The communications officer nodded and replied after a few seconds: "Report to the captain, the commander-in-chief is on the Paris-class frigate, and asked us to dock and dock, saying that there is new equipment for us."

"New equipment? Well, inform the fleet to temporarily stop moving forward." Kate Vitra left the bridge after saying that. He planned to go to the hangar to see what new equipment was.

In the hangar, Lin Ziyun and Lux ​​were standing next to four huge metal boxes. Several researchers in white coats were standing in front of him with their PDAs in their hands. Kate couldn't hear them because they were too far away. What are you talking about.

Kate Vitra came to a few people and bowed to Lin Ziyun, "Are these four boxes the new equipment?"

"That's right, this is a combat robot we developed by ourselves. The name is 'Titan'. Since it is a beta version, the scientific research department needs to collect some data. I just knew that there is a battle here, so I transferred it to you. "

"Is the beta equipment going to the battlefield now? How about the safety issue? I don't want our subordinates to die on the enemy's guns, but on their own equipment."

"Hehe, don't worry about it, I have also thought of everything you can think of, so this time there is no need to be driven by a human, and the robot is equipped with AI." Lin Ziyun laughed.

"Intelligent AI? Wouldn't this be more wasteful? Even the entire UNSC doesn't have many intelligent AIs. You actually used four at a time this time. You don't need to be so defeated." Kate Vitra was even more speechless. You must know that the cost of a smart AI is almost as high as a warship.

Lin Ziyun shook his head, "How is it possible, I'm not willing to let those few intelligent AIs install only ordinary intelligent AIs."

Kate Vitra exhaled after hearing the words, "Then are you here just to deliver equipment?"

"Of course not. I'm here just to learn. You have been in the navy for longer and have more experience than me. I want to learn more about command from you."

Lin Ziyun knew that he didn't have much commanding ability at all. In the future, it was impossible to defeat Cortana by relying on advanced equipment without moving his head, so Lin Ziyun decided to come and learn from this Navy veteran.

Kate Vitra showed a look of relief, "It seems that you are indeed a commander worthy of our lifetime."

PS: Titan is almost like the picture, the picture is of course I borrowed from the Internet. *

Chapter [-] Crazy Earth Alliance

On the special flagship ship of the Earth United Fleet 'Archangel', Bajilulu, who used to be the battle commander on the Archangel, has become a qualified battleship captain in a blink of an eye.

In front of the Lord Angel, the Earth United Fleet consisting of hundreds of battleships is slowly advancing, and it is believed that it will not be long before they will meet the Zaft Army.

Murta, who was sitting on the bridge of the Main Angel, looked at the very retro mechanical watch on his wrist. "It's almost time. Before Zaft sends someone to intercept it, order those MAs to start off."

The large battleships of the United Fleet began to open their hangars, and the MAs carrying nuclear bombs began to set off. The two pairs of 'long feet' of the main angel were also opened, and three Gundams flew out one after another. These three are disasters. Ego Gundam, Robbery Gundam, and Forbidden Gundam that Lin Ziyun always wanted. (I accidentally said the forbidden as the Gundam of the second work)

"Let Calamity, Robbery, and Forbidden contain the opponent's MS, and the MA moves forward at full speed to attack the colonial satellite. This time, these monsters must be driven out of the universe." Murta said with a grim face.

Beside her, Baji Lulu frowned when she heard the words. She couldn't understand why civilians were involved in this battle between soldiers, even though those civilians were all adjusters.

Although she also regards Zaft as an enemy, the fundamental reason is because she has the identity of a soldier of the earth, which is the duty of a soldier, but this does not mean that she will use a gun to kill those unarmed adjuster civilians.

She also regrets coming to the universe to take over as the captain of the Archangel. It is a pity that there is no regret medicine in the world, and she can only do her own duty when she comes.

She picked up the landline phone on the seat and started to give orders. The three Gundams who received the order rushed out of the formation first, leaving the MS behind them far behind.

"I don't know if those two guys will come." Shani Andras, the driver of the Forbidden Gundam, asked his companions.

"You're talking about Justice and Freedom Gundam? It doesn't matter if you come or not. Anyway, in the end, I will personally find them and smash them to pieces."

"Krott, how dare you say that, if I hadn't helped you many times when you were on Earth, you would be a dead person lying in the coffin board long ago."

"What?! Olga, are you trying to fight? You were already upset when you were on Earth. You almost hit me with your cannonballs so many times. You are too embarrassed to say that you are helping me. I think you are helping the enemy. Bar!"

Shani Andras listened to the two of them with a dull expression, looked at the radar flashing red, "Don't be noisy, there are guests coming, let's go to receive them."

The Zaft Army on the other side, they have long been ready to meet the Earth United Fleet. Since Zaft does not have as many space battleships as the Earth Army, they can only rely on MS to make up for the gap in quantity, so in these few In a month, Zaft produced a lot of MS.

Itzhak, the only remaining member of the Cruze MS squad, led his own squad to the forefront of the Zaft defense line, "Little guys, the people of the Earth Army are here, get ready to fight, let them taste Taste our greatness!"

