I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 832: Get rid of the chasing and killing of the group of Tianjiao, start to sort out the har

Just the blink of an eye.

At this moment, most of the Tianjiao chose to forcibly improve their strength.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang was completely bewildered.

He thought about these guys, and he would definitely not catch them without a fight.

But I didn't expect to anger so many Tianjiao and forcibly improve their strength.

The next moment, Wang Mang turned around and ran away without hesitation.

Because, his detriment to others and not to himself has already been achieved.

Similarly, the other fifteen hunting talents also turned around and ran away one after another, each faster than the other.

Obviously, they didn't intend to compete with these guys either.

Their ultimate goal is to force these guys and forcibly increase their strength.

In order to achieve self-interested behavior at the expense of others.

Wang Mang even turned into a human form.

When he raised his hand, the terrifying law of vastness roared out.

Blink of an eye.

After all, there are hundreds of fighting strength nine heavens!

Even if they go together, they can't beat it.

at the same time.

Later, the rest of the hunting talents also blessed the enchantment.

This also led to the barrier becoming indestructible!

Even if Wang Mang shot with all his strength, he didn't blast away!

He blasted out several giant palms of law again and again, bombarding on the space enchantment.

What made Wang Mang depressed was that he couldn't break the barrier at all!

This is mainly the reason why he tried his best to set up the enchantment at the beginning.

After all, everyone is leaving the barrier now.

Otherwise, are you really going to fight this group of furious Tianjiao?

The next moment, the giant palms of laws swept out.

If this is to let Wang Mang blast the barrier alone.

I'm afraid it will take at least a few sticks of incense.

Fortunately, at this time, the fifteen arrogants behind him also made their moves one after another!

This indestructible enchantment.

Finally, it shattered in response to the sound, and completely collapsed!

Afterwards, Wang Mang rushed out of the barrier without hesitation.

boom! boom! boom!


An followed all the arrogances and shot with all their strength.

"Bastards, don't run away! I will kill you even if I pay the price today!"

"This group of bastards, I will fight with you! I will definitely not die today!"

"This group of beasts have caused us heavy losses, and they will have to pay a heavy price!"

Not to be outdone, the rest of the arrogance followed closely behind.

Similarly, nearly a hundred furious fighters from the Ninth Layer of Fighting Power chased after them.

At the same time, they still did not forget to roar angrily, roaring:

He clearly knew that he couldn't kill them.

He also wanted to deal with them harshly.

Force them to improve their strength and fall to the realm!

"Even if we die, we will hold you back! All these beasts deserve to die!"

Apparently, these arrogances all left violently.

The main reason is that Wang Mang and the other fifteen hunting talents are too bullying!

The anger in their hearts can be imagined!

It's a pity to face the roar of these arrogance.

Whether it's Wang Mang or the other Tianjiao.

I've never met such a scumbag!

After all, they didn't compete with Wang Mang and others for Tianjiao and hunting.

As a result, after Wang Mang and his gang hunted down Tianjiao, they came to trap them.

This also caused the Tianjiao who were furiously chasing behind them to scatter in all directions.

But I don't know if it's a problem of character, or Wang Mang was too ostentatious before.

There are as many as 30 Tianjiao who choose to chase and kill him.

No one cares about them at all.

Moreover, after a group of Tianjiao escaped from the barrier.

They even scattered in all directions, fleeing in different directions.

There are more than 30 Tianjiao chasing him!

It made him a little skeptical about life.


You know, including Wang Mang, there are 16 Tianjiao who hunted together!

Scattered, at most, each of them was chased and killed by seven or eight Tianjiao.

But Wang Mang's character is overwhelmed!

But this group of Tianjiao is forcibly improving their strength.

Therefore, the speed is not much worse.

Wang Mang wanted to throw these guys away.

Are we more handsome?

The depressed Wang Mang started to speed up.

And, flew towards the depths of the wild jungle.

Hunted and killed more than 700 Tianjiao.

Where could Wang Mang be in a bad mood?

So, with this thought in mind.

It's really difficult!

I'm afraid I can't do it in a short time.

But Wang Mang was in no rush.

This group of geniuses who chased and killed Wang Mang gave up unwillingly.

Because, they want to continue chasing and killing, but it is impossible to forcibly improve their strength and continue chasing and killing.

If they forcibly increase their strength to chase and kill them again, they will become a complete chopping board fish!

The two sides immediately launched a chase battle.

This is a full two days of chasing!

Two days later.

After all, his harvest this time is too rich!

He killed seven hundred and eight hundred heavenly prides!

The energy value obtained alone is as much as hundreds of billions!

Therefore, after two days of chasing and killing, the group of Tianjiao had left one after another.

Similarly, after Wang got rid of the pursuit of these Tianjiao.

He also began to look for a retreat in the wild jungle.

After setting up the enchantment.

Only then did Wang Mang enter the cave with peace of mind.

After entering the cave, Wang Mang sat cross-legged.

As for how much talent value he has gained, Wang Mang doesn't know.

Therefore, he urgently sorted out his harvest!

Soon, Wang Mang found a hidden cave.

Wang Mang: A quasi-sage (the ancestor of all demons).

Species: Primordial magic python (limit 800 meters).

Realm: God Emperor Yizhongtian (Legendary Tianjiao).

Afterwards, he silently said in a happy mood:

"System! Open your personal information!"

The next moment, personal information appeared in front of him.

Equipment: Top world multicolored stone X1, Shenwu sword, fairy emperor mask, holy emperor mask, talent value 1880/1500.

Energy value: 245 billion/250 billion.

Body: 30,000 HP, 760 meters long, 37 meters wide, and 150 million tons in weight.

Top supernatural powers: Ancient Demon Hegemony (Consummation), Swallowing Yuan Devouring Art (Consummation), Three Lives Buddha (Great Accomplishment), Wrath of Gods and Demons (Consummation).

Space: 1 bottle of Wangqing Water, 1 Meteor Pill, 1 Liuwei Emperor Pill, Meteor Cannon (3 pieces), one-time fifth-order top bad luck card X1, Immortal King-level treasure box X1, Immortal King-level blind box X1 , Random lucky draw chance X1.

He killed more than 700 Tianjiao, but gained more than 1200 points of talent.

This moment gave him ~www.readwn.com~ the capital to be promoted to the Mythical Talent!

Now he can be promoted to become a mythical arrogance at any time!

After reading the personal information.

Even Wang Mang couldn't help but gasp.

He didn't expect that his accumulated talent value would be so much!

He will definitely be able to make up for his background!

At that time, Wang Mang, who has the order of the king.

This time after sorting out the strength.

More importantly, his energy value is about to evolve.

In addition, he also has treasure chests, blind boxes, and so on.

You can freely walk back and forth on the road to the battle of the heavens.

Crazy harvest of massive arrogance began to attack the supreme!

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