However, the sound was not from the screen... Stashia immediately came to the window, looked up at the sky, and saw a planet 1 only one million kilometers away from the planet Er and the planet Camillas A sudden explosion lit up the surface of the planet Iskandar at night.

" is this possible..."

Stashia covered her mouth with her hands and looked at everything that had just happened in shock. How could human beings have this kind of technology.

Could it be the wave cannon? Stashia shook her head to deny this idea. Although the wave cannon is powerful, it is no problem to destroy asteroids, but if you want to destroy a planet the size of just now, you need at least a few shots, and just now, that A ship shattered the planet with one shot.

In fact, she wasn't the only one who was shocked, even Lin Ziyun on the Infinity ship almost dropped her chin.

"The power of the % energy output of the Star Shattering Cannon is so powerful"

Although he had tried the power of the Star Shatter Cannon before, the output of that cannon was only 50%, and 10% was the first time he used it.

"But then again, why did you miss out?"

Just now, Lin Ziyun also hoped that this issue would go on and directly solve the space city on the opposite side.

Roland explained apologetically: "Sorry, Captain, the space city is in the middle of two planets, and we don't have the data on these two planets, so we don't know their gravitational values, which caused the Star Breaker Cannon to be distorted when it passed by them. ballistic."

"Tsk, it's troublesome now."

Lin Ziyun clicked his tongue, the star-shattering cannon just now had used up all the energy of the Kaidarin crystal, and if he wanted to recover, he would not even think about it for an hour.

During this period, the Infinity can only use other weapons to fight, and even simple phase teleportation cannot be done. If the opponent sends another wave cannon, the Infinity can only fight hard, and can it be resisted? Also said otherwise.

"If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't need 100% output. It's really a husky."

"Captain, why don't we turn around and jump to the vicinity of the space city, so that we won't be afraid of each other's wave cannons."

Roland suggested.

The Infinity's transition accuracy is very high, and it can be accurate to centimeter-level units. As long as Lin Ziyun orders it, Roland can drive the Infinity to any place within the range of the jump: of course, the premise is that a complex calculation is required.


Lin Ziyun shook his head directly and said, "We know too little about that space city. If the other party's firepower is very strong, in the past, they would have been killed."

"Now let's smash their fleet and talk about that space city, after the Kaidarin crystal is fully charged."


......In the space city far away from the Infinity, Albert Dess pulled his head in cold sweat, and his hand on his chin kept shaking, "Quickly activate the wave cannon and destroy that ship for me. !"

The Star-Breaking Cannon from the Infinity just passed by the space city. If it was a little off, the city would probably become space junk, and he didn't want to give the other party a chance to fire a cannon.

"No, Mr. President, after the wave cannon just now, some parts were burnt due to overloading. Now the wave cannon is still under repair."

Wintertaran wiped the sweat from his head and said.

He also wanted to hurry up and fire another wave cannon. After all, who would want to die when a person is alive, but unfortunately the current situation does not allow it.

"Then fix it! Shoot me right after it's fixed!"

Albert Desra stood up from his position, grabbed Wintertaran's collar with both hands, and shouted, "Yes... yes!"

It was the first time that Wintertaran had seen the President so gaffe.

Albert Desra pushed Wenttaran away and sat down again, "Send all the remaining fleets in the main city, no matter what, you must contain that ship!"

"But...if you send them all out, who will protect the main city?"

"Are you an idiot? If you don't hold that ship down, what's the use of keeping the main city? It's not going to be shot for a second."

Albert Desera said angrily, I really don't know how this man has a brain, thanks to him taking the commander's position.


Chapter [-] Roland's conjecture and method

Half an hour later, the battle between Infinity and Camillas continued. Countless artillery fire shuttled through the void, adding a little color and... the breath of death to the dark void.

Since the Camilas fleet is relatively scattered and far away, the hit rate of Infinity is greatly reduced, so in this hour, Infinity's record is less than [-]. It can be said that this is since Infinity has crossed other worlds. , with the least record.

Of course, Titan and Thor were not much better either. Camillas' minelaying ship had scattered at least [-] billion space mines in the star field ahead, so they did not dare to go too far and could only attack Camillas fleet from a distance.

Fortunately, after fighting for so long, Titan and Thor did not suffer any casualties, otherwise Lin Ziyun would be bleeding.

"It's not the way to keep consuming it like this. If the opponent's wave cannon is good, it will be our turn to be beaten."

Lin Ziyun rested his hands on the holographic table, squinting at the battle situation analysis chart above.

Roland, who was standing on the holographic platform, also looked at the holographic platform under his feet and said, "Indeed, but it's strange why the other party didn't fire the wave cannon."

If it was charging, it must have taken an hour to charge the wave cannon, but the other party didn't move at all.

"Sah, who knows, it is estimated that the wave cannon is broken, and it is currently undergoing emergency repairs..."

Lin Ziyun said uncertainly.

Although the wave cannon of Camillas in the original book was indeed broken after the first shot was fired, Lin Ziyun was not sure that it was the same as the original this time.

