I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 811: If you dare to babble, I will kill you all first...

Once the mask is lent out, it must not be taken back.

Wang Mang didn't need to guess at this point, he knew it too.

The two sides don't even have basic trust, so how can we talk about borrowing?

What made Wang Mang even more upset.

These guys just took him for shit.

He has always been the only one who finds someone to borrow things from, Wang Mang.

I have never lent anything to anyone.

Therefore, face the sound transmission of these guys.

Wang Mang cursed directly and loudly:

"I will borrow from your ancestor!"

"Fuck you old wood!"

"Borrow your mother!"

"You dogs are also worthy of asking me to borrow things?"

"Do you still need me to take a pee to wake you up?"

After hearing Wang Mang's curses.

But Wang Mang cursed directly.

This really caught them by surprise.

All the **** emperors who were at the peak of the Yachongtian's fighting power were furious.

Although thinking that Wang Mang might refuse.

What's more, among the arrogant people present, which one is not a dragon and a phoenix?

Therefore, they quickly guessed the general outline of the matter.

All of a sudden, many ignorant and bewildered Tianjiao immediately guessed what was going on.

Obviously, none of the beings who can become Tianjiao are fools.

In this way, it will be able to compete, the pinnacle alliance, but failed in the end, the hard ones will be soft.

Thinking of this, many Tianjiao, with different eyes, began to discuss in a low voice.

Obviously, they also guessed that Wang Mang should be a treasure that can improve his strength.

These guys suddenly became violent and wanted to kill Wang Mang and get the treasure to improve their strength.

"That's right! If it weren't for us, everyone would have finished the game, you take out the mask and lend it to us, won't we get through the difficulties together?"

"The overall situation is the most important thing. Although we borrowed something from you, we didn't say we wouldn't return it, and it's good for everyone that we repelled the summit alliance."

At the same time, the arrogances of more than a dozen **** emperors and eighth heavens who were at the peak of the battle power shouted angrily:

"Do you think that with your strength, you can compete against the peak alliance?"

If they can really survive this crisis, of course they want to survive this crisis. Who wants to die if they can survive?

Therefore, many arrogances present clearly knew what had happened, but they still criticized Wang Mang one after another:

"Fellow Daoist, think twice! If there is no us, you will be doomed. Can you repel the peak alliance?"

Following the angry questioning of this group of Tianjiao who were at the peak of the eighth heaven of the **** emperor, the eyes of many Tianjiao present lit up one after another.

"Hand over the treasure! Let's get through the difficulties together first, and return the treasure to you when the time comes. Why are you so fussy?"

"Everyone is now a mud bodhisattva crossing the river. What's wrong with borrowing your treasure? Is your treasure more important than the lives of all of us?"

"Since you can't help everyone through the difficult time, wouldn't it be good to lend the treasure to everyone to get through the difficult time together?"

"That's right! Don't be so selfish, okay? We will be grateful to you when we get through the difficulties together. Besides, don't you think you can take care of yourself?"

This is the effect they want. Under the pressure of the general situation, this kid should be more sensible, right?

But the next moment, they knew they were thinking too much!

All of a sudden, these Tianjiao were very clear about it, and they accused Wang Mang aloud, forming a threatening posture invisible instead.

Seeing this scene, the more than a dozen **** emperors, who were at the peak of the eighth heaven, all showed smiles.

After glancing at the hypocrisy faces of all the arrogances present, Wang Mang mocked unscrupulously:

"You dogs, you don't have a lot of skills and a lot of breath."

Facing the oppression of these arrogances one after another.

Wang Mang didn't take it seriously at all, with a sneer on his face.

"Are you also worthy of going through difficulties with me?"

"If it wasn't for the emergence of the Peak Alliance, you would all be my food, you know?"

"Who gave you the courage to think that your lives are comparable to Lao Tzu's treasure?"

"Paralyzed, all of them are ugly but they are beautiful."

All of a sudden, many Tianjiao's faces turned red and angry after being humiliated by Wang Mang.

Among the Tianjiao present, the weakest ones are all the Tianjiao with the combat strength of the God Emperor 4th Layer, so naturally they also have their own pride.

"Paralyzed, a bunch of silly piglets, why don't you wait for death obediently?"

After hearing Wang Mang's words, all Tianjiao's faces froze.

If they couldn't defeat Wang Mang, they would have already started, why are they still talking here?

But more than a dozen of the gods and emperors with the eighth level of heaven's combat power can't kill Wang Mang, let alone them?

Now being so humiliated by Wang Mang, everyone was naturally very angry, staring at Wang Mang fiercely.

If eyes could kill, Wang Mang would have been killed countless times.

Why not do it?

Wang Mang was very puzzled by this.

Seeing the angry looks of these Tianjiao, Wang Mang didn't care, but looked at the peak alliance in the sky from time to time.

What the **** are these guys trying to do?

But what are they waiting for?

This is where Wang Mang couldn't figure it out.

Logically speaking, they have already sealed the Tianjiao in the space barrier.

It's long overdue!

Use his mask to elevate to the peak combat power of the **** emperor to compete with them?

This question is not limited to Wang Mang, but also to many talented people present.

Are these guys not afraid.

This group of arrogances of the **** emperor's eighth level of combat power will suppress and kill him again.

It's a pity that Wang Mang didn't eat oil and salt at all, which also made their faces extremely gloomy.

Moreover, seeing Wang Mang's expressionless attitude throughout, this group of arrogances of the God Emperor Bazhongtian's combat power couldn't sit still.

Because of this, they were anxious to persuade Wang Mang to lend them the mask.

After all, improving the strength of the first heaven is obviously much safer than the eighth heaven of the **** emperor.

"Yes! Fellow Daoist, do you really have the confidence to compete against the Peak Alliance?"

"How is this, Fellow Daoist? We swear to Dao that we will definitely return your treasure. You should rest assured, right?"

They all looked at Wang Mang with ugly faces, and asked one after another:

"Fellow Daoist, what exactly do you have to do to agree to lend us the treasure?"

"That's right~www.readwn.com~ If we have embezzled the treasures of fellow daoists, there will naturally be a great way to punish us."

After finishing speaking, the arrogances of the **** emperor's eighth level of combat power all looked at Wang Mang.

"That's right, we can all swear to Dao, don't fellow Daoist feel relieved?"

"Fellow Daoist is almost done, and Dao Dao swears to prove it, so why should Fellow Daoist have any scruples?"

Wang Mang cursed impatiently:

It's a pity that after hearing this group of guys, they swore a promise.

From their point of view, they would rather swear an oath to Dao, Wang Mang should believe it, right?

"Are you stupid? If it were you, would you be willing to lend me the treasure?"

"Why do you think that I will lend you the treasure?"

"If you dare to babble, I will kill you all first!"

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