I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1875: Desolate Ridge!

【There is really no giant python in my reservoir】【】

Faced with Qing Yi's question, Wang Mang was also taken aback.

After pondering for a moment, he didn't know how to answer.

Wang You is his entourage, but the origin seems a bit hard to explain.

At this point in his mind, Wang Mang also made up random things: "Well, I met it when I was traveling around the world."

"I was also shocked at the time. There are still people who look exactly like me."

"This is not to bring together."

? ? ?

After hearing Wang Mang's words, Wang You's eyes widened for a moment.

However, under Wang Mang's warning gaze, he still chose to remain silent.

"Haha, so that's it. Not only does this person look exactly like you, but he can also come and go freely in the special world."

Qing Yi smiled meaningfully.

After all, she has seen the scene of Wang You stepping out of the rift in space more than once.

Hearing this, Wang Mang smiled nonchalantly as if he didn't hear it.

"Okay, get ready to go out."

At this moment, the voice of the abyss skeleton came suddenly.

I saw him clenched the Buddha statue tightly, and crushed it with all his strength in the next moment.

"Don't use the power of the avenue, don't resist." Abyss Bone reminded.

As soon as the words fell, a vortex suddenly appeared and enveloped several people.

At the same time, Wang Mang felt a subtle pull.

Not very strong, like the feeling when you are about to fall asleep.

The next moment, the surrounding glow enveloped several people.

For a moment, Wang Mang lost his vision again.

The whole person was filled with a vague feeling, as if he saw something in the darkness and only saw the darkness.

After an unknown amount of time, Wang Mang suddenly felt someone slapping his face.

After opening his eyes, a slap came close at hand.

In an instant, Wang Mang's heart trembled, and the five great powers burst out directly.


A muffled sound sounded, and a figure flew out backwards.

Wang You stared at Wang Mang full of resentment, while Shen Yuankui and Qing Yi stood aside and did not speak.

Being stared at by Wang You like this, Wang Mang suddenly became angry.

His grandma, this follower actually wants to rebel.

"Don't think about it in a hundred years!" Wang Mang's voice appeared in Wang You's mind.

The moment he heard the words, the latter's expression was shocked, and when he was about to say something, a space ripple immediately wrapped him up.

After Wang You disappeared, there were faint smiles on both of their faces.

"Wang Mang, the next thing you have to face is the pursuit of five top powers."

"Do you have the confidence to survive?" Abyss asked with a concerned expression.

After hearing this, Wang Mang was stunned.

After realizing it, he also sneered at this sentence.

I, Mr. Wang, are most afraid of being hunted down.

Of course, these thoughts in my heart are not suitable to be expressed in front of the two seniors.

"You can't just catch him without a fight." Wang Mang said helplessly.

Hearing this, the corners of Shen Yuankui's mouth slightly raised, and he took off a space bag from his waist and threw it to Wang Mang.

Seeing this, Wang Mang was overjoyed immediately, even if the patriarch was doing his best, he didn't need to hint.

As soon as Wang Mang got a space kit, a smile appeared on Wang Mang's face, and he accepted it unceremoniously.

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【There is really no giant python in my reservoir】【】

"Then I would like to thank the patriarch."

Seeing Wang Mang's greedy and familiar smile, Shen Yuanqian couldn't help but laugh.

"There are still things to deal with in the clan, so let's go first."

"There are spatial maps in the bag."

"By the way, Abyss Xuanming, what do you plan to do?"

After hearing this, Wang Mang frowned.

The previous idea was to take Abyss Xuanming to devour the living together.

But now I am afraid that this situation is a bit difficult to deal with.

If you bring it with you, you will probably be implicated by yourself.

After pondering for a while, Wang Mang said slowly, "Let's talk after the limelight."

"At that time, I will go to the top world of the abyss."

Hearing this, Yuan Yuan nodded: "Yes, don't worry, I will take care of him for you."

As soon as these words came out, a warm current flowed in Wang Mang's heart.


Shen Yuanqian shook his head with a smile and patted Wang Mang's shoulder.

"If you have any difficulties, you can come to the Abyss Nine Clans to find me."

"Okay, see you later."

"Coffin boy, goodbye." Qing Yi said with a smile.

After hearing her words, Wang Mang suddenly said: "When the time comes, you must release the news when you are going to get married."

"No matter how far away I will come."

As soon as the words fell, Abyss Skull suddenly became flustered.

Qing Yi at the side gave Wang Mang a look of approval.

"Let's go." Shen Yuankui was full of Dao rhyme, and he stood up from the ground.

Seeing this, Qing Yi said to Wang Mang that he would definitely do it, and then left.

Seeing the figures of the two drifting away, Wang Mang chuckled a few times, and then began to look around.

I didn't pay attention to it just now, but looking at it now, Wang Mang realized that the place he was in was a desolate ridge plain.

From time to time, the power of the Great Dao pervades the surrounding area.

The scene of releasing the perception to the maximum range of ten miles immediately appeared in Wang Mang's mind.

After a breath, Wang Mang squeezed his chin, and whispered in surprise: "It's strange, there are no creatures in this place."

At this moment, a system prompt sounded in Wang Mang's mind:

【Ding! The current situation of the host has been detected! Give the host the following task options! 】

【Mission 1: Stay where you are for an hour! 】

[Task time: You can get it when you complete it! 】

[Task Reward: Eternal Treasure Chest x1! Eternal Blind Box x1! Dao Crystal 50 billion! 】

[Task 2: Stay in place for three hours! 】

[Task time: You can get it when you complete it! 】

[Task Reward: Eternal Level Treasure Chest~www.readwn.com~Eternal Level Blind Box x2, Dao Crystal 100 billion! 】

[Mission 3: Stay in place for a day! 】

[Task time: You can get it after completing it! 】

[Task Reward: Eternal Treasure Chest x3, Eternal Blind Box x3, Dao Crystal 200 billion! 】

After hearing the three tasks suddenly released by the system, Wang Mang was stunned. qqxδnew

The length of time you stay in place determines how much reward you get.

Could it be that this place is very dangerous?

Wang Mang's heart was shocked, he looked around and then carefully sensed it in his mind.

Hmm, still no breath?

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【There is really no giant python in my reservoir】【】

After Wang Mang pondered for a while, he asked the system: "Is this place very dangerous?"

【Ding! Answer host: unknown. 】

? ? ?

After hearing the system's reply, Wang Mang was stunned.

You can't even know an environment. Which system is as stretched as you are?

After a few breaths, Wang Mang changed his questioning method: "If I stay here for an hour, how dangerous is it?"

【Ding! Danger and opportunity coexist! An hour of danger is generally not enough to threaten life. 】

Hearing this, Wang Mang squinted his eyes: "Then what about three hours?"


【Ding! more dangerous]

Hearing this, Wang Mang already had an answer in his heart, but he continued to ask, "How about staying for a day?"

【Ding! The host guesses by himself! 】

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