I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1869: Daytime Space 1 Battle!


The gorgeous flames lit up, and several strands of avenue power erupted to form an energy storm that suddenly appeared.

When the five strands of Dao power acted on the stiff shell of the Xuantian Turtle, it suddenly began to change as if it encountered something coveted.

In Wang Mang's astonished eyes, the five great powers suddenly appeared scarlet, and then began to skyrocket crazily.

In one breath, the product expands to twice its original size.

This also made the energy storm caused by the five great powers intensify.

After a while, it swelled to twice its original size, enveloping the Xuantian Turtle.

The wrapped Xuantian Turtle was currently shrinking into its shell.

Originally thought that retracting into the tortoise shell could easily resist the power of these avenues, of course, this is also the case under normal circumstances.

Although the five powers of the Great Dao all have characteristics, it is difficult for these characteristics to act on targets with strong physical bodies.

Otherwise, if Wang Mang directly used the backtracking of the Avenue of Time, wouldn't he be directly invincible?

Just relying on the power of the current level of Dao Power, it is difficult to shake the Xuantian Turtle.

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But the double damage of the explosive talisman is not a vegetarian, it directly doubles the power of the avenue and the power of the characteristics!

At this time, the Wugu Dao not only glowed with the original divine light, but also added some scarlet.

The Xuantian Turtle who was wrapped also felt something was wrong, Wang Mang's main means of dealing with him before was the extremely sharp white sword.

As for the power of the Great Dao, it doesn't need to take it too seriously.

But at this time, his turtle shell has been greatly damaged!

Just the explosive kinetic energy of the five great avenues made his body in the tortoise shell feel the shock.

The ten strong characteristics are constantly acting on its turtle shell.

The Kamui that distorted reality interfered with the surrounding space in an instant.

In just a few breaths, the surrounding space is obliterated, revealing a deeper void.

This is not the most deadly, there are more or less cracks on the turtle shell.

The avenue of space is a famous term for invisible power. As soon as there is a gap, the avenue of space will immediately penetrate.

There are also several other supreme avenues.

Its body on the inside is nothing like the outside.

There were bursts of tingling pain from inside the body, this situation made Xuan Tiangui's expression stiffen.

The next moment, it quickly drove the aura of heaven and earth to spread towards the body.

Only then did it resist the power of the Dao that penetrated in.

Otherwise, it won't be long before it will be disintegrated from the inside.

Xuantiangui exhaled foul air and stretched out his five limbs again.

At the same time, the body shrank again, becoming the same size as Wang Mang.

The energy storm disappeared slowly, and the shrunken body of the Xuantian Turtle came into view immediately.

Wang Mang narrowed his eyes and grinned.

There was a turmoil in the space, and Wang Mang's body suddenly disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, he had already come behind Xuan Tiangui.

Xuantiangui, who was on guard, immediately drove the aura of heaven and earth to condense behind him.


A muffled sound resounded, and Wang Mang's right fist lingering with the power of the Dao stopped in front of the barrier formed by the aura of heaven and earth.

Feeling the resistance from his right arm, the smile on Wang Mang's face remained the same.

The next moment, his right arm suddenly twisted.

The chaotic and disordered characteristics glowed at the same time, and began to decompose the substance of heaven and earth aura.

In Xuan Tiangui's sight, first was Wang Mang's right arm, then his shoulder and that distorted smile.

All of a sudden, Xuantian Gui's expression was shocked.

His aura of heaven and earth was fundamentally broken down.

In the past, even if you used the aura of heaven and earth to fight against the enemy

Humans fight against each other, but the aura of heaven and earth is born in nature, as long as it is not directly wiped out, if it is broken up, it can still be inhaled and used again.

But this situation is obviously different from the past.

Staring at the barrier like walking on thin ice, Xuan Tiangui knew that he might really fall here today.

He wanted to take a look at the situation on the side of the fierce white tiger, but the situation in front of him prevented him from being distracted.

"Huh!" Spit out a piece of air from the jaw Xuantian Gui~www.readwn.com~ bit the bullet and blessed the aura of heaven and earth.

The light cyan aura of heaven and earth flowed out from its body, and fully blessed the gradually distorted area.

Feeling the weakening of the influence of the characteristics, Wang Mang was slightly taken aback.

Was it resisted?

Turning his head to look aside, Wang You and the vicious white tiger were fighting in full swing.

Fierce sword energy and fierce air continuously surged out.

Seeing this situation, Wang Mang shook his head slightly and looked away.

It seems that it is unrealistic to want to take down the tortoise without paying anything.

The power of the avenue will only trigger the double effect if it falls directly on the body of the monster.

Right now, the power of my avenue lies in the battle of heaven and earth aura, so naturally it cannot be triggered.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang took a breath helplessly, and increased the output of Dao again.

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