I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 831: Of the more than 1,000 Tianjiao, there are only 0 left? Last piece...

It was an extremely arrogant Zhan Tian.

After hearing Wang Mang's words, his face turned green.

What he said was actually to make Wang Mang hunt down Tianjiao quickly.

There's no need to have trouble with him!

But Wang Mang actually said this kind of tiger and wolf words?

Is this guy a **** human?

Specifically for him alone?

If Wang Mang really did this.

He will indeed suffer heavy losses, and even his realm will drop.

If Wang Mang specifically targeted him, his fate would not be much better.

But he didn't have a deep hatred with Wang Mang!

From the perspective of Zhan Tian.

Since you can't stop it.

If there is money, everyone can earn it together.

If you have Tianjiao, let's kill together.

good for everyone.

Isn't everyone happy?

Therefore, seeing Wang Mang's ferocious and cold look.

Zhan Tian was really scared, Wang Mang went crazy and targeted him.

Is it necessary to target him like this?

They don't have any deep hatred!

"Let's hunt Tianjiao together, and the well water does not violate the river water, isn't it good?"

"And, I'm not alone, I won't let you eat alone!"

Therefore, his face is full of depression:

"Fellow Daoist, you don't have any deep hatred with me, why bother?"

Hearing this, Wang Mang's expression softened slightly.

He also knew that it was true in the matter.

"In the current situation, fellow daoist, you simply cannot eat alone."

"Unless your strength, fellow daoist, can reach the first level of the extreme realm."

However, Wang Mang didn't want to spend any time with this guy because of the current interests.

Therefore, Wang Mang glanced at Zhan Tian coldly, and threatened coldly:

But the problem is, this guy's attitude is very important!

Being so arrogant, Wang Mang really wanted to target him specifically.

Zhan Tian, ​​on the other hand, faced Wang Mang's threats, his face was not very good-looking, but he dared not speak out.

After all, he also knew that if Wang Mang targeted him specifically, it would be really uncomfortable.

"Be careful, if you dare to be so crazy again, I will target you specifically in the future."

After finishing speaking, Wang Mang turned into the body of a giant python, and rushed to the Tianjiao group again.

The Tianjiao scattered and fled, but fifteen Tianjiao were hunting.

Yes, there are six more Tianjiao. They forcibly improved their strength and joined the hunting team.

After that, he didn't hesitate anymore, and immediately joined in the hunting of Tianjiao.

At this moment, if someone observes, they will find that a group of demons are dancing in the enchantment.

Compared with the hunting speed of these Tianjiao people.

Wang Mang was a little faster.

There are even alliance members such as Wang Mang!

Hua Yunfei, Lu Han, and Zhang Jie were among them.

Therefore, after Wang Mang successfully culled nearly two hundred Tianjiao again.

Now there are very few Tianjiao left on the field.

Because, the target group that Wang Mang hunted and killed was the weak Tianjiao first.

The five hundred arrogances that Wang Mang hunted and killed were basically the arrogances of mid-term combat power of the **** emperor.

He basically hunted and killed the weaker **** emperor mid-term combat power Tianjiao.

Now among the remaining Tianjiao, there are only three hundred left!

After all, Wang Mang hunted and killed 700 Tianjiao alone!

It can be said.

This has led to the fact that there are very few Tianjiao left in the entire enchantment.

Therefore, in addition to the Tianjiao who were hunted down, some Tianjiao escaped.

That is to say, hundreds of other Tianjiao.

It has almost been divided up by these fifteen celestial prides.

However, it is not so easy for Wang Mang to cull Tianjiao every time.

There are more than 300 Tianjiao in total, and there are 15 Tianjiao with the same combat strength present, who are also joining the hunt.

Among the last more than 300 Tianjiao.

Wang Mang is not too demanding, and if he hunts and kills more than a hundred statues, it will be almost enough.

But it can't be done at all, every time it hunts and kills, it can devour dozens of Tianjiao.

At most, every time he hunts and kills, he can devour a few appearances of arrogance.

Therefore, every time Wang Mang made a move, it would be good if he could get five!

But the fact is that every time Wang Mang kills the Tianjiao group, he does gain something.

All of them can only be chased and killed one by one.

Moreover, the remaining Tianjiao are very powerful.

Because these Tianjiao will not gather together on a large scale at all, they are very scattered.

In the end, whether it was Wang Mang or the rest of the hunting talents.

After all, Tianjiao, who can live to this day, has some skills in a few stones.

Just like that, in the blink of an eye.

All of them, without exception, are the arrogance of the God Emperor's late stage combat power.

Because of this, these arrogances are really not so easy to kill.

There are only more than 100 statues left.

But whether it was Wang Mang or the rest of the arrogances, they didn't continue to fight, but stopped.

Several more hours passed.

At this moment, the pride of the present.

If they continue to attack, these hundreds of Heaven's Chosen Ones will definitely forcibly increase their strength and fight.

All of a sudden, more than a dozen hunting Tianjiao present all looked at Wang Mang.

Because, the remaining 100 or so celestial prides are all celestial prides whose combat power has reached the eighth heaven of the **** emperor.

Moreover, these Tianjiao all have means to forcibly increase their strength, or means to possess physical supernatural powers.

Obviously, they are still very happy to do this kind of thing that hurts others and benefits themselves.

At the same time, after a little hesitation, Wang Mang decided to continue his attack.

If Wang Mang continued to attack, they would obviously continue to attack.

Although it is difficult to kill the remaining Tianjiao, it is not bad to force them to forcibly improve their strength!

But if you can consume them.

Or, force them to improve their strength.

these guys.

It is very difficult for him to hunt.

Wang Mang was very happy to see it.

With this in mind, under the astonished eyes of countless Tianjiao.

Even, let their realm fall.

This kind of thing that hurts others and benefits oneself.

The remaining fifteen hunting talents also made their moves one after another.

Seeing this scene, the rest of the hundred nobles were furious.

Wang Mang turned into a giant python again and rushed towards the group of Tianjiao.

Similarly, seeing Wang Mang make a move.

"Damn! These guys want to force us to forcibly improve our strength, deliberately consume us, and cause us to suffer heavy losses!"

"This group of dogs is really shameless, we will simply improve our strength together and kill them all!"

All of a sudden, this group of Tianjiao was completely angry, and roared at Wang Mang:

"Too much deceit! Do we really think we are afraid that you will fail?"

The next moment, Wang Mang saw a scene that made him dumbfounded.

The tyrannical aura of Tianjiao surged up one after another.

"Kill this guy! I don't want us to have a better life~www.readwn.com~ Everyone, don't think about it too! We must die together!"

Obviously, this group of Tianjiao were completely furious.

Moreover, the number of Tianjiao who choose to improve their strength is still skyrocketing!

The fighting power of the ten **** emperors is as high as nine heavens!

This respected Tianjiao chose to forcibly improve his strength!

These auras have all reached the battle strength of the God Emperor Jiuchongtian!

Thirty **** emperors with nine levels of combat power!

Fifty **** emperors with nine levels of combat power!

The seventy **** emperors have nine levels of combat power!

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