I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1879: Enter Luobei City!

Hearing this, Wang You didn't say much and immediately withdrew Speed ​​Dao Yun.

This shows how frightened he is to be locked in the system space.

In the past, he dared to laugh and laugh with Wang Mang, but now he looks like a humble wage earner.

The next moment, Wang Mang's Devouring Dao immediately wrapped up the guard.

The incident happened suddenly, and the other guards around reacted.


"Attack the enemy!"

I don't know who shouted, and at the same time beat the drum at the gate of the city.

The sound of drums woke up the stunned four.

All of a sudden, the power of the Dao surged all over their bodies, and the spears in their hands glowed with light.

Seeing this situation, Wang Mang in the dark gold armor chuckled lightly. Remember m in a second. luoqiuwww

【Ding! Devouring the ants of the Ninth Heaven of Immortality! Get 900,000 Dao Crystals! 】

After hearing the prompt from the system, Wang Mang's expression remained calm.

"I'll leave these guys to you." Wang Mang said lightly.

After finishing speaking, he walked straight towards the closed city gate.

Hearing this, Wang You also smiled cruelly, and the divine sword in his hand glowed with a sharp sword aura.

Needless to say about the next scene, the Eternal Realm who holds the seventh-tier top-grade divine weapon will face these ants in the Immortal Realm, which is completely a dimensionality reduction blow.

What happens in the rear is not important to Wang Mang.

One person's cap is only 900,000 Dao Crystals.

Standing outside the city gate, Wang Mang stared at the plaque above.

What caught my eye was the three big characters Luobeicheng.

"Luobei City." Wang Mang murmured softly while raising his right hand.

The mysterious and colorful avenue of cause and effect permeates in his palm.

As Wang Mang's heart moved, the Dao of Karma gathered in his hand suddenly came out like an arrow out of a bow.


The roar exploded, and the city gate was smashed open.

Even the surrounding stone pillars were smashed to pieces.

A little smoke appeared, covering the city gate.

Looking at the falling rock above, Wang You beheaded the last person and said nonchalantly, "The movement is really big."

Before the smoke dissipated, a figure slowly walked out of it.

In an instant, dozens of eyes fell on Wang Mang.

Staring at the neat row of guards in front of him, Wang Mang continued walking on his own without stopping.

As Wang Mang gradually approached, the guards who were waiting in battle all swallowed their saliva.

The captain of the guard who was the leader also took a deep breath and felt oppressed.

"Fellow Daoist, the practices in the cultivation world are not popular here."

"It's better not to be unscrupulous if you are powerful."

The guard captain spoke to Wang Mang.

However, Wang Mang's pace still did not stop.

Seeing this situation, although the captain of the guard was puzzled, he also knew that today might not be good.

"All of them! Prepare to attack the enemy!"

Following his order, the surrounding guards suddenly became condensed, and the spears in their hands were aimed at Wang Mang.

At this moment, Wang You suddenly appeared in front of them.

In the perspective of these guards, a streamer suddenly appeared, and then this person appeared here.

Before they could react, this man slashed with his sword!

By the time the guards reacted, the extremely sharp crescent sword glow was already close at hand.

The golden sword glow unscrupulously slashed across the crowd, knocking them all off their feet with just one encounter.

Seeing Wang You's movements, the corners of Wang Mang's mouth slightly raised, and he continued walking.

At this moment, the system's voice suddenly sounded: [Ding! The magic weapon upgrade is complete! 】

Hearing this, Wang Mang stopped immediately.

"The system turns on personal information!"

As soon as the voice fell, the system voice sounded again:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Open personal information successfully! 】

Host: Wang Mang.

Cultivation realm: Immortal Realm Six Heavens! (Great Supreme Tianjiao).

Yuanshen Realm: Immortal Realm Level 6 (Shen Yuan Value 200/3000 Immortal Realm Level 6)

Realm of physical body: Eternal Realm Level 1 (Refinement of God and Hegemony, 0/500 perfection).

