I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 835: The origin of the Supreme 3 Realm, if you can become the Great Supreme, old...

After reading the personal information.

Wang Mang nodded in satisfaction.

Although it is still an increase of 50 billion energy value.

But it’s good to increase more energy value incrementally!

If the energy value is increased by more than 100 billion.

Wang Mang will have even more headaches.

So, after each breakout.

Wang Mang hopes that the energy value needed to break through the realm next time should not skyrocket too much.

Just then.

Then the sound of the system sounds:

【Ding! The current status of the host has been detected! Give the host the following task options! 】

[Mission 1: Now that the king has landed on the Mythical Chosen One, it is natural to go to the third city to hunt! Hunting is no less than a hundred celestial prides! 】

[Task time: You can get it when you complete it. 】

[Mission reward: 20 billion energy points! Random lucky draw chance X1! Fairy King Level Blind Box X1! 】

[Mission reward: 40 billion energy value! Random lucky draw chance X1! Immortal king-level treasure chest X1! 】

[Mission 3: Now that the king has landed on the Mythical Chosen One, it is natural to go to the third city to hunt! Hunt no less than 300 celestial prides! And on the emperor list! 】

[Mission 2: Now that the king has landed on the Mythical Chosen One, it is natural to go to the third city to hunt! Hunting is no less than two heavenly prides! 】

[Task time: You can get it when you complete it. 】

After listening to the sound of the system.

Wang Mang was taken aback for a moment, then fell into thinking.

The system issued a task, which did not surprise him at all.

[Task time: You can get it when you complete it. 】

[Mission reward: 60 billion energy value! Random lucky draw chance X1! Fairy King Level Blind Box X1! Immortal king-level treasure chest X1! 】

They are all hunters.

Among them, task one is the simplest and has the least rewards.

Task 2, double the rewards for hunting Tianjiao.

After all, basically every time his strength has improved.

Not surprisingly, tasks will be released.

It's just that the rewards of this task are clear at a glance.

But Wang Mang knew that this should be a list.

As for what the list is.

Wang Mang didn't know.

Mission 3 has the richest rewards and the greatest difficulty!

Mainly the so-called emperor list.

Wang Mang didn't even know what it was.

"System! I choose task three!"

The next moment, the system's voice sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Select mission successfully! Please complete the task as soon as possible to get the reward! 】

After a little hesitation.

In the end, Wang Mang couldn't hold back his greed.

Afterwards, Wang Mang silently said in his heart:

Since he obtained the King's Order, he hasn't had time to study it yet.

After taking out the King Token, the token floated around Wang Mang.

Just as Wang Mang was looking at the token.

After listening to the sound of the system.

Only then did Wang Mang nod in satisfaction.

Afterwards, Wang Mang took out the King Token from the storage space.

"You are also the most mysterious, always making this old man unclear about where you came from."

After hearing this.

Wang Mang was startled immediately.

Calling the king's order is an old voice:

"The old man did not guess wrong."

"Among so many arrogances, you are the safest and most extraordinary!"

"Yes, it is the old man."

Hearing this, Wang Mang suddenly looked at the token in front of him curiously, and couldn't help chuckling and said:

"You are really wise!"

After reacting, he looked at Wang Ling in front of him with astonishment, and asked:

"Is that you talking?"

Hearing this, an old and proud voice came from the Wang Ling:

"Now that I have been able to achieve the Mythical Talent, I am close to hitting the Supreme!"

Speaking of which.

Wang Mang was a little flustered.

"I have to say, your vision is pretty good."

"This seat also feels that I am the only one with the supreme talent!"

"I'm not afraid to tell you! Nearly two thousand Tianjiao have been hunted down by me, and only one out of ten remains."

After hearing Wang Mang's bragging.

The proud voice came again from the Order of the King:

"Of course, don't you look at the old man?"

In the final analysis, Wang Mang was indeed a little bit proud of his fighting power not long ago.

After all, not everyone can hunt so many talents.

Therefore, it was inevitable that Wang Mang was a little swollen.

After hearing the bragging of Wang Ling, Wang Mang was completely dumbfounded.

Good guy, it seems that he was the one who made many arrogances not long ago.

But Wang Mang still wanted to inquire about some news from this guy, so he couldn't help asking:

"I'm not afraid to tell you that after this seat was born, every time I followed it was the Supreme Being."

"The minimum threshold is the Supreme Being, and I have even followed the strongest Supreme Being once!"

"From here you can tell how stupid the old man's vision is!"

Obviously, Wang Mang captured some information from the old guy's previous opening.

Hearing this, the voice of calling the king's order came again:

"The old man is very useful."

"How much effect does your calling the king's decree really have?"

"Also, what is this so-called Emperor List?"

"Also, is the Supreme also divided into levels?"

"If you can climb to the top of the emperor list, then the probability of becoming the invincible supreme is as high as three levels."

"In addition, the Supreme does have levels."

"After the myth of Tianjiao."

"With this old man, you can freely use space teleportation in the third city, sixth city, ninth city, and twelfth city."

"At that time, if you want to hunt and kill these Tianjiao, you can hunt Tianjiao, and becoming the supreme is just around the corner."

"As for the emperor's list you mentioned, this is a list of the roads of the heavens and the world."

"Invincible supreme, can possess the combat power of the extreme eighth heaven!"

"This is also called the Supreme Three Levels!"

"Among them, there are quite a few Little Supremes in every era."

"It's the Little Supreme, the Great Supreme, and the Invincible Supreme."

"Little Supreme, can possess the combat power of the seventh heaven of the extreme realm."

"Great Supreme, you can have the combat power of the eighth heaven of the extreme realm."

"And, once the fifth level reaches the Invincible Supreme."

"Then, he must be able to reach the supreme level at the sixth level."

"As for whether you can ascend to the sixth-order invincible supreme, it is unknown."

"Every era of the Great Supreme is as dazzling as a star."

"Invincible Supreme, in each era, there can only be one in all the heavens and myriad worlds!"

"Also, the Invincible Supreme can be recorded in the annals of history, and the years will never erase his glory."

"Because, if you want to become the Invincible Supreme, it's not something you can do just by hunting down Tianjiao."

Hearing this, Wang Mang suddenly realized, but also felt a little upset.

Because, in this guy's tone, he is obviously very unfavorable to him!

Speaking of this, Wang Ling paused for a while, then sighed:

"Hey! In fact, it is basically no problem for you to reach the Little Supreme."

"However, if you want to be a great supreme, or even an invincible supreme, it is too difficult."

Thinking of this, Wang Mang suddenly said displeased:

"Didn't you just say that you are optimistic about this seat? Why are you not optimistic now?"

Hearing that ~www.readwn.com~ called Wangling came a helpless voice:

What does it mean to be a Little Supreme?

Grand Supreme? We can't do it?

Invincible supreme? No more chance?

"Invincible belief, invincible momentum, and invincible heart have not been seen."

"You don't have these three basic qualities to become an invincible supreme!"

"Because, in you, the old man really can't see any hope."

"The old man is optimistic about you becoming the supreme! It is the little supreme!"

"But the Great Supreme, or the Invincible Supreme, you really have no chance."

"To put it bluntly, if you can become the Invincible Supreme..."

"No! If you can become the Great Supreme, the old man will stand on his head and eat shit..."

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