Affected by the supreme characteristic, the void that Di Min had not completely stepped out of was directly distorted into a whirlpool.

The swirling void continuously appeared in the area around Wang Mang.

Affected by the distortion of the void, it was also difficult for Di Min to step out of the void.

The next moment his arm suddenly disappeared, and he appeared not far from Wang Mang.

Staring at all the twisted void around Wang Mang, he knew that it was impossible to succeed by relying on a surprise attack.

Seeing Di Min who was not moving, Wang Mang also breathed a sigh of relief.

It's really hard for me to react to this elusive way of appearing.

Fortunately, the combination of the characteristics of the four avenue forces can interfere with the surrounding void.

Otherwise, it might fall into the hands of this person.

Glancing at the four people not far away from the corner of his eye, Wang Mang suddenly panicked.

At this time, the four of them also began to stagger to their feet after experiencing the incomparable pain of being invaded by their primordial spirit. The first website m. luoqiuww

At this time, the annihilation starlight has almost disappeared.

Even if Wang Mang continues to use the Dao of Karma to slow down the speed of its disappearance, there is no way to recover.

Seeing this situation, Wang Mang simply withdrew the power of the Dao revealed in the annihilation of the starlight to fight against the causal dao rhyme.

The situation at this time was very unfavorable to Wang Mang.

After the four of them recovered their battle strength, it meant that they had four more Dimin-level powerhouses.

It's a bit difficult for one person to deal with it by himself, let alone no one with him.

Immediately, Wang Mang was also contemplating the starting method in his mind.

That's right, running away.

In this situation, Wang Mang was not sure how to deal with it.

No, I still have the Immortal Town Coffin!

At this point, Wang Mang suddenly had another idea in his mind.

When the time comes, find an opportunity to release Zhenxian Coffin, and then let Wang You take him away.

It is one who can kill one.

By the way, where is Wang You?

The next moment, Wang Mang quickly looked around, looking for his figure.

Finally at an edge, Wang Mang saw his looming figure.

Rather than seeing, it is better to perceive.

"Wait a minute, appear by my side as quickly as possible, and then lead me away!"

Wang Mang's order echoed in his mind.

Wang You, who was fighting with a young man without risking his life, was taken aback for a moment.

The confrontation between the two has reached a fever pitch, and a moment of stupefaction will be magnified infinitely.

The next moment, when Wang You realized it, a fist the size of a sandbag was already close to his face.


A muffled sound sounded, and he flew out immediately.

At this time, Wang Mang was in the battlefield.

The four people who were infested by the ancient willpower attached to the annihilated starlight had already recovered.

Not that it has no effect.

The loss of Yuanshen cannot be made up overnight.

But without the influence of the ancient will, there is no problem with fighting or anything.

The next moment, the four of them immediately came to Wang Mang's side, forming a siege.

Di Min, who was in a stalemate with him before, also joined the battlefield.

Patting his aching head, the young man in Huoyunpao stared at Wang Mang resentfully and said, "Hehe, you are really willing to take out such items as stars."

While speaking, Dao Yun of Nothingness suddenly emerged from his body.

Several other people also stared at Wang Mang full of displeasure, with murderous intent in their eyes.

After all, although Yuanshen's damage will not particularly affect the battle, it will take a lot of time to completely repair it.

His gaze shifted on the five of them, and a faint light appeared in Wang Mang's eyes.

The time has not come.

"Stop talking nonsense!" Wang Mang yelled angrily, and the four powers of the Great Dao suddenly flowed crazily.

Holding the divine sword, he attacked the young man in the huoyun robe.

Seeing this situation, the latter also smiled angrily, and said, "Good job!"

As soon as the words fell, Dao Yun of nothingness immediately attached to his fists, facing Wang Mang who was attacking, he immediately counted a punch.

Seeing it punching, Wang Mang was also very disdainful, and his right arm was tense and slashed towards his hand fiercely.


With a sword strike, his attack was blocked again.

Such a result also made Wang Mang a little speechless.

Grandma, everyone likes to fight hard so much!

The divine sword landed on the fist of the young man in the huoyun robe, and was resisted by the nihility dao rhyme covering its surface.

However, compared to Di Min's method, this void dao rhyme is obviously much weaker.

Although it was very slow, the Excalibur still slowly cut through the void dao rhymes that were resisting it.

According to this speed, at most ten breaths of time, the sword will directly touch his body.

Seeing this, the young man in the fire cloud robe immediately shouted: "Let's go together!"

After finishing speaking he quickly withdrew his fist.

After hearing his words, the other four did not hesitate, and their bodies were full of Dao rhyme.

All kinds of supernatural powers greeted Wang Mang.

"Karma erasure!"

"time flies!"

"Space strangles."

"Nothing hits!"


Four terrifying supernatural powers completely bombarded Wang Mang.

And from all directions, Wang Mang can't escape no matter what!

Wang Mang's pupils shrank for a while, and an alarm bell sounded in his heart.

Can't run!

In desperation, he could only use the four great powers to cover himself layer by layer.

At the same time, although it stimulates the stereotyped characteristics to a large extent, it interferes with the surrounding area.

This trick is quite useful against Timin alone.

But unfortunately, five people shot at the same time

There is really no giant python in my reservoir https://

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