I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 810: 1 All Tianjiao came to borrow the Supreme Mask? 1 together to tide over the difficulti

"It's impossible to escape, and it's impossible to escape in this life, unless the summit alliance lets me go."

"Hehe, you have no chance to escape. You expect the summit alliance to let us go? I think you are thinking too much."

"Hey! If I knew this earlier, I shouldn't have come here."

"Wait! There is still a chance for everyone to work together."

"Yes! If we all give up resistance, what hope is there?"

All of a sudden, these arrogances were talking about it.

Someone wants to give up resistance.

There are also people who want to die.

This is because the summit alliance is too powerful.

The peak combat power of the six **** emperors!

It can be said that such strength.

You can go to the sixth city.

Such an alliance, among their group of arrogance, there are not many people who can compete!

Similarly, Wang Mang's heart was heavy, he had already made plans to run away.

Even, even if you go to the Ninth City, you have a chance!

It is conceivable how powerful the enemy they faced was.

Wang Mang felt something in his heart immediately, and he found it when he looked sideways.

The more than a dozen gazes staring at him came from the arrogance of the God Emperor Yachongtian's peak combat power.

With the six **** emperors at their peak combat power, such an alliance is definitely not weaker than the Nightmare Alliance.

But at this moment, Wang Mang suddenly noticed that more than ten eyes were watching him closely.

Just as Wang Mang was guessing in his mind.

The next moment, something happened that surprised Wang Mang.

This also made Wang Mang stunned.

What are these guys staring at him for?

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang immediately reacted.

These guys, obviously saw that he has the supreme mask.

I saw that more than a dozen **** emperors, the peak of the eighth heaven, swept towards him in an instant as if they were going crazy.

From their eyes, Wang Mang saw the naked killing intent!

After all, once the supreme mask is disassembled, they instantly possess the peak combat power of the four **** emperors.

Not only can it resolve the crisis of these arrogants, but it can even turn the customer into the main!

Moreover, the process of him hunting and killing the three heroes of Beijun earlier was also seen by them.

These guys obviously want to join forces to suppress him, and then **** his supreme mask together!

They are completely immune to attacks of the same level, unless they increase their combat power to the God Emperor Nine Heavens.

Otherwise, they don't want to cause too much harm to Wang Mang!

It's a pity that these guys obviously made a big mistake.

Under the same level of combat power, he is a man with a domineering body.

While he was rushing forward, Wang Mang kept making talismans with both hands, displaying the top supernatural power, ten thousand Buddhas killed!

Three thousand buddha shadows were condensed under the power of the law, and Wang Mang killed more than a dozen Tianjiao who were the peak fighting power of the eighth heaven.

Therefore, after seeing more than a dozen **** emperor peak powerhouses join forces to perform terrifying supernatural powers.

Wang Mang sneered immediately, and also rushed towards the dozen or so Tianjiao who were the peak fighting power of the eighth heaven of the **** emperor level.

He can even have the confidence to kill all these guys!

It's a pity that Wang Mang's actions have become an expression of overreaching in front of these ten or so celestial arrogances.

These guys want to kill him in an instant by numbers, it's just a daydream!

Even, Wang Mang can say this, if he is allowed to fight to the death with these more than a dozen **** emperors at the peak of the eighth heaven.

"The generation of ants, but relying on external forces to increase combat power, Milly's light is also trying to compete for glory?"

"Kill him! Take his supreme treasure, and we will be able to improve our strength and fight against the peak alliance!"

Many Tianjiao even showed a sneer:

"Things that are overestimated, really think that with the power of the Supreme Treasure, they can compete against us?"

Even Wang Mang's killing of ten thousand Buddhas and the three thousand Buddha shadows were directly disintegrated under their supernatural powers.

The next moment, under the sneering eyes of Tianjiao, the peak of the eighth heaven, the countless **** emperors, an incredible scene happened.

"The generation of ants, do you really think you are the mythical supreme? Absolutely invincible at the same level of combat power?"

In the next moment, magical powers that covered the sky and the sun swept towards Wang Mang one after another.

This **** is too fake, right?

Is it their eyesight?

I saw that Wang Mang passed through directly, and the terrifying magical powers they displayed!

What made them even more astonished was that their supernatural powers did not harm Wang Mang at all.

The joint attack just made them a little bit embarrassed?

Afterwards, Wang Mang rushed in front of them and immediately let out a smirk.

The same is the peak combat power of the God Emperor Yachongtian.

The magical powers they exerted with all their strength did not harm Wang Mang?

Seeing this scene, the rest of the God Emperor Yachongtian peak fighters were stunned.

At the same time, they are also the arrogance of several **** emperors at the peak of the eighth heaven, and they don't believe in evil.

Then, he raised his hand and punched one of the **** emperors, the Tianjiao with the peak combat power of the eighth heaven.

When Wang Mang punched him, he screamed and flew upside down, spitting out blood.

After coming down several times in succession, more than a dozen **** emperors and eighth heavens are proud of their peak combat power.

Even the way they looked at Wang Mang changed, becoming extremely heavy and vigilant.

I chose to compete with Wang Mang for physical strength!

In the end, they all screamed and were sent flying by Wang Mang.

Because, they have already guessed.

Wang Mang has the top supernatural powers of the flesh body.

Because they have already seen it.

Wang Mang definitely has the qualifications to become a mythical arrogance.

It is impossible for them to kill Wang Mang with Thunder!

Since the hard ones are not enough, come soft ones.

In other words, Wang Mang is indeed capable of suppressing and killing Tianjiao with the same combat power!

This also made these arrogances, one after another, recognize a reality.

"Yes! If we have all of them, the peak combat power of the gods and juniors, this peak alliance is nothing to fear!"

"That's right, if you lend us the mask, we will definitely be able to keep you safe and sound!"

Even if there were seven or eight celestial arrogances, they sent a sound transmission to Wang Mang:

"Why do fellow daoists do this? If fellow daoists lend us the mask, we all have the peak combat power of a **** emperor."

"Fellow Daoist, lend us the mask, and I will return the mask to you after we get through this difficult time."

All of a sudden, these geniuses~www.readwn.com~ lent masks through sound transmission.

"Don't hesitate, Fellow Daoist, people from the Peak Alliance are still staring at us, lend us the mask!"

"To put it bluntly, the fifth-order supreme treasure mask left by the supreme being will not be of much use in the hands of fellow daoists."

They really can't rob it by force, they have already robbed it.

Looking at the presence of more than a dozen **** emperors and eight heavenly talents who are at the peak of the battle strength, their faces are full of smiles.

Of course, it was said that they borrowed the mask, but many Tianjiao present had no intention of paying it back at all.

If it weren't for Wang Mang, who was almost invincible in battle at the peak of God Emperor Yachongtian.

Wang Mang couldn't help sneering in his heart, didn't he know what these guys were planning?

Why do you want to borrow the mask from him and return it to him after the crisis is over?

These guys are obviously insulting his IQ!

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