The special extreme state of the physical body: not activated.

Realm special extreme state: the power of double extreme state.

Primordial Spirit Special Extreme Realm: Domineering Extreme Realm (cannot be upgraded).

Comprehensive combat power: (Eternal Realm Seventh Heaven).

Divine pet status: Unborn (8000/10000).

Supernatural powers: Aspect of gods and demons (seventh-level top grade), ultimate territory (seventh-level middle-level special!), constant time body (seventh-level middle-level!), rebellious sky (seventh-level middle-level.), universe star sea (from Creation of supernatural powers.). The fruit of all fruits (seventh-level top grade.)

Included in the physical body: Overlord Wushuang!

Weapons: Slaughtering God of War (top seventh-rank mid-rank), Slaughtering Great Halberd (top seventh-rank top-rank), Heaven-cutting Sword (top seventh-rank), top seventh-rank middle-rank divine weapon 13

Items: Seventh-rank middle-grade God's Blessing Talisman x2 Seventh-rank middle-grade Marriage Talisman x7, Cosmos Classic, Eternal Realm Follower x1, Realm Improvement Card x1, Advanced Divine Pet Experience Card x1, Eternal Treasure Chest x1, Eternal Blind Box x1 ! Eternal entourage (in shaping), Destiny Shards x2! Eternal Compass!

Dao crystal value: 245 billion/200 billion (the limit of the sixth heaven in the Immortal Realm).

Status: OK!

Seeing that the rank of the divine weapon was raised to the seventh rank, Wang Mang suddenly had a smile on his face.

When the consciousness returned to reality, there was a space ripple next to Wang Mang's right hand.

The slaughter halberd appeared in his hand.

Staring at the eucalyptus, Wang Mang began to observe carefully.

What is different from the past is that there are a few gray-black cracks on the eucalyptus.

Didn't know it was broken.

At this moment, the system voice sounded again:

【Ding! Follower shaping is complete! 】

Hearing this, Wang Mang complained: "Why don't you talk together!"

"Turn on personal information!"

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Open personal information successfully! 】

Host: Wang Mang.

Cultivation realm: Immortal Realm Six Heavens! (Great Supreme Tianjiao).

Yuanshen Realm: Immortal Realm Level 6 (Shen Yuan Value 200/3000 Immortal Realm Level 6)

Realm of physical body: Eternal Realm Level 1 (Refinement of God and Hegemony, 0/500 perfection).

The special extreme state of the physical body: not opened~www.readwn.com~The special extreme state of the realm: the power of the double extreme state.

Primordial Spirit Special Extreme Realm: Domineering Extreme Realm (cannot be upgraded).

Comprehensive combat power: (Eternal Realm Seventh Heaven).

Divine pet status: Unborn (8000/10000).

Supernatural powers: Aspect of gods and demons (seventh-level top grade), ultimate territory (seventh-level middle-level special!), constant time body (seventh-level middle-level!), rebellious sky (seventh-level middle-level.), universe star sea (from Creation of supernatural powers.). The fruit of all fruits (seventh-level top grade.)

Included in the physical body: Overlord Wushuang!

Weapons: Slaughtering God of War (top seventh-rank mid-rank), Slaughtering Great Halberd (top seventh-rank top-rank), Heaven-cutting Sword (top seventh-rank), top seventh-rank middle-rank divine weapon 13

Items: Seventh-rank middle-grade God's Blessing Talisman x2 Seventh-rank middle-grade Marriage Talisman x7, Cosmos Classic, Eternal Realm Follower x1, Realm Improvement Card x1, Advanced Divine Pet Experience Card x1, Eternal Treasure Chest x1, Eternal Blind Box x1 ! Eternal-level follower (shape completed!), Destiny magic power fragment x2! Eternal compass!

Dao crystal value: 245 billion/200 billion (the limit of the sixth heaven in the Immortal Realm).

"System, take out your followers!" Wang Mang said expectantly.

There is really no giant python in my reservoir https://

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