I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1873: The Buddha Kingdom in the palm of your hand? Infinity domain?

【There is really no giant python in my reservoir】【】

Suddenly, five strands of great power swept out from Wang Mang's body.

In an instant, the fierce white tiger in the form of particle energy was wrapped.

Seeing this, the vicious white tiger was startled, and hastily added: "I can be your mount!"

"Just save my life."

As soon as these words came out, the power of the Great Dao that wrapped them stopped immediately.

Wang Mang began to think seriously, and the dark golden brilliance flowed in his eyes.

Seeing this, Wang You, who was about to swing his sword, also stopped his movements.

Just when the vicious white tiger thought that he could escape, the five great powers around him suddenly began to circulate.

The ten strongest characteristics began to show their power, constantly obliterating the evil spirit.

"What about you?..." Before it could finish speaking, several strands of avenue power suddenly increased their power, obliterating and devouring it directly.

A smile appeared on Wang Mang's face, and he said indifferently, "I thought you would also enter the Buddhist path."

As soon as the words fell, the voice of the system suddenly sounded in Wang Mang's mind:

【Ding! Devouring the incomplete and eternal level eighth-level monster beast! Get 400 million Dao Crystals! 】

Hearing this, Wang Mang sighed, a little regretful that 400 million Dao crystals were missing after all.

But this place is a bit weird, and Wang Mang didn't dare to use the Dao of Devouring wantonly.

At this moment, Wang Mang caught a glimpse of the phantoms of the Golden Lotus Buddha from the corner of his eye.

Seeing that these things didn't disappear together with the Xuantian Turtle?

It's really weird! Wang Mang stared at those phantoms closely.

Wang You, who was beside him, followed his gaze.

"Oh? Didn't these things disappear?" Wang You was a little surprised.

After hearing his words, Wang Mang frowned, and said slowly, "I don't know."

After speaking, Wang Mang quickly communicated with the ancient **** in his mind.

"My compatriots, take back your strength."

As soon as the words fell, the voice of the ancient **** also sounded instantly: "Okay!"

In an instant, the power of the ancient **** in the body disappeared into the void like an ebbing tide.

The next moment, a huge soreness swept over Wang Mang's whole body.

For a while, Wang Mang gritted his teeth.

Then he ordered to Wang You beside him: "Stab me to death."

Wang worry:? ? ?

After reacting, without hesitation, Wang You raised his sword and stabbed Wang Mang to death.

In an instant, a thin line of time appeared, wrapping Wang Mang up.

Seeing this situation, Wang You added silently in his heart: I've wanted to do this for a long time.

After a few breaths, Wang Mang's body was recast and his consciousness returned.

Wang Mang looked relaxed after exercising his muscles and bones a little: "It can be said that this is the magical effect of constant time body."

It records the state of the body in good condition, and when the load of the power of the ancient gods comes, it will be refreshed directly.

Seeing that the phantom images of the Buddha had not dissipated, Wang Mang also didn't want to stay in this ghostly place anymore.

"Take me away."

As soon as these words came out, Wang You nodded and put a hand on Wang Mang's shoulder.

boom! The wind blows, and the figures of the two turn into a stream of light and flee towards the distance.

At this time, in the original position of the spectator seats.

The patriarchs of the top powers still gather here.

"The departure of all the ancient beasts in the starry sky will definitely cause serious trouble in the future."

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【There is really no giant python in my reservoir】【】

"There is also Wang Mang, that wicked beast. Once such talent grows up, it must not be underestimated."

"Maybe it's the next Ascender."

"Don't forget where this is. It's not easy for him to survive."

"Hehe, it's also the Sprite Buddha Realm. It's not like you can leave just by saying it."

At this time, in the sprites and monsters full of radiance.

A bright streamer flashed across these areas, and quickly gliding towards a place.

At this moment, Wang You's figure suddenly came to Wang Mang's ears: "Someone is following us."

After hearing this, Wang Mang's vision was blurred, and Wang Mang was also taken aback.

Someone is following me?

Wang Mang quickly activated his perception, but Wang You's speed was so fast that he couldn't perceive it at all.

"How many people are there?" Wang Mang had no choice but to ask Wang You.

As soon as the words fell, Wang You's voice came again: "Two, a man and a woman."

Hearing this, Wang Mang was stunned, a man and a woman?

Could it be Senior Abyss Skull and Senior Qing Yi?

If so, why not appear directly but follow behind?

After contemplating for a moment, Wang Mang ordered to him: "Speed ​​up. Don't let the other party catch up."

After all, he didn't know the identity of the other party, and this place gave Wang Mang a very weird feeling.

Avoid trouble, get out of here first.

At this time, after seeing Wang Mang speeding up, the two people in the rear also speeded up.

No matter how Wang You speeded up, the opponent always kept a distance.

Not getting too close or being thrown away.

Wang You also told Wang Mang about this situation.

After hearing the news, Wang Mang frowned immediately.

The speed that can keep up with Wang You is either a leader in the field of speed, or the opponent's strength is very strong.

Regardless of the situation, Wang Mang didn't really want to make contact with the other party.

Besides, according to Wang You's description, the speed of the other party may be higher than his, but they are just keeping a distance.

"Don't care about them, speed up and get out of this ghost place." Wang Mang took a deep breath.

Hearing this, Wang You nodded and used the infinite speed to the extreme.

For a moment, Wang Mang directly lost his sporadic and blurred vision, and everything around him became a stable and blurred afterimage.

At this time, the two people behind Wang Mang were also discussing: "This kid runs quite fast."

"Haha, speed is the only way to be safe, isn't it?"

"In other words, why don't we just follow up?"

"Don't worry, just wait for a while now and just follow~www.readwn.com~Brother Mu, are you afraid that there will be others following?"


Just like that, an hour passed.

At this time, Wang Mang was led by Wang You with a look of lovelessness.

If it weren't for the centrifugal force of his body from time to time, Wang Mang would have thought he hadn't moved at all.

That's right, what Wang Mang's eyes showed has never changed.

They are blurry but permanent afterimages.

It's been an hour, and Wang You, who was accelerating at full speed, still hasn't left this ghostly place.

This time is enough for Wang You to fly through several special worlds.

In this place, I have not seen the boundary yet.

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【There is really no giant python in my reservoir】【】

"Haven't you seen the edge of this place?" Wang Mang asked Wang You again.

In a short period of time, he has raised this question countless times.

"No." Wang You replied indifferently.

Maybe it's because he's returned to his previous indifference, or maybe he was annoyed by Wang Mang's questioning.

Seeing that no one else showed up after following for an hour, Shen Yuanhu was also relieved. .qqxsnew

"Okay, let's just show up and meet this kid."

At this time, in a chaotic place.

A golden statue of Buddha stared down at his raised palm.

In its palm, two beams of light flew across at high speed, and the one in the rear was gradually getting closer to the one in front.

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