I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1870: Buddha? Metamorphosis!

【There is really no giant python in my reservoir】【】

As Wang Mang increased the output of the power of the Dao, the Xuantian Turtle who was fighting against him suddenly became distressed.

The aura of heaven and earth is limited, and the environment at this time cannot continue to fight for a long time.

If this continues, he will soon fall into the end.

Unless the fierce white tiger can solve it quickly and then come to help him.

Xuan Tiangui's heart was terrified, and a sense of despair rose up.

At this time, it regretted its decision to follow the ancient starry sky beast.

But even if he rejects the ancient starry sky beast, he might not be able to survive, right?

Xuan Tiangui gave a wry smile, and said with a wry smile:

Continuing to bless the aura of heaven and earth, the Xuantian Turtle floated motionless in the space like a stone sculpture.

No one knew that its state of mind at this time was already dominated by despair and confusion.

I lived my whole life in a daze, in a world created by others.

There are no ups and downs or great sorrows and joys.

Living aimlessly like this every day, the strength is also automatically improving.

My long life seemed meaningless, and it was a good end.

The completely enlightened Xuan Tiangui swept away the gloom in his heart, and the mood of despair all over his body disappeared.

At this moment, it has looked down on life and death, and is no longer constrained by the predicament in front of it.

On the other hand, Wang Mang, on the other side, blessed the power of the Dao with a calm face.

After all, the situation of Xuantian Gui is still unclear, and Wang Mang at this time also thinks that this is another protracted war of attrition.

Of course, war of attrition is not Wang Mang's favorite way of fighting, but it is also what he is best at.

Dacheng's god-refining dominance and endless supreme avenue, so that when facing such a battle, Wang Mang always has an advantage that ordinary people can't match.

From the corner of his eye, Wang Mang kept looking at the situation outside the Distorted Realm.

Then he cast his perception again.

After a few breaths, Wang Mang frowned slightly.

Sure enough, it was still the same as before, and the surroundings were still confused by these rays of light.

Except for my own side, there is no life in other areas at all, just like an empty space station.

Driving the power of his avenue to run, Wang Mang silently said in his heart:

As soon as the voice fell, the system's voice also sounded:

[Ding! Answer the host: This is the demon realm. 】

[Sprite Buddha Field: The area in the center of the second ring universe! 】

[Since ancient times, the news of Buddha and demons has been circulated among the people. Unlike the major top forces, the top forces represent absolute authority. Buddhas and demons are legendary existences, or they are people's imaginations. 】qqxδnew

After hearing the introduction of the system, Wang Mang looked around thoughtfully.

Sprite Buddha Realm? Are these rays of light around us not the light of Buddha?

No, I have seen Buddha light before.

The radiance here must be completely different from the Buddha's radiance encountered in the special world before.

Putting these redundant conjectures behind him, Wang Mang concentrated on blessing the power of the Dao.

In this way, the time of the three sticks of incense has passed.

At this time, Wang Mang's five avenue powers are still unabated, confronting the aura of heaven and earth.

The collision between the two forces has already turned the surrounding space into dust.

Only the void is left in constant distortion.

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【There is really no giant python in my reservoir】【】

Staring at the Xuantian Turtle at the other end, Wang Mang licked his lips.

I don't know how long it will last.

Presumably Wang You's side is about to come to a result, right?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang glanced to the other side again.

On the other side of the battlefield, only the ferocious white tiger had lost its vicious aura.

Wang You, on the other hand, took advantage of his speed and kept pulling it.

At this time, Wang You seemed to be a flash of light, and the speed was so fast that it was difficult to capture it visually.

Of course, his style of play is also very wretched, not confronting the vicious white tiger head-on.

Whenever it wants to support Xuantian Turtle, Wang You, who has been hovering around its edge, will give it a blow, making the fierce white tiger unable to get away.

Repeatedly, Wang You's hatred in the heart of the fierce white tiger is also full.

This not vicious white tiger was in the form of energy all the time, completely ignoring the oncoming sword light, and just rushed towards Wang You.

If it weren't for the speed that couldn't keep up, Wang You must have been cut into pieces by it at this time.

Wang You, who was moving at a high speed, teased very leisurely.

From his perspective, the vicious white tiger moved as slowly as a tortoise, not even having a chance to touch the corner of his clothes.

All you need to do is drag it down. In Wang You's eyes, it's as simple as eating.

Therefore, he also started paddling.

Of course, it was indeed difficult for his attack to cause effective damage to the fierce white tiger.

After taking a panoramic view of all this, Wang Mang withdrew his gaze.

At this moment, the aura of heaven and earth in front of him suddenly stagnated, which directly caused Wang Mang's power of the great way to get closer to Xuantian Gui again.

Wang Mang stared straight ahead, eyes full of astonishment.

Can't hold on anymore?

I thought it was more or less long-lasting.

After all, the body shape is there.

As soon as he thought of this, a vague smile appeared on his face, and then he suddenly increased the output of the power of the great way.

At this moment, the Xuantian Tortoise, which was fighting against Wang Mang, saw the aura barrier of heaven and earth recede for a few minutes, its eyes suddenly glowed~www.readwn.com~ Xuantian Tortoise was very calm, not at all Panicked because he was at a disadvantage.

The surrounding radiance poured into its body continuously.

After absorbing the surrounding light, the inside of the Xuantian Turtle also changed.

At this time, it only feels that its heart has been sublimated, and all the kindness and resentment in the past have disappeared, and its heart is extremely peaceful.

Behind it, another huge ring is slowly forming.

The radiance that entered the Xuantian Turtle's body was transforming together with its body.

After half a stick of incense, the spiritual barrier of heaven and earth was blown away under Wang Mang's unremitting efforts.

The five strands of avenue power swept towards Xuantian Turtle unabated.

The corner of Wang Mang's mouth raised into a smile.

The next harvest time has come.

Looking at Wang Mang, he happened to see Xuan Tiangui's indifferent attitude.

Have you accepted your fate? Wang Mang didn't think much about continuing to drive a few strands of great power.

Just when the characteristics of several strands of power of the Dao were brought into full play and were about to touch Xuantiangui's body, Xuantiangui suddenly said:

As soon as the voice fell, the ring behind it was completely formed, and the light of the ten thousand-zhang Buddha shone from it.

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【There is really no giant python in my reservoir】【】

All areas covered by Buddha's light have become a peaceful area.

The power of the avenue that was attacking it was immediately stagnated by the Buddha's light.

At the same time, Wang Mang instantly lost contact with the five great powers.

This situation caused Wang Mang's face to change suddenly, and he stared at Xuan Tian Gui in disbelief!

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