I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1840: recovery! 1 It's all over!

Staring at the two Wang Mangs who even had the same aura, Wang You felt something in his mind start to burn slowly.

The eyes kept switching between the two, and Wang You, who had always been calm, fell into confusion.

So who is my master?

At this moment, Wang Mang, who was presented by time retrospectively, suddenly said, "Wang You, what are you doing, why don't you come over?"

While speaking, he frowned, looking very dissatisfied.

After hearing his words, Wang You was stunned for a moment, then looked at Wang Mang beside him, struggling a little.

Seeing Wang You's floating appearance, Wang Mang on the side also chuckled.

It's rare to see this guy show such an expression.

System, take back the entourage, Wang Mang said silently in his heart.

As soon as the words fell, space ripples suddenly appeared beside Wang You.

After a few breaths, his body completely sank into the void. The first website m. luoqiuww

I don't know if I misread it, but Wang Mang seemed to see a look of relief at the end of this guy.

"System, what's the situation with Wang Mang?" After taking back his followers, Wang Mang immediately asked the system.

After all, such a situation is already a little out of his cognition.

Soon, the system's answer echoed.

【Ding! Answer to the host: The character distorted by time is also Wang Mang in a sense. 】

[It’s just that you, who are in a different time and space, are presented in this timeline by time intervention. 】

After hearing this answer, Wang Mang's eyes flashed, and he hurriedly asked: "That is to say, he is me, just my former self."

"So doesn't it mean that he also has a system?"

As soon as this remark came out, the system did not reply immediately, but after a while, it answered Wang Mang:

【Ding! Answer to the host: You at different times naturally have a system. 】

After hearing this, Wang Mang began to meditate.

After a few breaths, Wang Mang's expression became more and more puzzled.

The past self is affected by time and presented in the current timeline.

But if this is the case, why do I have no memory at all?

What is the situation?

Generally speaking, Wang Mang's life can be turned into a timeline.

The past self was affected by time and appeared in the present, so the future self must have such a memory.

Even before that, I should have experienced the scene warped by time to the future.

However, in the current situation, tell Wang Mang that this is not the case.

The more I think about Wang Mang, the more headache I get, and my brain is short-circuited.

At this moment, a familiar yet unfamiliar aura suddenly appeared in Wang Mang's perception.

This also directly interrupted Wang Mang's train of thought.

In an instant, Wang Mang came back to his senses and looked towards the location where the breath came from.

Wang Mang's eyes widened when he saw the dark Devouring Dao Yun.

? ? ?

Devour Dao Yun?

Staring at the power lingering around Wang Mang in the past, Wang Mang's mind was shaken and he received a huge shock.

Although the aura of Devouring Dao Yun is somewhat different from Devouring Dao, Wang Mang can still recognize it.

Compared with his own Dao of Devouring, it is a little less dark and does not have two strange characteristics.

But in terms of strength alone, it is still far beyond his own Devouring Dao.

Under Wang Mang's surprised gaze, the corner of Wang Mang's mouth raised in the past, and the surrounding Devouring Dao Yun rushed towards Wang Mang.

Seeing this situation, Wang Mang was still complaining in his heart while exerting the power of Dao.

The me in the past beat myself up so much, it was so **** open to so much shit.

The moment the pitch-black Great Dao of Devouring emerged, Wang Mang was also taken aback in the past.

Is this the Dao of Devouring? How is it different from your own?

When he saw the other three supreme avenues around Wang Mang, a look of shock appeared on his face.

"Is it the supreme way of the highest sequence of the power of the great way?" Wang Mang was full of disbelief in the past, and then murmured: "How the **** have you mastered the three strands?!"

If this person is devoured, the Dao Crystals obtained must be expensive!

As soon as he thought of this, a greedy look suddenly appeared on Wang Mang's face in the past.

Staring at Wang Mang, there was even a faint green light.

Seeing his expression exactly the same as before, Wang Mang curled his lips and was speechless.

Why did I look like a villain before?

The gray and black devouring Dao Yun, like a river of anger, roared towards Wang Mang.

Just when the two forces were about to collide, a touch of black and yellow broke through the void and appeared between the two forces.

After that, hundreds of millions of black and yellow thin lines spread out.

During a face-to-face meeting, the power of the two was distorted and disappeared at the same time.

Wang Mang has no fear of this sudden thin line of cause and effect.

After all, I still use passive magical powers.

Unsurprisingly, these thin lines of cause and effect all headed towards Wang Mang's position in the past.

The terrifying aura rippling out instantly wiped out everything, and wiped away the past Wang Mang from the root.

This is the end of two identical people trying to intersect at the same time and space.

One party must be corrected and eliminated by various factors.

And Wang Mang is not subject to any causal liquidation because he has the cause of various countries.

In a short while, Wang Mang's past was completely wiped out.

After eliminating Wang Mang in the past, the thin line of karma did not disappear, but continued to spread towards the surroundings.

In an instant, the entire central area was enveloped.

The mysterious yellow light burst out, cleaning up all the characters traced back in time.

After a few breaths, the causal avenue slowly disappeared, and the central part returned to its original state.

At this time, everyone has not recovered from the shock.

They all recalled the adventure just now in their minds.

After all, it is rare to meet your past self.


At this moment, a deafening sound came.

A closer look is the direction of Wang Mang and the young man in Huoyunpao.

A huge mushroom cloud rises from the sky.

A fierce aura swept across the land.

All of a sudden, everyone's attention was drawn away.

Seeing the young man in the fire cloud robe~www.readwn.com~ who reacted, Wang Mang felt very sorry.

If grandma's sneak attack succeeds, this person will probably be gone.

In the boiling mushroom cloud, a gray streamer rushed out impressively.

Looking at the young man in the huoyun robe with a gloomy face in the gray, Wang Mang also knew that the other party was offended.

Wang Mang chuckled immediately, and the four great powers gushed out again.

The young man in the huoyun robe who attacked suddenly frowned when he saw the avenues beside Wang Mang.

Then the dao rhyme in his body flowed in the meridians of the whole body, flowing,

A phantom suddenly formed behind him.

Seeing this situation, Wang Mang's eyes flickered, and he felt a little awe-inspiring.

This is Tyrant Wushuang who intends to use supernatural powers to break him.

Facing the Devouring Dao Yun, Wang Mang's eyes froze, and the power of the four Great Dao surged violently.

The aura of supreme power came out, making Wang Mang frown in the past.

Just when the power of the two was about to collide, the mysterious and yellow

There is really no giant python in my reservoir https://

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