I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1846: Zhenxian coffin!

Chapter 1846 Immortal Coffin Town!

The next moment, five people rushed towards Wang Mang at the same time.

Dao rhyme is lingering around them.

As the five people got closer and closer to him, Wang Mang quickly sent a voice transmission to Wang You

"Now, immediately, take me away!"

At this time, Wang You, who had been deliberately approaching Wang Mang early on, felt a surge of speed and dao rhyme all over his body after hearing this order.

The whole person instantly turned into a stream of light across several miles of void, and appeared directly beside Wang Mang.

Rao Wang Mang was also very shocked at this time, this guy actually has such a speed!

Immediately, Wang Mang silently said in his heart, "The system uses Zhenxian Coffin!"

As soon as the words fell, Wang You's arm rested on Wang Mang's shoulder.

The next moment, Wang Mang had already fled hundreds of miles away before the five people attacked.

And these five people suddenly rushed to nothing.

It can't be said that way, after all, Wang Mang also thoughtfully left them a fairy town coffin.

Seeing Wang Mang who had disappeared, the five people who reacted quickly stopped.

When they saw the corner of the coffin faintly appearing in the void, the complexions of the five people changed suddenly, and some of their scalps went numb!

Almost subconsciously, the five people's Dao rhymes surged at the same time, and they turned around at the same time, wanting to escape into the distance.

Before they could run away, the terrifying gravitational force rushed towards them.

The huge traction made them slow down.

Feeling the kinetic energy brought by the burst of Dao Yun being gradually offset, the five of them suddenly turned pale with shock.

After a few breaths, the terrifying gravitational force spread completely towards the surroundings, and the huge gravitational field distorted this area like a whirlpool.

Even the rays of light falling from the sky cannot escape the result of being dragged by gravity like a fairy coffin.

As the gravitational force intensified, the figures of the five began to approach the immortal coffin uncontrollably.

Feeling the terrifying gravitational force, Di Min gritted his teeth and said again, "Ancient God! Speed ​​up!"

As soon as the words fell, the diamond-shaped mark on his forehead suddenly glowed brightly.

The weak power of the universe flowed out from his body.

If it is normal, he can easily cross to another void.

But at this time, his surroundings were completely covered by gravity, and the extremely twisted void made it very difficult for him to complete this idea.

In the final analysis, they are just inheritors, not real ancient gods.

How could the innate gods of the universe be trapped by the mere fundamental force of the universe.

Although difficult, it is not impossible.

Compared with the other four, Di Min is much better.

Although the other few people possess the supreme dao rhyme, their ability to escape is not a bit worse than that of Di Min.

However, as the Tianjiao of the top power and the strongest young patriarch, he must have his cards.

The next moment, several talisman papers floated out from the bodies of several people at the same time.

As the talisman began to burn, several people would also get out of this area.

At this moment, a burst of spatial fluctuation appeared beside them, and the burning talisman disappeared immediately.

Instead make several twigs.


"Is this the case?"


A few people were stunned for a while, and they all looked at the branch that came out of nowhere.

Someone intervened? !

At this time, Wang Mang, who was a few miles away, had a smirk on his face.

He had expected this situation a long time ago, after all, he was the young patriarch of the top power.

If there is no hole card, Wang Mang still doesn't believe it.

No, he killed Wang Mang, who returned his carbine, and got a lot of money back.

The four talisman papers that were half activated were directly replaced by him using the Ultimate Territory.

It is a few miles away from Zhenxian Coffin. Although there is gravity, it is far less serious than those around these people.

Here, Wang Mang used the power of the avenue to resist, which can completely offset the traction that pervades the surrounding area.

Staring straight at the vortex area, Wang Mang is still ready to go, ready for the sixth child at any time.

Although Wang Mang couldn't see clearly the distance of a few miles, he could rely on perception.

As long as they dare to take out something, they can replace it at any time.

Thinking in this way, Wang Mang glanced at the tall branches beside him.

"That's enough, don't chop any more." Wang Mang said to Wang You helplessly.

As soon as the words fell, Wang You, who was holding the Excalibur, stopped immediately and came to Wang Mang's side.

At this time, around the fairy coffin in the central town.

The figures of the five people are getting closer and closer to Zhenxian Coffin.

Gravity flowed continuously from the opened coffin.

The dark and impenetrable mouth of the coffin is like an abyss, which makes people not only imagine the scene in it.

The more this happened, the more flustered the five of them became.

Grandma's, **** it, the Crossing Talisman mysteriously disappeared.

If they find out, they will definitely not spare the mastermind behind the scenes!

The first thing to do is to get out of this place.

With this in mind, several people once again sacrificed the crossing talisman paper.

This time they were more careful. Whenever the talisman paper appeared, they would force Dao Yun to simply wrap the talisman paper around.

Sure enough, the moment the crossing talisman appeared, the space ripple appeared again.

In an instant, several people quickly manipulated Dao Yun to show off their power, directly obliterating the faint space ripples that appeared.

The next moment, the four Crossing Void Talismans were completely activated, and the bodies of the four people disappeared in place.

After the four escaped, only Di Min was left.

At this time, the cross-domain void is still being displayed.

From time to time, he muttered "Ancient God, hurry up..."

However, the distorted void is so chaotic that it is impossible to cross it.

Thinking of this, he sighed helplessly. Then he also took out the crossing talisman.

The moment the talisman appeared, space ripples reappeared.

Di Min, who had been on guard for a long time, immediately drove Dao Yun to destroy him.

As he also disappeared in place, the trapped five people escaped completely.

Staring at the situation, Wang Mang sighed helplessly.

At this time, the skin on his body began to recover faintly, but the speed was very slow.

It is initially estimated that it will take at least half a day at the current speed.

As for using the characteristics of a few strands of power to recover, Wang Mang has also tried it.

But unfortunately, the characteristics of the supreme avenue seem to be unable to act on Wang Mang's body.

Distorting the surrounding space and void ~www.readwn.com~ but unable to affect his body a little bit.

For example, the retrospective characteristic of time, and the tampering characteristic of causality.

Although a little regretful, Wang Mang didn't have much expectation at all.

Putting the physical situation behind him, Wang Mang began to meditate on the current situation.

These people must have escaped outside of themselves.

It is definitely possible to go back now and take a surprise attack.

But the problem is, this eternity realm fifth-layer Tianjiao is somewhat difficult to kill with his current means.

Once he was restrained, he would definitely be besieged.

The Immortal Coffin has already been used, and the consumables can only be used once.

The situation is still not good!

end of chapter

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