I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 399: Successful evolution again? One step away from the land gods...

At this moment, Wang Mang had a picture in his mind:

After he became a land god, he stepped on the land lord and punched the **** lord!

The rest of the land gods also wept bitterly and knelt down in front of him begging for his life.

After recovering from his senses, Wang Mang, who was extremely excited, recited in his heart excitedly:

"System! Let's start evolving!"

The next moment, the system's voice sounded:

【Ding! Successfully deducted 60 billion evolutionary value! Starting to evolve...]

Afterwards, Wang Mang was completely evolving and lost consciousness.

Two hours later.

Only then did Wang Mang fully wake up from his evolution.

However, Wang Mang did not immediately observe his own changes.

After hearing the sound of the system, Wang Mang was stunned.

Fuck? Insufficient evolutionary value?

Can't evolve again?

On the contrary, Wang Mang directly continued to meditate in his heart: "System! Continue to evolve!"

The next moment, the system's voice sounded:

【Ding! The host evolution value is insufficient! Can't evolve again! 】

Isn't 90 billion evolution points enough to evolve again?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang's heart was gloomy and depressed, and at the same time he muttered silently in his heart very puzzled:

"System! Open personal information!"

We still have 90 billion evolution points!

Wang Mang, who couldn't figure it out, was suddenly a little dazed.

He didn't know what was going on?

Host: Wang Mang.

Identity: God of Five Sacred Mountains.

Species: Eight-winged three-headed python.

He wants to see, why is the evolution value not enough?

Could it be that the land gods who have evolved to the 9000-year level of Taoism need a lot of evolutionary value?

The next moment, personal information appeared in front of him.

Space: Information Detection, Immortal Card X1, Random Strongman Summoning Card X1, Chance of Free Upgrading Supernatural Powers X1, Chance of Supernatural Powers Lucky Draw X1, One-time Designated Prize Card X1, Incense of Love X1.

Mall: open.

Lucky value: 299 (Hong Fu Qi Tian).

Dao Xing: 8900 years (peak demon emperor level).

Body: 268 meters long, 14 meters wide, 17 million kilograms in weight, 17 million kilograms in bite force, and 160 kilometers per hour.

Supernatural powers: enslavement of the king, soul-controlling seal, rebirth from severed body, destruction laser, destruction of sea of ​​fire, eternal scar frost, flying to escape the earth, wishful bone spur, thunder spell, one step to the end of the world, ever-changing.

After reading the personal information.

Wang Mang was stunned for a moment.

Fuck! The last evolutionary value was 60 billion!

Evolution value: 90 billion/100 billion.

Current ranking: No. 25 in the global ranking list (may be refreshed and changed at any time).

In the past, it was a gift of billions of evolution points.

But the evolution value required for this evolution is too much!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang couldn't help feeling a little depressed!

This time, to evolve into a terrestrial immortal, one hundred billion evolution points are needed!

No wonder I don't have enough evolutionary value of 90 billion!

This crossing level is too big!

If it continues, God knows how far it will fall!

This also proves that during this period, ten strong men were born on the earth!

Moreover, it is very likely to be a land immortal-level powerhouse!

Not only that, but after he evolved this time, his ranking in the global powerhouse list plummeted by 10 places!

It was originally 15, but now it has plummeted to 25!

This is just the beginning!

"No! I have to quickly rise to the level of a land god!"

"After the catastrophe of heaven and earth, there are more and more powerful people on the earth!"

At this moment, Wang Mang thought worriedly.

The speed of the dynasty change is too fast!

Just thinking about it, Wang Mang couldn't help feeling his scalp go numb.

At the same time, Wang Mang was also a little flustered. He was afraid that his ranking would continue to plummet if this continued.

At this moment, Wang Mang already had a plan in mind.

He wants to clean up the magic tires in Zhougui Province as soon as possible, so that he can evolve into a land fairy-level powerhouse as soon as possible after completing the task.

As for killing the Land Lord? Wang Mang himself has not reached the land god, so he is not sure about this task at all!

Similarly, the good mood of this evolution, Wang Mang also disappeared immediately.

Because this evolution has never reached the land god, which made Wang Mang very uncomfortable.

That's all! Let's continue to clean up the magic tires in Guizhou and Guizhou!

After leaving the cave, Wang Mang's eight wings emerged from behind Wang Mang's huge body, fluttered away, and flew straight into the sky.

Today's sun is extraordinarily bright, but it is not as beautiful as before.

Especially when Wang Mang came to the city, he saw the ruined city with scorched earth everywhere.

Otherwise, Wang Mang would have gone to kill the Lord of the Land long ago.

After all, if you kill the Lord of the Land, you will be rewarded with hundreds of billions of evolution points!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang turned into a huge body and left the cave.

The only thing that made Wang Mang depressed was that he searched hard for several hours, but he still couldn't find any trace of the magic tire.

But Wang Mang knew that he definitely did not complete the task.

If the task is completed, the system will also remind him.

Cars abandoned in the city like garbage, broken limbs and arms everywhere, black blood all over the ground, and zombies wandering around in every corner of the city.

Occasionally, one could still see someone fleeing wildly, fleeing for their lives being chased by a group of zombies.

Scenes similar to the above have been staged in almost many cities, and Wang Mang is also commonplace.

Are these magic tires each as big as eight meters and ten meters?

But after searching for so long without any results, Wang Mang was somewhat hit.

Because, he is now only short of the last tens of billions of evolution points from the land gods.

But Wang Mang searched the city carefully, and indeed found no new magic fetus.

Not only that, but Wang Mang also searched the mountain forest several times, but still did not find any trace of the magic tire.

To be honest, Wang Mang didn't know how many magic fetuses there were in the province.

【Ding! Detect the current status of the host, and give the host the following task options! 】

【Mission No. 1: Facing the zombies all over the world, be powerless and indifferent! 】

[Task time: Choose to complete the task! 】

He only needs to eat another magic fetus of a pseudo-land fairy, and it is enough to get enough evolutionary value!

Just when Wang Mang was a little disheartened and even broke down.

In the mind, the voice of the system sounded:

[Task time: You can get it when you complete it. 】

[Mission reward: 50 billion evolutionary value! Advanced Blind Box X1! Diamond Treasure Chest X1! 】

[Mission reward: 5 billion evolution points! 】

[Mission 2: Facing the zombies from all over the world ~www.readwn.com~ With limited ability to wipe out the zombies in this province! 】

[Mission 4: Facing the zombies all over the world, wipe out all the zombies in the world! 】

[Mission reward: 200 billion evolutionary value! The ultimate blind box X2! Masonry Treasure Chest X2! 】

[Mission 3: Facing the zombies all over the world, wipe out all the zombies in the Dragon Kingdom! 】

[Task time: You can get it when you complete it. 】

[Task time: You can get it when you complete it. 】

[Mission reward: 600 billion evolutionary value! The ultimate blind box X6! Fairy-level treasure chest X1! 】

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