Chapter [-]: Lin Ziyun Ready to Shoot

In the conference room of the Infinity Fleet's flagship Infinity, Lin Ziyun, Lux, Kira and others were sitting here. Unlike Kira, who was full of nervous expressions, Lin Ziyun and Lux ​​were chatting with each other.

Aslan, who was watching next to him, was very uncomfortable. Although he had nothing to do with her, and he also had a girl he liked, he was still his fiancee before.

Half an hour later, during this time, a group of people wearing UNSC navy captain's uniforms came into the conference room one after another. There were more than 1 people in total, both men and women. These people were not only assisting the construction of the A[-] special zone. The captain of all ships except the battleship.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, Lin Ziyun's face was serious, "Everyone, this time I called you to discuss an important matter. This matter is related to our next direction, so I asked everyone to discuss and discuss together."

"Commander, please clarify, what is the most important thing?" Kate Vitra, the captain of the New Era aircraft carrier, took the lead and said, he is the highest-ranking first-level officer here except Lin Ziyun.

A group of people looked at Lin Ziyun who was sitting in the front seat seriously, waiting for his next words.

"It's like this, as everyone knows, we got some help from Klein's friends, and using the materials we got from them, we started to build a port in Special Zone A1, but due to various factors, after the port was completed, , at most, only ships below the kilometer level can enter, which means that when we want to upgrade our warships in the future, we can only upgrade frigates and destroyers, and the main ship will not be the same."

After speaking, Lin Ziyun pointed to Cagalli next to him, "But this Miss Cagalli promised to help us solve this problem."

"Miss Cagalli, who are you, and why are you helping us? Are there any conditions?" As soon as Kate Vitra's words fell, the other twenty captains focused on Cagalli. body.

Being watched by so many senior officers, Cagalli was a little nervous, "I am the daughter of the lord of Orb on Earth, and the only heir, as long as you are willing to help me stop this war, I will inherit the throne of the lord. , and allow you to build large ports in our country, and I will provide you with some supplies."

Kate Vitra nodded, "The conditions are indeed tempting, but there are also certain risks. If we help you, it will expose us to the eyes of other forces on Earth. With human greed, we can see that we have such a high level of control. We will definitely try our best to obtain the technology and technology, which means that we will face the threat of force from other forces on the earth except Orb."

Kate? Vitra is the highest officer here, and immediately thought of the pros and cons.

Lin Ziyun nodded, "That's why I called everyone here. To help or not, I want to hear your opinions."

As soon as the words fell, everyone began to whisper and discuss this with the colleagues next to them in a low voice. After ten minutes, the first to speak was the captain of the No. 1 ship of the late autumn class, Ruth Ogla.

"I think we should take action. It is undeniable that facing the forces of the earth is indeed a little troublesome for us, but it is only a little troublesome, and we do need such a large port to work for us now."

The other captains nodded silently when they heard the words.

"Captain Kate Vitra, what do you think?" Lin Ziyun asked Kate Vitra, who had been in the army for the longest time.

"I agree with Captain Ruth, we do need such a large port, but in the end it is up to you, we will always follow in your footsteps, even if you want us to turn our guns on the UEG (United Earth Government) us There will be no hesitation, so it's up to you to decide."

Hearing this, Lin Ziyun was moved, and for the first time showed gratitude to this group of people, "Thank you for your support, and thank you for your support to me, you all want me to decide, then my answer is to choose help her."

Before, he had more or less the idea of ​​'Oh, they are just helping their NPCs' to the UNSC people, but now it is different. After this incident, Lin Ziyun has treated them as his family. .

"My order now is that the A1 special zone and the ships that are undergoing construction work in the special zone remain unchanged, and the Infinity Fleet Infinity continues to collect supplies with the Marathon. Late Autumn 1, 2, 3 and ten Paris-class, five Stalwart-class, Five Double-Edged Swords and seven Halberds remain in the Infinity Fleet."

"The aircraft carrier New Era led two Paris-class, five Steadfast and six halberds to form the New Era fleet, and went to the abandoned L4 colonial satellite to meet the Archangel over there and assist them in their operations." Lin Ziyun said After finishing, he looked at Kate Vitra seriously, "You are in charge of the fleet's actions. I'll leave it to you this time, Captain Kate."

"Yes! Commander."

In the port of the abandoned L4 colonial satellite, many busy figures can be seen at this time, one after another of orange Gundams flying towards the two ships docked in the airport with huge boxes.

These two ships are the Archangel and the Grass Pheasant, and these orange Gundams are also brought by the Grass Pheasant from the Shuguang Society. These mechas are all their belongings.

At the meteorite belt outside the L4 colony satellite, a patrol of three Gundams is patrolling.

