I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 400: Tasks with increasing difficulty can control the existence of zombies?

After listening to the sound of the system.

Wang Mang was taken aback for a moment and then couldn't help but become happy.

Finally, the mission appeared again.

Although the difficulty of the tasks are different.

But, it's better than no mission at all!

Of course, it's still the same, task one can be ruled out.

Wang Mang would think about it if he prostituted 10 billion evolution points for nothing.

But only five billion evolutionary value, not enough for him to evolve into a land immortal.

Therefore, this can be ruled out.

As for the second task, it is a bit interesting.

It can be considered, because the difficulty of this task is not too high, and the reward is not bad.

Task task three and task four, these two tasks.

To be honest, the rewards are indeed generous enough, but the problem is that it is too difficult.

Some people may say that they can accept the task, but there is no time limit anyway.

But the question is, when will the task be completed?

In addition, Wang Mang urgently needs to upgrade his evolutionary value to a land immortal.

Therefore, Wang Mang is unlikely to choose.

Ok! The main reason is that the task is too difficult.

Even Wang Mang himself didn't know how long it would take to clean up.

I'm afraid it has been a long time!

At that time, this reward will probably become dispensable to him.

The next moment, the system's voice also sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Select mission successfully! Please complete the task as soon as possible to get the reward! 】

Therefore, task three and task four can basically be given up.

At this point, Wang Mang silently said in his heart: "System! I choose task two!"

When he was cleaning the province, he was also able to remove all the magic tires hidden in the cities of the province.

Therefore, for Wang Mang, this task is indeed a multi-purpose task. Maybe he can also clean up the magic tire task by the way!

After hearing the system's voice, Wang Mang couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and felt much better.

There is actually another reason why he chose task two.

When Wang Mang came to Dad's base, Wang Mang found that Dad was no longer in the base.

Moreover, Wang Mang already found out after a little inquiry.

With this in mind, Wang Mang soared straight into the sky, vibrating his eight wings, and rushed towards the base where his father was.

Because, if there is no accident, now the father will probably start to attack and clean up the zombies, and clean up a city!

He is leading a large team to clean up zombies in the streets of the city.

Da Na is too many zombies, at a glance, they are densely packed in darkness!

Dad has led the army out to mop up and clear it.

After leaving the base, Wang Mang quickly saw the city below near the base.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to clear these zombies on a large scale without harming the survivors.

For example, if Wang Mang came, he would directly use his magical powers to kill them all, and all the houses and tall buildings would be reduced to ashes.

To be honest, even Wang Mang couldn't help shaking his head secretly after seeing it.

Unless he directly destroys wantonly, together with zombies or human beings, they will all be wiped out by using supernatural powers directly.

"What's the matter? Are you so free recently?"

Hearing this, Wang Mang couldn't help laughing and said:

The next moment, Wang Mang turned into a human form and fell directly from the sky.

Standing at the back, the father of the king naturally also saw Wang Mang's appearance, and said in surprise:

"It's not so easy to get rid of the zombies in Guizhou and Guizhou."

"The resistance is greater than imagined!"

"Father, it's not idle! It's a mission to eliminate all zombies in this province!"

Father Wang was a little surprised, but obviously didn't ask too much, just nodded helplessly and said:

Wang Mang naturally knew why his father was so helpless.

After all, there are 60 million zombies in prefectures and Guizhou provinces, maybe even more.

I saw my father looking helpless.

And a large number of zombies pouring out of the streets.

Therefore, it is too difficult for Dad, who only brought four thousand troops, to counterattack the city.

After all, Wang Mang felt a headache when he saw it!

Because, once bitten by a zombie, scratching these guys will all turn into zombies.

Over time, the number of zombies will increase.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to clear the province of zombies in a short time.

At this thought, Wang Mang's heart was heavy, and he muttered helplessly in his heart:

Thinking of this, Wang Mang felt even more helpless.

He found that unless there is some special way.

Now the speed at which he wanted to evolve quickly has slowed down instead.

Could it be that this task cannot be completed in a short time?

"What's going on here? How do you feel that the tasks issued by the system are becoming more and more difficult!"

Yes, recently Wang Mang has also noticed that the task is becoming more and more difficult.

This doesn't seem like too difficult a task.

It turned out to be quite difficult.

to be honest.

Wang Mang didn't expect it either.

"General Qi, the observers found that if this stalemate continues, we will face a situation where we will run out of bullets and cannot continue to advance the city!"

Hearing this, Father Wang's expression darkened immediately: "Could it be that the zombies are really endless?"

Just then.

A person who looked like an officer ran over from the front line, and then said with a pale face:

"In the long run, unless we can kill tens of millions of zombies in one go, we simply don't have such a large amount of bullets."

"Although we have killed tens of thousands of zombies, compared with the whole city, we are still far behind."

Hearing this, the soldier said with a serious face: "General, after observing for a long time, the observers found that these zombies seemed to be in order and were under some kind of manipulation!"

"Not only that, the number of these zombies, with the sound of gunfire, is still attracting a large number of zombies."

"How many survivors has it acquired?"

"There are only more than 4,000 people, and these are still survivors living nearby."

After listening to the soldier's analysis, Father Wang fell into deep thought, with an even more helpless look on his face.

Obviously, it is still too difficult to counterattack the city with the current team!

Hearing this, the Black Flood Dragon Emperor and the Stone Emperor nodded their heads one after another, and immediately soared into the sky, turning into giants hundreds of meters high.

Afterwards, the Stone Emperor even used his supernatural powers. The moment the troops gave the order to cease fire, the ground directly swelled into a ten-meter-high earthen wall.

Hearing this, Father Wang nodded and said, "Okay! Let's retreat!"

Afterwards, the king's father turned to the Black Flood Dragon Emperor and the Stone Emperor and said, "Go and protect everyone and retreat."

Ten minutes later, the soldiers who looked at them left the street under the leadership of their father.

After the old man withdrew, the Stone Emperor and the Black Flood Dragon Emperor also left.

At this point, a large number of zombies were blocked in an instant.

At the same time, Dad also began to lead the troops and began to retreat one after another.

If he could catch the guy who secretly controlled the zombies, wouldn't he be able to eliminate the zombies in Guizhou and Guizhou more quickly?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang stayed.

As for the reason why Wang Mang didn't leave, it was because of what the soldier said earlier.

These large numbers of zombies seem to be controlled by a certain existence?

This is a weak spiritual attack.

Although it is harmless to Wang Mang.

At this moment ~www.readwn.com~ Wang Mang suddenly felt a slight tingling in his mind.

All of a sudden.

Wang Mang raised his head suddenly, his sharp eyes began to scan his surroundings.

But it proved.

These zombies may indeed be manipulated!

At the same time, he also began to seriously feel the source of this spiritual attack.

Soon, Wang Mang vaguely saw a small and inconspicuous figure on the top of a tall building in the distance.

When this tiny figure saw Wang Mang's gaze, he seemed to be frightened, and quickly left the tall building.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang's eyes lit up, and he immediately confirmed it.

This small, inconspicuous figure is the chief culprit in manipulating the zombies!

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