I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 834: 3 consecutive random draws? Surprise! Successful breakthrough...

So to speak of these twelve prizes.

It was also the reason why Wang Mang was dumbfounded.

This is just a random lottery!

Wouldn't this be too much force?

Moreover, this prize is a bit like...

The fruit machine he used to play when he was a child?

If he is allowed to draw the king, he will be drawn another talent worth 1000 points.

Doesn't this mean that he can directly give him 100,000 talent value?

This is too crazy!

And the three consecutive hits are also very cowhide!

In this way of winning a lottery similar to driving a train.

If you open a good prize, you will gain a lot.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang couldn't be more excited.

This is probably because he hasn't randomly drawn a lottery for a long time.

That's why the system burst out with so many good prizes!

Give him a king prize.

Or it would be nice to give him a triple hit!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang also began to look forward to it!

He doesn't ask for more.

At the same time, Wang Mang was extremely nervous.

If there is no good prize, he will not be nervous.

Under Wang Mang's anticipation and excitement.

The square zodiac prize turntable began to spin.

Soon, in a minute.

The rotation of the lucky compass slowed down.

But the problem is, the prizes this time are really impressive.

Even if it is to give him a fifth-tier top lucky card, it would be good!

At the same time, the system voice sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully scored a three-in-a-row! The lottery continues! 】

Finally, under Wang Mang's extremely nervous eyes.

The lucky wheel finally stopped.

it is good! Cowhide cowhide!

Three in a row!

After the sound of the system sounded.

Wang Mang was elated.

He can't even lose money!

The next moment, three bright grids appeared on the lottery turntable, and they were spinning rapidly in the compass.

Take three prizes directly.

No matter which prize is drawn.

Then the sound of the system sounds:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 10 billion energy points! 】

Another minute passed.

The compass rotation speed slowed down.

【Ding! Accumulate to meet the evolution conditions, whether to start evolution? 】


【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get 1 billion energy points! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 100 talent points! 】

These three prizes are definitely the most **** ones in the situation of driving a train.

Of course, it's not bad, after all, it's just a random chance to draw a lottery!

After listening to the sound of the system.

Wang Mang felt somewhat regretful.

The prizes of this thing are really powerful, if you open it casually, it is more powerful than the fairy king treasure chest!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang was of course moved.

But if there is a chance next time.

He can think about it and get this random lottery chance.

The individual value is not worse than the fairy king-level blind box!

After thinking about it this way, Wang Mang's mood became much happier.

The biggest gain this time.

That's 10 billion energy value plus 100 talent value.

As soon as he thought of this, Wang Mang silently said in his heart:

"System! Let's start evolving!"

Now his accumulated energy value has reached 290 billion.

Even after evolution, there is still some energy left.

Afterwards, Wang Mang completely lost consciousness during the evolution.

The next moment, the system's voice sounded:

【Ding! Successfully deducted 250 billion energy value! Starting to evolve...]

After waking up this time, the breath on Wang Mang's body.

It didn't get any scarier.

After a week.

Only then did Wang Mang slowly wake up from the evolution.

He has now entered the stage of turning reality into reality.

The so-called turning from virtual to real is to wait for one's own strength to skyrocket.

But it has become much thicker and thicker.

This is because Wang Mang's combat power has not increased.

When he still possessed the peak combat power of the God Emperor Jiuchongtian.

Then, if Wang Mang makes another breakthrough, he will be able to enter the extreme state.

Let the supreme mask completely lose its effect on his blessing.

When he doesn't need the supreme mask to bless his combat power.

Counting the blessing of the legendary Tianjiao, without relying on the real combat power blessed by the supreme mask, he is only the sixth heaven of the **** emperor.

But it's also a big improvement.

At this moment, Wang Mang still has not entered the extreme state.

He broke through his cultivation and only reached the second level of the God Emperor.

That is.

Even Wang Mang gave up wearing the mask of the **** emperor and the devil emperor.

Now the supreme mask itself can bless the combat power of the fifth heaven.

But now he can only bless the **** emperor's third-tier combat power.

From fiction to reality, he is only short of the last third heaven.

Once he chooses to break through the level of the mythical genius.

He still possesses and maintains the fighting power of the God Emperor Jiuchongtian peak!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang was in a good mood.

But the background is stronger, the body has the power of the law of containment, and it is more friendly.

Right now, his body is like the carrier of law power, and all kinds of law power do not reject him at all.

From the virtual to the real, there are only two small realms left.

Moreover, Wang Mang was able to discover that although his breakthrough level had not improved this time.

But the power of law still has a name, it does not belong to one world, but belongs to all heavens and myriad worlds.

The power of the law may be inferior to the power of heaven in some top Great Thousand Worlds.

This is a breakthrough change. Every time he evolves, Wang Mang's body becomes more compatible with the power of the law.

Because, every fifth-order Tianjiao powerhouse is an existence that can embody a world.

All in all, it sounds like the power of law is not as good as the power of heaven.

But in fact, it is more popular in the heavens and the world.

But the power of heaven refers to the power of a single world.

The power of law is the mainstream energy system of the heavens and myriad worlds.

But the power of the Dao is more difficult to control and use.

To put it bluntly, even the current fifth level, still can't play with the power of the Dao.

Any power in the world is a general term for the power of law.

As for the power above the law, it is the power of the Dao.

Then it is understandable that the power of the law in the future will sublimate to the power of the Dao.

After recovering, Wang Mang also became curious.

But Wang Mang also roughly guessed that the next practice will definitely be the power of the Dao to reach a higher level.

After all, even Immortal Qi, no matter the realm of God Emperor, has been eliminated and forwarded to the power of law.

"System! Open your personal information!"

The next moment, personal information appeared in front of him.

Will his next breakthrough realm still increase by 50 billion energy values?

Thinking of this ~www.readwn.com~ Wang Mang silently said in his heart:

Realm: God Emperor Erzhongtian (Legendary Tianjiao).

Body: 35,000 HP, 770 meters long, 37 meters wide, and 160 million tons in weight.

Wang Mang: A quasi-sage (the ancestor of all demons).

Species: Primordial magic python (limit 800 meters).

Top supernatural powers: Ancient Demon Hegemony (Consummation), Swallowing Yuan Devouring Art (Consummation), Three Lives Buddha (Great Accomplishment), Wrath of Gods and Demons (Consummation).

Space: 1 bottle of Wangqing Water, 1 Meteor Saint Pill, 1 Liuwei Emperor Pill, Meteor Cannon (3 pieces), one-time fifth-order top bad luck card X1.

Equipment: Top-level world multicolored stone X1, martial arts sword, supreme mask, talent value 1980/1500 (can be upgraded to mythical genius).

Energy value: 41 billion/230 billion.

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