The driver of one of the Gundams opened the communication and said, "Princess Cagalli has been away for several days, and I don't know what's going on now. I'm so worried."

"Julie, don't worry, I believe that Princess Cagalli will be fine. Let's go back and hand over after we finish the tour." Another pilot said.

(PS: These three are the MS pilots of the Shuguang Club. Many people must remember the three pretty girls, they are)

A few minutes later, when they left the meteorite belt and were about to enter the L4 port, dozens of bright lights suddenly appeared not far away.

"Look, what is that!?"

As soon as Julie finished speaking, more than a dozen huge battleships flew out of the light, and all the battleships flew in the direction of L4.

PS: I have something to go out today, so I sent the two chapters ahead of time, and they are gone today. *

Chapter [-] Preparations before the war

"Could it be that aliens are here?" Asachi said with an uneasy look.

"Idiot, it doesn't matter whether they are aliens or not, in short, let the Archangel and the Pheasant know." Mayura clicked on the communication channel and called to the Archangel and others in L4, "Call the Archangel, here is the Training squad, we have an emergency here."

"This is the Archangel, the patrol team please report your situation."

"A fleet of fourteen ships suddenly appeared on the periphery of the L4 colonial satellite!" Mayura said hurriedly.

"What!" The correspondent of the Archangel was shocked when he heard the words, thinking that Zaft and the Earth Army were attacking, and quickly pressed the red button next to it, and a siren sounded throughout the ship, including the port.

In less than five minutes, Maliu and the others rushed to the bridge from the rest area, "What happened?"

"I just received a report from the patrol team, claiming that there is a fleet outside L4." The communicator pointed to the radar next to him, "and our radar did not respond."

"Report, we have received a communication request of unknown origin." At this moment, another person said.

"Come in and take a look."

Following Maliu's order, a middle-aged man appeared on the big screen of the Archangel. This middle-aged man was wearing a strange military uniform that Maliu knew. It would be better to say that even if she died, she would not forget this kind of clothing. .

Because just a few months ago, a group of people wearing the same clothes came to him and forcibly took a few people away.

"This is the flagship of the UNSC Navy's New Era Fleet, the New Era aircraft carrier. We have accepted your request from Princess Cagalli to help you."

When Captain Kate Vitra finished speaking, the screen switched to Cagalli. She smiled and said, "Everyone, we're back, we've worked hard for you these past few days."

After seeing Cagalli, everyone on the Archangel and the Pheasant was relieved. Fortunately, they were friendly troops. Otherwise, in their current state, it is very likely that they would be sunk before they were ready to set sail.

An hour later, the originally empty port of the L4 colonial satellite was already full of warships. It is a pity that the New Era class is too large, more than 2500 meters, and the port of the L4 colonial satellite cannot accommodate her at all. That huge body, so she had to continue to float outside.

Of course, there are several destroyers accompanying her, just like her escorts, guarding her.

After these UNSC warships entered the port, a large group of transport machines stepped out of the warships one after another and began to carry materials onto the ship. In fact, this was what Kate Vitra and Cagalli agreed.

All the materials in the war were provided by them, so as soon as the ship docked, they began to stuff the materials into the ship desperately, no matter whether it was usable or not, they were talking about it.

I have to say that Kate Vitra is quite stingy. Of course, stinginess is only for others, not for his own people.

On the other side, the people from the Archangel and the Grass Pheasant didn't find it strange when they saw it. In their eyes, they actually asked for help and used their own supplies to help themselves in the war. There was nothing wrong with them.

Looking at the many busy people, among these people, only Cagalli was bleeding.

Hey, you don't need Gundam, why do you need so many parts, and that one over there, why are you going to dismantle the dock crane?Are you planning to pack this thing with you?How poor are you!

Cagalli was speechless for a while, and really wanted to stop them, but after thinking about it, forget it, just take it, anyway, with their group of people around, she is not afraid of not being able to defeat the Earth Army and Zaft.

A few hours later, except for the docks where the Archangel and the Pheasant were docked intact, the other docks had been demolished by them, and everyone was sweating profusely.

On the other side, Lin Ziyun, who was still on the Infinity, came to the bridge and said, "How is the research on the genetic modification technology that Roland brought back before? Is there a way to use it on our soldiers?"

"Not for the time being. People in this world have modified and modified this technology for decades, but they have never changed the way to turn 'natural people' into 'adjusters'. It's not that they don't want to change, it's that they Without this technical ability, let alone us outsiders, it is not so easy to reverse a project."

"Then we can only start with a fertilized egg like the adjusters?"

