The person came at a very fast speed, and wisps of gray air were still lingering around him.

In Wang Mang's sight, it was as if a cloud of dust was flying towards him.

The slight heart palpitations made Wang Mang vigilant.

The four avenues emerged in an instant.


After a while, this person came in front of Wang Mang.

He didn't do anything at the first time, but looked at Wang Mang.

At the same time, a strong and extreme aura faintly leaked from his body.

Wang Mang also turned on his perception and looked at this person's aura.

For a moment, a vague surprise appeared on Wang Mang's face.

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Such a situation made Wang Mang a little unbelievable.

And after the latter sensed Wang Mang's realm aura, a contemptuous look appeared on his face.

The area is immortal.

The eyes of the two met, and they both felt each other's mood.

Wang Mang: Incredible.

The young man in the red cloud robe: Xiaocai.

Seeing the contemptuous eyes of the other party, Wang Mang only felt a little funny.

so crazy.

Immediately, Wang Mang also showed a smile, and said slowly, "Are you going to slap me alone?"

As soon as these words came out, the disdain on the face of the young man in the huoyun robe grew even worse.

Combined with the three supreme avenues used by Wang Mang, after evaluation, the comprehensive combat power is as high as himself.

There are five of us in the back who are the same as myself.

"I'm just telling them to try your depth first."

"How strong is the so-called casual cultivator star?"

As soon as he finished speaking, his breath exploded violently, like a prehistoric beast that had fully awakened.

The powerful aura seems to have surpassed the cycle of life and death, trying to return everything to nothingness.

A gray aura permeated the air.

Under Wang Mang's astonished eyes, these gray auras actually began to gradually wipe out the void!

That's right! It is void!

The central part has experienced a big battle before, without the blessing of the power of the stars, the space will naturally not recover.

At this time, the middle part is completely a void area.

The void is a piece of nothingness, and even Wang Mang's Supreme Dao at this time cannot interfere.

In an instant, Wang Mang quickly retreated to the rear, avoiding this area.

At the same time, the Dao of Karma burst out of his hand and bombarded forward.


The collision of the two forces seemed to have a chemical reaction, erupting with terrifying power.

It was like two super nuclear bombs erupting, sparking endless huge light clusters in midair.

A terrifying aura spread out, sweeping across the entire central area in an instant.

It is not so much a contest between the two, as it is a confrontation of supreme might.

The unique characteristics began to exert force, constantly distorting the reality of the intervention, trying to obliterate the other party.

In the area farther away from the explosion, the void is even slightly distorted.

Such a situation not only made Wang Mang dumbfounded for a while, but even the young man in Huoyun Pao who was opposing him was also very surprised.

Obviously, the destructive power of the two forces cannot reach this level, but the combination of the two has erupted such terrifying power.

Staring at the bright light that was slowly dissipating, Wang Mang's eyes glowed with fire.

It turns out that the collision of the Supreme Avenue can actually produce such a reaction.

This is what Wang Mang did not expect.

As for why Wang Mang knew, the person on the opposite side also possessed the Supreme Dao.

Isn't that obvious?

Incomparably powerful, the power to destroy heaven and earth is not uncommon for Wang Mang.

However, Wang Mang has never heard of the power to interfere with the divine power that distorts reality, just like the supreme avenue.

These are surprises of two natures.

Maybe a certain person's talent is astonishing in the past, and he has used his power to an outrageous level.

But this strength is based on the potential of the mastered power itself.

The Supreme Avenue is unreasonably powerful, and various outrageous special features emerge in endlessly.

Wang Mang, the power on the opposite side, also discovered the existence of characteristics.

For a moment, Wang Mang suddenly became angry with the idea of ​​experimenting.

Just do what you say, before the supreme power that still exudes aftermath dissipates between the two, Wang Mang once again drove the time road to add fire.

The silver-white light flickered, and the Avenue of Time turned into a stream, blasting towards the two forces that were still entangled in front.

For a moment, the void was turbulent, and Wang Mang, who had already moved a short distance away, still felt a palpitation.

Before he could react, an invisible ripple suddenly rippled from the entanglement of the three forces.

Wherever the ripples passed, everything fell into chaos.

The six primaries simultaneously distort reality, essentially tampering with the surrounding matter.

At this moment, Wang Mang, who was still retreating violently, suddenly realized that he had lost contact with the supreme avenue he was exporting to.

"Damn it?" Wang Mang was horrified when he saw the distorted ball of light constantly rising in front of him!

Originally, the realm of the Huoyunpao youth was above Wang Mang, so the power he used was naturally stronger than Wang Mang.

But with the addition of Time Avenue, everything is completely messed up.

The six supreme characteristics displayed their power at the same time, demonstrating the supreme divine power.

The power to distort reality erupted together and caused all the surrounding materials to become chaotic in an instant.

According to common sense, without the blessing of the user, this supreme avenue should dissipate soon.

However, things just happened so outrageously!

The chaotic force field directly caused the two to lose control.

Moreover, the three forces are still intensifying.

In Wang Mang's line of sight, the scenes around the middle began to retreat continuously.

That's right, it's like going back in time!

At this time, there are countless phantoms in the middle, including Wang Mang's and the figures of the top forces.

Under the distortion of time regression, these phantoms gradually form entities.

In the end, a unique life form was even formed directly.

Staring at this person who was exactly the same as him in both breath and appearance, Wang Mang was completely dumbfounded.

And Wang Mang, who was revealed by the time retrospective, also had a look of surprise, as if to say more.

who am I?

where am I?

what am i doing

Not only that, but also the situation of the Huoyunpao youth.

At this time, the central part is still caught in a chaotic area of ​​time.

What happens when the same person sees himself in different time and

The answer is obvious.

"Who are you?"

"Who are you?"

"Who are you?"


These three words rang countless times in the middle in a short period of time.

At the same time, Wang Mang was staring at the Wang Mang presented by time retrospective.

And the latter was also staring at him with the same dazed look on his face.

The next moment, a ray of light flickered, and a figure suddenly appeared beside Wang Mang.

It was Wang You who came.

Affected by the chaos of time, Wang You also looked confused.

Seeing the two identical masters, his eyes widened.

The face that had never been surprised by anything in the past now showed a deep sense of perplexity.

Wang worry:?

There is really no giant python in my reservoir https://

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