After all, for the plot of the original work, just refer to it for reference. If you really believe it, then you are ready.

"If that's the case, we must destroy the wave cannon before they can fix it."

Roland looked at Lin Ziyun and said seriously.

"It's simple to say, but there are not many weapons that can hit so far and are powerful enough..."

Lin Ziyun didn't know this, but the space city was more than 500 million kilometers away from the Infinity. The only weapons that were powerful enough to hit this distance were the Star Breaker Cannon and the Magnetic Accelerator Cannon.

The former is still there: charging, the latter is slow, barely 120 kilometers per second, it takes at least 400 seconds to cross this distance, and during this time, people have already moved to other places.

"Maybe I have a way!"

Roland's words surprised Lin Ziyun.

"Oh, what can I do, let's hear it."

With a wave of Roland's little hand, the map of the battle situation on the holographic stage immediately disappeared, replaced by two complex patterns similar to the star map, but this pattern was much more complicated than the star map, and even Lin Ziyun felt dizzy when he saw it. Dazzling.

Lin Ziyun looked at Roland suspiciously and said, "What is this?"

Roland pointed to the two patterns and introduced: "The left one is the energy structure diagram of the wave cannon, and the right one is the energy structure diagram of the black hole. Have you found anything?"

After being asked by him, Lin Ziyun carefully observed the two patterns, and finally shook his head, "I really didn't find anything."

When Roland heard the words, he had such an expression as expected. Then he merged the two patterns and asked again, "Have you found anything now?"

"This... so it is, the two patterns are very similar."

Lin Ziyun smacked his palm and said, the energy structure diagram of the wave cannon just added something more than the black hole energy structure diagram.

Then Lin Ziyun wondered again: "Does this have anything to do with our previous topic?"

"Of course there is!"

Roland pointed to the energy structure diagram of the wave cannon and said, "You must have seen it too. This pattern and the pattern of the black hole just add some substances that we don't know about."

Seeing Lin Ziyun nodding, Roland continued: "If I'm not mistaken, the wave cannon is actually... compressing space energy, making it a destructive weapon, and these...  .. the extra unknown matter must be used to fix the form of space energy, think about it, if we remove these... unknown energy, what will happen to the wave cannon"

Lin Ziyun thought for a while, then said: "It becomes a black hole cannon"


Roland clicked his fingers, "As long as we wipe out the unknown matter in the wave cannon when the opponent launches the wave cannon, the wave cannon will turn into a black hole, and the space city will definitely be swallowed by the black hole it fired. ."

"This method does work, but how do we erase this unknown substance?"

Lin Ziyun asked.

Roland said: "If this is the case, Captain, you don't need to worry, although we call it 'unknown substance', in fact, we have dealt with this substance for a long time. You still remember that Glassman extracted it from the Jupiter wormhole before. the black matter?"

"In fact, there is this kind of substance in black matter, not only that, but the content is more than that of wave cannons. The reason why we can turn black matter into black hole bombs is because we have a way to convert those in black matter.... ......Unknown Matter Erasing."

"Oh I got it."

In the past, Lin Ziyun only knew that a black hole would be created when fantasy particles merge with black matter. As for the process, he didn't know it at all, and he never thought to know it. After all, it could be used. Who would care about the process? the scientist.

What's more... these are not things he wants to understand, but after Roland's explanation, he understands.

"But then again, how did you know?"

"Hahaha, as the most powerful ship in the endless fleet, of course you have to learn some 'extracurricular' knowledge."

Roland laughed.

Lin Ziyun heard the words, smiled, and then opened the special line communication in the ship: "The captain calls Glassman."

As soon as Di Lin Ziyun's words fell, Glassman's figure appeared on the holographic stage of the bridge, and he immediately said: "What's the matter, the captain is looking for me at this time?"

"Do you have a fantasy particle emitter?"

Lin Ziyun asked.

"I do have a fantasy particle emitter here, but why do you want that thing?"

Glassman looked at him suspiciously.

Although the fantasy particle launcher is called a launcher, it has no attack power at all. After all, if fantasy particles are not processed and refined, they can only be used as special energy.

"Wait what I'm doing: you'll see, now you give it to me."

"Okay, I'll let someone take it down and give it to you, but it's too big, where should I put it?"

Hearing this, Lin Ziyun touched his chin and thought for a while, then said, "Put it in the hangar, I'll ask someone to get it."


After finishing the communication with Glassman, Lin Ziyun looked at Roland and said, "Call the team back, and also, focus on monitoring the other side's space city, and report to me if there is any movement."

"Yes, Captain!"

Chapter [-] The Defeated Camillas Fleet

Another half hour or so passed without knowing it.

At this time, Roland, who had been monitoring Camillas Space City, suddenly said, "Captain! We detected a high-energy response in the Space City, and the signal keeps rising. They must be charging the wave cannon!"

"Tsk, I didn't expect it to be faster than I thought..."

Lin Ziyun clicked his tongue in dissatisfaction, and then opened the special line communication, "Squad, how are you preparing?"

"It's done now!"

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