"Not necessarily." Roland shook his head, "The group of scientists said that if the Earth Army's human-enhanced technology can be obtained, maybe the two technologies can be combined, so that adults can also perform transformation surgery."

"Okay, I'll see when it's time for the Osiris team to go down on Earth."

After dealing with some matters on the Infinity, Lin Ziyun took Lux back to PLANT.

After returning, Lin Ziyun contacted Andrew and asked him to go to L4 to join the Archangel. He didn't want to fight for Zaft for a long time. He decisively left the port with the Eternal. A giant blue light hole opened, and the Eternal entered the fault space. .

In Patrick's office at Zaft headquarters, an officer shrugged and handed a PDA to Patrick, who was immediately dissatisfied when he saw his subordinate's gaffe.

"Look at your appearance, what kind of soldier do you still look like? Stand up straight for me and don't shake your hands."

Patrick took the PDA, glanced at it, put his head in his hands, two lines of tears flowed from his eyes, his face was covered with hideous, "Ha! Hahaha!! What the hell did I do in my last life? Why is God so right?" I!?"

"First, the information was stolen, then the Divine Will Gundam was demolished, the son ran away with the Justice Gundam, and now the Eternal was abducted again, what did I do wrong?! Uh..."

"Speaker? Speaker?! What's the matter with you, don't scare me." Looking at Patrick who suddenly fell to the ground, the officer was taken aback, "Someone, come here, the Speaker fainted again! "*

Chapter [-] Titans

The time has come quietly to August.

At this time, there were hundreds of warships assembled in the Moon Base of the Earth Alliance Fleet. Most of these warships were built on Earth, except for those that had been in service for a long time.

In the conflict with Zaft a few years ago, Zaft dropped a neutron jammer on the earth, which completely lost the power of the nuclear-powered warships of the Earth Alliance, unable to take off, and the only way to send the warships to the The mass accelerator in space is in the hands of the neutral country Orb, so they have no choice but to hand over all the ship construction tasks to the moon base since then.

In a huge conference room in the base, more than a dozen senior officers of the Earth Alliance sat here. In this conference room where almost everyone wore navy uniforms, there was one person dressed differently.

He was dressed in a light blue suit and trousers, like a nobleman who came to visit. Most importantly, he was actually sitting at the forefront, which showed that his identity was at least on the same level as the commander-in-chief of the fleet.

This person's name is Murta Azrael, and his real identity is the leader of the Earth Radical Blue Universe (also known as Blue Cosmos), as well as the actual ruler of the Earth Alliance, known as the 'Angel of Death'.

"Stop arguing! We've been arguing for so long, and there's no decent way to do it. Let's just blow it up with a nuclear bomb." But kept arguing.

What a bunch of idiots.

"Who are you, this is not a child playing at home, this is war!" An officer who obviously didn't know Murta scolded him, and several other people who didn't know him were equally angry look at him.

There were officers who knew Murta and looked at him with a mentally retarded expression. He was so arrogant. He dared to fight. It was estimated that his military career was about to end.

The commander-in-chief of the fleet sitting next to him couldn't stand it any longer, and said, "This is Murta Azrael, our commander-in-chief."

Hearing that, the person who looked down on him just now looked stunned, completely stunned by Murta's identity, and the officer who just scolded his child was almost scared to pee, and he actually shot the gun just now. Collide.

"Would it be too much to use a nuclear bomb, knowing that there are still a lot of civilians there."

When he heard someone call the adjusters civilians, Murta said with a hideous face: "Civilians? You actually call those monsters civilians? Please pay attention to your words, they are just a group of monsters, what's the point of killing these monsters? of."

As a child, Murta was often bullied by adjusters at school, and at the same time, influenced by his family, he hated them so much that he regarded them as a non-human species.

"But, who should use the nuclear bomb in the name of?"

After all, the use of nuclear bombs to harm civilians will come under pressure from the media no matter what, and they don't want to wake up the next day and see their pictures in the headlines.

"In my name!" Murta.

The meeting finally ended. Within half an hour after the end, nuclear bombs were taken out from the deepest part of the base and installed on the MA that had been prepared.

On the other side of the L4 colonial satellite, the alliance fleet composed of the New Era Fleet and the Archangel, the Pheasant, and the Eternal has set sail and is rushing to the front.

Since the Archangel and the Pheasant did not have a jump engine, the fleet led by Kate Vitra did not use the jump this time, but conducted a regular voyage.

When they were halfway through the road, a gap was suddenly opened in front of the fleet, and a Paris-class frigate pulled out from it.

On the bridge of the New Era aircraft carrier, Kate Vitra looked at the Paris-class frigate that suddenly appeared, and said to the communication officer next to her, "Ask their situation and why they are here at this time."

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