another shot to bombard the debut rhyme!

Wang Mang took a quick look at these attacks, and they were all straightforward Dao Yun just happened to be within the range of resistance.

Then stop watching.


Bursts of roars exploded, and gorgeous flames appeared.

But Wang Mang still rushed towards the crowd without stopping.

Seeing this situation, everyone around was a little confused.

How strong is the god-refining hegemony?

Before they had time to think about it, Wang Mang had already entered the crowd.

Destroying all the way, he kept waving the massacre halberd and swept towards the crowded place.

Wang Mang didn't even look at the attacks from all sides.

It was like a scourge entering the flock of sheep and began to kill continuously.

In a few breaths, one person fell!

And Wang You also took advantage of the chaos and succeeded in a sneak attack, beheading and killing one person.

After reacting, one of the young people with a little more experience shouted loudly: "Dacheng God Alchemist..."

Before he could finish speaking, Wang Mang appeared in an instant, and greeted his face with a halberd.

For these people who may know their own shortcomings, Wang Mang was on guard from the beginning.

If you want to ask how Wang Mang knew, Wang Mang certainly cannot have the ability to predict and deduce.

This man didn't speak fast either, and Wang Mang was alerted when he heard the word "refinement".

Wielding the massacre halberd, Wang Mang focused on taking care of the man's head.

The head is the weakness of human beings, and it is the same when you have reached this level of cultivation. If you don't resist, you will die suddenly.

This also made it difficult for him to speak for a while.

It was completely in Wang Mang's calculations.

Ping-pong, boom!

The sound of the collision of the Shentie rarely resounded.

After Wang Mang performed another short time rewinding, Wang Mang found a flaw and shot him in the head.

Before he died, he rang loudly, couldn't he transmit sound?

As he was dying, his eyes gradually blurred, and he gave Wang Mang the **** with the last bit of strength in his body!

This action made Wang Mang stunned, and then he was speechless for a while.

At this time, bright light burst out from around Wang Mang from time to time, and Dao Yun fell on him one after another.

Wang Mang ignored this and continued to choose his next target.


A muffled sound sounded, and Wang Mang felt severe pain in his back.

The huge explosive force made Wang Mang stagger for a while.


In an instant, Wang Mang's face darkened.

The power of the four avenues reappeared, wrapping Wang Mang up.

Looking along the place where the attack came from, Wang Mang was dumbfounded.

A few streams of dao rhyme erupted on his face. Although it couldn't hurt Wang Mang, it completely blocked his sight.

For a breath, Wang Mang poked his head out of the light, trying to find the person who had successfully hurt him.

But in this short period of time, Wang Mang could no longer see anyone.

Another huge Dao Yun struck, enveloping Wang Mang in it.

? ?

For a moment, Wang Mang was somewhat confused.

Someone knew the information about Dacheng refining the gods and hegemony, but didn't say it?

What's happening here?

Wang Mang narrowed his eyes, his face full of suspicion.

After pondering for a moment, he stopped thinking about it.

Don't care about him so much, let's kill enough first.

The next moment, his body suddenly flew out of the light.

In an instant, everyone dispersed.

Mahler Gobi's Daoyun attack can't hurt him, so why not make a fuss~www.readwn.com~ My life is important!

Everyone fled in all directions, bursting out with powerful dao rhyme.

This situation also made Wang Mang not know who to chase for a moment.

Made, so many people are still running away!

After Wang Mang cursed in his heart, he hurriedly chased towards the south.

At this time, Wang Youle, who played by ear, blossomed.

While these people were fleeing, they were all focused on Wang Mang and completely ignored themselves.

With the seventh-rank top-grade divine sword, combined with its extreme speed, the success rate of sneak attacking these fugitives is simply not too high.

At this time, at the northern edge of the central part, the figures of the four suddenly rose from the ground.

Among them, there are those who disdain to besiege Wang Mang, and those who are steady and don't make a move first.

This is happening on the fringes of four continents.

At this time, in the boxes of the top forces in the outside world.

The so-called big men were dumbfounded,

There is really no giant python in my reservoir https://

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