"Oh~!" xN


Inside the bridge of the New Era aircraft carrier, Lin Ziyun and others used advanced over-the-horizon observation to see three Earth Army Gundams fighting with the Yitzhak team from a distance.

Captain Kate pointed to the Forbidden Gundam displayed on the holographic table, and asked Lin Ziyun, "Is this the special mecha you were talking about?"

"Yes, this mech has a special ability, the two shields on its shoulders can twist the beam, this technology is what I hope to get, so I hope you can let the troops capture it."

"No problem." Captain Kate nodded, then pressed the red button on the holographic table, and the whole ship suddenly sounded a battle alarm, "All personnel began to enter the combat position, and the hangar was ready to start releasing the experimental Titan and Broadsword Fighter!"

The Archangel next to her saw that her allies had already started deploying troops. Maliu and the others were dumbfounded. Aren't you wasting troop fuel?

It's not unreasonable for them to think so. After all, according to the battle distance in this world, ship-to-ship battles are usually within hundreds of thousands of kilometers. However, when UNSC and Xingmeng are fighting, it is tens of thousands of kilometers.

After all, UNSC is the disadvantaged party. If you want to penetrate Xingmeng's shield, you must use a long-range and powerful magnetic acceleration gun, and the magnetic acceleration gun must go through a period of charging each time it is fired, so the main ship of UNSC Generally, it will start to enter a combat state at a distance of tens of thousands of kilometers.

After the main ship penetrates Xingmeng's shield, the highly mobile frigates and destroyers will quickly rush into the opponent's battle group and start close combat. This combat method has become a habit of UNSC, even if it comes The other world is also very difficult to change.

"Captain, what should we do? Are we going to start deploying MS too?" asked an officer of the Archangel.

"Well, order Freedom Gundam and Justice Gundam to attack and follow their troops." Anyway, Freedom and Justice are nuclear powered, and they are not afraid of wasting energy.

"Report to the captain, it is detected that there is a high-radiation signal from the Earth Army that is flying towards the colonial satellite. The number is as high as 400. It is a nuclear bomb!" A crew member of the New Era aircraft carrier said in horror, he had never seen such a thing before. many nuclear bombs.

You know, even before the war between humans and Xingmeng, the UNSC has never invested so many nuclear bombs in any battle.

"What!" Captain Kate looked angry, "They are just a bunch of lunatics, they actually used 400 nuclear bombs to kill civilians!"

Lin Ziyun next to him also said: "You are right, the commander-in-chief of the Earth United Fleet is originally a lunatic, he is the leader of the blue universe of the extremist organization, it is not crazy to have such a lunatic as the commander-in-chief of the Earth Army. Strange. All have to stop them, and there are many Klein friends on PLANT."

"Don't worry, we won't let them succeed." Captain Kate nodded and ordered the communications officer: "Inform all Broadsword fighters to intercept the nuclear bomb, and the Titan team's mission remains unchanged to continue the capture mission."

"Notify the combat armor of allies, let them be careful of nuclear bombs, and then let the fleet recharge all the magnetic acceleration guns, and the shooter missiles begin to launch, targeting the main battleship of the Earth Army."

Lin Ziyun said worriedly: "Just in case, I'll notify Infinity and let it come out to help when necessary."*

Chapter [-] The Forbidden Gundam

The nuclear bomb was finally launched by the madmen of the Earth Alliance. Although the Zaft Army was desperately trying to intercept it, 400 nuclear bombs were not 40. If you stop it, you will stop it. Some of these 400 will always be able to wear it. Layers of defense.

Murta on the bridge of the Archangel was smiling, he was even imagining the scene after the nuclear bomb, imagining the grief of these Zaft troops, he was sure this would be the third time he was born The most beautiful picture I've seen in over a decade.

Boom~!Just when he was still thinking about it, a huge vibration began to come from the whole ship. The sudden vibration made him unable to sit firmly, and he fell from the chair and landed directly on the ground.

"What's the situation?!" Murta, who grabbed the handrail and climbed up, looked at Captain Badji Lulu angrily, and now he needs an explanation.

"The hull was damaged. Something hit the ejection chamber on the right and penetrated directly, causing the ejection chamber on the left to be penetrated together." Bajilulu checked the condition of the hull and couldn't believe it. said.

What is it, it has such power, is it a meteorite traveling at high speed?Impossible, there are no meteorites in this area, but what is it?

Boom~!Just when she was still thinking about what it was, an Agamemnon-class space carrier flying in front of the Angel was penetrated by a streamer from the right side, and finally exploded and turned into space. Rubbish.

The speed of the streamer was so fast that it was difficult to catch with the eyes, and it did not stop after penetrating the Agamemnon-class space carrier, and continued to advance at a very high speed. All the battleships that resisted its advance route were penetrated one by one. .

This is not over yet. After the streamer disappeared into the deep space of the universe, several streamers ushered in on the right side of the fleet. Each streamer destroyed at least one battleship. A few seconds later, only the warships were destroyed by these streamers. There are already more than [-] ships.

"Report, there is a lot of thermal energy reaction on the right side of the fleet, it's a missile!"

