To be honest, Wang Mang really wanted to know, where did Lu Xueyi rely on to threaten him? wap.

Do you really think that if you have money, you can do whatever you want? Even let yourself cast a mouse?

If it is said that Lu Xueyi's family is powerful and powerful, Wang Mang is a little bit afraid.

Although, Wang Mang is already very powerful now.

But he is not arrogant enough to think that he can compete with modern powerful and terrifying weapons.

Therefore, apart from modern and terrifying weapons, Wang Mang is really not afraid of many things that threaten him.

Therefore, after facing Lu Xueyi's threat, Wang Mang couldn't help feeling very funny.

After all, he is still a child! too naive! Do you really think he was scared?

The big bear beside him was also very speechless.

He didn't expect that under such circumstances, Little Teddy would dare to threaten Wang Mang!

Who gave her the courage?

Liang Jingru?

You know, even if he is in front of Wang Mang, he can only please, he is in a panic!

At the same time, Wang Mang opened his **** mouth wide, and said coldly: "I'm so scared!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Mang was so enraged that even the towering tree coiled under him made a sound of breaking.

Accompanied by a bang!

The big tree under Wang Mang was entangled in two by him, and it was seriously distorted and deformed.

This is the strength that Wang Mang revealed under his inadvertent anger!

Seeing this scene, Lu Xueyi couldn't help trembling with fear, subconsciously took a few steps back: " can't kill me."

"You kill me, I...I will let my father send someone to kill you."

Even at this time, Lu Xueyi still did not forget the threat of panic.

Because she knew that it was useless to pretend to be pitiful in front of Wang Mang.

Unfortunately, what she didn't know was that even facing her threat was of no use to Wang Mang.

On the contrary, it completely angered Wang Mang's heart!

Enraged, Wang Mang moved his body and came to Little Teddy.

Looking down at the little Teddy, Wang Mang smiled: "Lu Xueyi, right! I'm waiting for you at Huanshan Reservoir!"

"I see how you can treat me?"

As soon as the words fell, Wang Mang opened his **** mouth, and under Lu Xueyi's horrified gaze, he directly swallowed her into his stomach.

"Ah! I won't let you go!" Little Teddy screamed.

Hearing this, Wang Mang didn't pay any attention to it. After swallowing the little teddy, he gained a pitiful few hundred evolution points.

This point of evolution is simply negligible for Wang Mang today.

Therefore, if it wasn't for understanding Qi, Wang Mang would never have mobilized her.

For Wang Mang, this is completely

It's all a waste of time.

With this wasted time, he could hunt as many psychic fish as he entered his own reservoir.

"Brother Big Python, next time if you encounter this little **** in a mission, we will still help you deal with this little bitch."

At this time, Gou Xiong said in an extremely flattering tone.

Hearing this, Wang Mang nodded indifferently: "Thank you for your hard work..."

"It's a pity that you can't kill this little **** in a non-mission state!"

"Only in the non-mission state, killing this little **** can be regarded as the real killing of this little bitch."

….Hearing this, Big Bear nodded repeatedly and said, "Yes! Brother Giant Python, but you have caused her a heavy loss by failing her mission."

"Well, when I meet this little **** in the mission, I will work hard for you to deal with her. I will go first."

After speaking, Wang Mang moved his huge body and disappeared into the jungle.

Seeing Wang Mang's leaving back, Big Bear heaved a sigh of relief.

For some reason, every time he faced Wang Mang, he felt a palpitating and terrifying sense of oppression.

He knew that this was the fear of facing Wang Mang, because Wang Mang's figure was really too abnormal.

There are absolutely not many large animals on land that can compete with Wang Mang!

Perhaps the appearance of dinosaurs in the dinosaur age is not too bad.

The dinosaurs have been extinct for far too long, though!

It is estimated that none of the large animals that exist on the earth today are Wang Mang's all-in-one enemy.

"Perhaps as long as there are monster-level existences like Brother Python, can they compete with Brother Python?"

After muttering to himself, Gou Xiong left and continued to complete his task.

At the same time, Wang Mang had already arrived at the shore of Huanshan Da Reservoir.

All the way, the appearance of Wang Mang scared away the animals on the bank of the reservoir.

Then, Wang Mang moved his body swaggeringly and got into the reservoir.

Under the moonlight, on the surface of the reservoir lake, Wang Mang swam unscrupulously.

He is going to hunt hard again today, and strive to break through the 30-meter length as soon as possible!

After all, it is becoming more and more difficult for Wang Mang to evolve now.

The evolution points needed are getting bigger and bigger!

If only relying on his father to send pigs every day, it would take about four to five thousand pigs to evolve once.

What is the concept of four or five thousand pigs? It will cost almost 40 to 50 million funds!

In other words, Wang Mang has evolved once now, and has almost reached the point of 40 to 50 million.

After Wang Mang reaches 30 meters, it is unrealistic for Wang Mang to rely on his family members to evolve.

Because, once it reaches 30 meters, Wang Mang needs to consume 100 million funds for each evolution. Please download the latest content of the app iRead app

that is

It takes tens of thousands of pigs to get enough evolution points!

Therefore, when the time comes, his father's worth will not be of much help to him.

Unless you go bankrupt to help Wang Mang evolve, you can only help Wang Mang evolve twice more.

So Wang Mang had already expected it in his heart, and then he began to rely on his own efforts again!

Because he wants to continue to become stronger, and when his family can't support him, he has to rely on himself.

At this moment, after entering Huanshan Da Reservoir, Wang Mang started hunting again.

He was in Huanshan Great Reservoir, just like yesterday, searching for psychic fish over five meters high.

After all, it is a big reservoir, even after Wang Mang slaughtered and devoured it.

However, the Huanshan Great Reservoir is still very rich in fish, and there are still many psychic fish.

Therefore, within a short period of time, Wang Mang caught seven or eight big psychic fish.

After swallowing, the familiar voice of the system continued to sound:


Accompanied by the continuous sound of the system.

Wang Mang was also very surprised. Some fishes are obviously small in size, but they provide a lot of evolution points.

This is where Wang Mang was very surprised.

Even though the big red carp is only six meters long, can it provide him with 80,000 evolution points?

Even though the big grass carp is only six meters long, can it provide 60,000 evolution points?

Maybe there are different factors?

But at this moment, Wang Mang suddenly saw a huge black shadow in front of him, rushing towards this side.

When Wang Mang saw this huge black shadow, he was completely shocked.

It was a huge black shadow, and its area was too large.

It seems to cover a piece of water, revealing its incomparably huge volume!

Also, this huge shadow is close behind.

Only then did Wang Mang see clearly this terrifying behemoth!

yes! To Wang Mang, this huge shadow was like a colossus!

Moreover, this huge creature is none other than a black giant catfish!

Its body is more than 30 meters its width is seven or eight meters!

He has an exaggerated size comparable to a giant ship in the water!

If we compare Wang Mang to a telegraph pole.

Then the giant catfish in front of you is like a tall building!

The size disparity between the two is too great!

Wang Mang is only 28 meters long and half a meter wide.

But what about the giant catfish in front of you?

It has a body length of 33 meters!

Moreover, it is fat and big, like a super big ball.

The width of his body reached nearly eight meters!

In comparison between the two, Wang Mang's figure is really too small in front of it!

There are no giant pythons in my reservoir.

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