I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1878: restricted area!

Staring at the overwhelming black waves, Wang Mang's expression was a little dignified.

I can only accept it hard!

"Be careful, don't die." Wang Mang reminded Wang You who was on the side with the power of the Great Dao.

Hearing this, Wang You was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly understood.

But he was still a little puzzled: "Aren't we going to run?"

Although this black wave looks very terrifying, its speed is not fast, and it is more than enough to say that it wants to run.

Wang Mang squinted his eyes, and said bluntly, "Hold it!"

After speaking, Wang Mang took a deep breath.

It's not that scary, but it's impossible to be sure in the face of the unknown.

The pitch-black waves beat, and the black water was like a torrent, spreading across the entire ridge in an instant.

Wang Mang's breath was concentrated, and the power of the Great Dao surrounding him exploded instantly! Remember the URL m.luoqiuzwww. cc

bang! puff——

In an instant, the dark wave directly covered the area where Wang Mang was.

Wang Mang's vision lost its light in an instant, but with the protection of the power of the Great Dao, there is also a safe area around him.

Through the power of the Great Dao, Wang Mang also saw the black waves clearly.

Different from swallowing the road by himself, the color of these black waves is not so dark.

However, there are a lot of corpses inside, as if the status that should belong to sea creatures has been replaced by them.

While Wang Mang was observing the scene outside, a system prompt sounded in his mind:

[Ding! Congratulations to the host! mission accomplished! Rewards have been distributed to personal items! 】

Hearing this, Wang Mang was stunned for a moment and reacted immediately.

Mission accomplished.

Immediately, Wang Mang sent a voice transmission to Wang You: "Take me out of here!"

At this time, Wang You, who received Wang Mang's voice transmission, appeared beside Wang Mang immediately after hearing this.

After putting his hand on Wang Mang's shoulder, the Speed ​​Dao Yun on his body suddenly started to run wildly.

boom! A muffled sound sounded, and the figures of the two turned into a stream of light, breaking through the black waves and flying towards the sky.

During the flight, Wang You looked down.

Immediately, he saw a scene that made his scalp tingle.

Could it be that the black spray was slapping, and there were densely packed corpses in it.

Monsters and humans are without exception!

Wang You was stunned, what kind of place is this place?

His back felt cold for a while, and he accelerated his speed sharply.

After a stick of incense, the two came to a deserted and abandoned mountain village.

Staring at the stone walls and eaves covered with dead vines, Wang Mang frowned.

Is it actually an abandoned mountain village?

Taking out the map in the space kit and looking at it, Wang Mang was even more puzzled.

There is no other reason. This map is divided into five areas, named Nanyang, Luobei, Lindong, Guxi, and the restricted area.

Passing the map to Wang You, Wang Mang asked, "What area did we pass by just now?"

After receiving the map, Wang You carefully observed it.

After a few breaths, he pointed to the central restricted area and said slowly, "Based on what I saw on the road just now, we should have come out of this restricted area."

"Where we are right now is on the edge of the penalty area."

While speaking, Wang You pointed to a hill next to the restricted area.

Looking at the area he pointed at, Wang Mang nodded.

"Let's go, leave here and go to Luobei area." Wang Mang ordered to Wang You.

After hearing Wang Mang's words, Wang You nodded and put his hand on him again.

boom! The strong wind provoked the two to rise from the ground.

Not long after the two left, the abandoned mountain village suddenly became blurred.

Faintly, it seems that there are still human voices coming out...

In the Luobei area!

The place is full of luxurious and luxurious lofts, and the streets are full of people coming and going.

From time to time, guards walked through the street.

It is worth mentioning that every pedestrian on the street wears gold belts and silver, and their bodies are slightly swollen to show their richness.

In front of a vendor, a group of ladies in light veils were discussing something: "Oh Mrs. Wang, your pure crystal bracelet is so dazzling."

"That's right, my sisters are so envious."

"Are you envious of Mrs. Wang's bracelet or her husband?"

"Haha, I'm all envious."

"I heard that Mrs. Wang's husband will make a big move in the cold winter recently."

"Really? So I have to talk to that wimp of my family."

Several people complimented for a while.

At the moment, the lady Wang, the rightful lord they were talking about, also smiled and did not express her position at the moment, and she looked very gentle.

"Everyone, don't listen to hearsay, what can there be in that poor place in Lindong?" Mrs. Wang said with a smile, a faint brilliance flashed across her eyes.

After hearing her speech, these ladies were also silent.

"Haha, so that's the case, we took the liberty." One person said haha.

At the gate of Luobei City, the guards stared at the front with contented faces.

This is the wealthy district among the four districts. Usually, there are few people who come here, and at most there are some caravans and carriages.

Therefore, these guards are naturally very relaxed.

But today is different.

A man in armor and a young man in plain clothes appeared at the city gate.

The guards at the gate of the city frowned as they stared at the lavish costumes on the two of them.

As the two came to the gate of the city, the six guards guarding the gate immediately stretched out their hands and made a stop gesture to the two of them.

The two also stopped in cooperation.

"Take out your identification card." The armored guard said to the two of them.

After hearing this, a deep voice suddenly came from the dark gold armor: "Oh? Do I need an ID to get in?"

Hearing this, the guard suddenly became dissatisfied.

It turned out that he was not from the city.

After learning that the two were not natives of Luobei City, the guard's attitude changed suddenly.

He said impatiently: "Non-residents of this city are not allowed to enter without a certificate."

"If you have nothing else to do, just leave."

The guard directly issued an expulsion order to the two.

After hearing this ~www.readwn.com~ Wang You suddenly smiled.

At the same time, he turned his gaze to Wang Mang who was at the side.

At this time, Wang Mang was wearing armor, making his face hard to see.

"Hehehehe!" A low-pitched laugh came from the dark gold armor.

The next moment, Devouring Dao gushed out of his body.

Seeing this situation, the guard immediately laughed.

"A bit strong, but it's not enough to make trouble here."

After speaking, the spear in his hand suddenly glowed with a sharp light.

Seeing the performance of the guards, Wang Mang in the armor frowned: "Don't kill him now and wait for a hundred years to be imprisoned?"

After hearing these words, Wang You's expression suddenly changed.

Without further ado, he directly cast his speed daoyun to greet the guard.

The speed was so fast that the latter did not react at all.

Puff! The sound of the body being pierced.

"Stop." Wang Mang hurriedly stopped Wang You's speed and Dao Yun.

There is really no giant python in my reservoir https://

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