"What?!" Bajilulu looked shocked. She looked at the radar and found that there was no battleship signal on the right side, only the hundreds of red signals marked as missiles flew towards this side quickly.

"Could it be that Zaft's weapons have become so advanced that they can hit opponents at such a long distance?"


Although the Zaft Army in the distance tried their best to intercept the nuclear bomb, a small number of them escaped the interception, and this small number of nuclear bombs was enough to destroy most of the colonial satellites.

The Zaft Army on the front line looked desperate. Despite this, they could only watch the nuclear bombs fly towards the colonial satellite. Just when these nuclear bombs were about to reach the detonation position, a warship with a length of more than [-] meters suddenly passed from the fault. Leaps out of space and is in front of the nuclear bomb.

Boom~! ! !

The dozen or so nuclear bombs that flew in the front slammed into the Infinity, and the explosion produced a huge light that made it impossible to open your eyes.

"Report! The shield is lost by 40%, and some nuclear bombs are actually flying towards us." After listening to the report, Deputy Captain Mi Lei glanced at Roland and gave him a look.

Roland nodded and made an OK gesture, "The fixed-point defense cannon has locked the remaining nuclear bombs."

The MS who was intercepting the nuclear bomb in front saw the giant battleship that suddenly appeared to pick up the nuclear bomb with its face and was still unscathed. The movement in his hand suddenly stopped, which caused another part of the nuclear bomb to pass through the defense line.

At this moment, a large number of fighters from nowhere suddenly joined the interception of nuclear bombs, greatly reducing their burden.

While the Zaft Army wondered who these people were, they also wondered why this group of people still used the obsolete weapon, the fighter jet, even though the fighter jet looked advanced.

And Patrick, who was in command at the rear, looked at the mysterious force that suddenly appeared and the huge space battleship in shock. What did he see just now?It's actually a space warp, isn't this the technology that Zaft really wants.

Since Zaft found a fossil of a non-Earth creature, the research and development of the interplanetary engine has not stopped, but it has never been successful. (Stargazer Gundam only appeared after the second season)

"Who are they? Why is there such a force in this world that we have no information at all?"


"Report! The front-line troops were attacked by unknown forces and suffered heavy losses, and the nuclear bombs were all destroyed by the opponent!" After the battle commander finished speaking, he adjusted the front-line screen, "This is the battle screen returned by the front-line Calamity Gundam. "

What caught the eye was a broadsword fighter jet rushing into the MA group and launching a massacre.It turned out that these Broadsword fighters began to fight with the MA on the front line after helping to intercept the nuclear bomb.

"Fighters?!" Murta looked like you're kidding me, something like a fighter jet would actually appear on the battlefield of the universe. You must know that fighter jets are rarely used in the earth, let alone in the universe. in a complex environment.

"This fighter is different from the fighters we know. Not only in design, but also in maneuverability is not inferior to MS." Seeing the MA being beaten by the opponent, Bajilulu commented.

"I don't care where they are different, I want to know who they are now? And where are Calamity, Ban and Robbery Gundam now, tell them to hurry up and cover the second batch of nuclear bombs!"

"Report to the commander-in-chief, they are entangled in four white bodies and cannot escape."

On the other hand, the pilots of Calamity, Forbidden and Robbery Gundam at this time can be described as hard to die. Since the weapons used by the four Titans can emit directional energy similar to the Templar Defenders, it can be said that it is a A gun can also be said to be a lightsaber, firing a controllable laser as long as you hold the trigger.

Think about it, when you dodge the opponent's beam with great difficulty, the opponent's rush moves in your direction, and the beam cuts towards you like a long lightsaber. How can you fight.

What's even more embarrassing is that the other party actually has a shield of all-round defense, and their weapons can't hurt them at all.

In fact, to say the hardest is to ban Gundam.The other party seems to be playing with him. He has no intention of using a distant weapon at all. He has been fighting with him in melee combat. Even if you are fighting melee, you should at least bring a weapon such as a sword to fight, but they just don't bring it. See you Has anyone beaten and kicked them with their fists and kicked them all the way through a Gundam battle? He had seen them today, and he was very angry after that, but he couldn't do anything about them.

Of the four Titans, two are in melee combat with Forbidden, and the other two are entangled in Calamity and Robbery. *

Chapter [-]


Shani controlled the Forbidden Gundam to continuously shoot out beams in an attempt to block the white mecha that was approaching him. Unfortunately, the opponent was not only strong in defense, but also terrifying in mobility.

Seeing that the opponent was already close to him, Shaniguo slashed at the opponent with a scythe.Titan raised his arm, and the physical war sickle slashed on a halo on his arm, making it difficult to get half a point, just at this moment Titan raised his foot and kicked him.

boom!Forbidden Gundam was kicked by the Titans again, and it has been kicked by the opponent no less than twenty times since the battle.When Forbidden Gundam flew out, another Titan came to the back of Forbidden Gundam, and kicked the flying Gundam back like a ball.

"Ah!! Don't deceive people too much!" Shani, who was humiliated by the Titans, couldn't bear it anymore. He shouted, threw the sickle in his hand and flew towards a Titan, activated the self-destruction system, and wanted to die together.

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