On the deck on the surface of the Infinity, James Locke controlled the Thor Mecha, and inserted a wire several meters thick into the tail of a turret temporarily installed on the deck.

And this turret is nothing but a fantasy particle emitter that was removed from the laboratory before.

When he was done, he turned his eyes to the other end of the wire, and saw Thor, Kerrigan's driving, gesturing to him.

Seeing the situation, James Locke knocked on the earphone and said: "Report to the captain! The fantasy particle emitter is ready!"

"Very good, charge the launcher, aim in the direction of the space city, and Roland will send you the coordinates."

Lin Ziyun's voice came from his ears, and then a coordinate appeared on his visor.

"Coordinates received, fantasy particle emitter is charging!"

As soon as James Locke finished speaking, Thor's mechanical finger lightly pressed the red button of the launcher, and immediately, the entire launcher's muzzle began to light up with a pink light.

Lin Ziyun heard the words and immediately said to Roland: "Let both Titan and Thor on the front line return to Infinity, hurry up!"


Roland nodded and said, then, an emergency evacuation order was displayed in the cockpit of the combat armor on the front line. Seeing this, all the pilots turned on the maximum speed without hesitation, and flew towards the entrances of the various hangars of the Infinity.

After a minute or so, the Infinity's early warning radar finally sounded a harsh siren.

"Captain! The opponent has started firing wave cannons."

As soon as Roland's words fell, a white light beam shot out from the very center of Camillas' space city, traveling a distance of [-] kilometers in just one second.

"Fantasy Particle Emitter Launch!"

And Lin Ziyun, who was on the bridge of the Infinity, also started ordering fire without hesitation.

Boom! A beam of pink particles with a thickness of only three meters flew towards the wave cannon. Compared with the wave cannon, its small 'stature' was like a mouse and an elephant.

The speed of light is very fast, its speed in a vacuum can reach [-] kilometers per second, and it only takes a dozen seconds to travel through the five million kilometers.

The speed of the particles is not fixed, the energy is sufficient, and the particles can be accelerated to the closest beam. Obviously, Lin Ziyun's particle beam can almost match.

After the two beams flew towards each other for less than ten seconds, they finally met.

The moment they touched each other, the original dazzling white light of the wave cannon disappeared instantly, replaced by a dreadful black.

Black has been extending along the source of the wave cannon, and after a while, the entire wave beam has turned black. From a distance, it looks like a black stick with a length of millions of kilometers, which is creepy.

Bang da da !!! A huge gravitational force erupted from this black 'stick' in an instant, which caused huge vibrations and sounds from the infinity ship millions of kilometers away, as if to It's like being torn apart by a big hand.

However, before Lin Ziyun and the others could react, the powerful gravitational force and the black light beam disappeared, and everything that had just happened was too fast, I'm afraid not even a microsecond.

"Damn it, this gravity is really terrifying."

Even if the gravitational force disappeared, Lin Ziyun's hands were still holding on to the holographic platform.

Although there is such a terrifying weapon in Infinity, but every time it is not thrown and run, it is the first time to experience such a close-up experience like today.

"Roland, how's the situation in the space city opposite?"

After confirming safety, Lin Ziyun released his hands, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, looked at Roland and asked.

"See for yourself."

Roland asked the holographic table to project a picture, and the picture was Camillas' space city.

At this time, the appearance of the space city can be said to be terrible. Since it is the source of the wave cannon, it is the closest to the black hole. At the moment when the powerful gravitational force erupted, all the objects in the space city began to move toward the black hole. The middle is close, even if its structure is very hard, it still cannot withstand this gravitational force.

In the end, the entire space city was like a poor moon cake that was slapped hard by a pair of invisible big hands from the left and right sides, and an irregular hill was raised in the middle, and it was also wrinkled.

Not only that, the overall area of ​​the space city at this time is a full circle, which is enough to see the horror of black holes.

"Haha, it's really miserable, now there's no need to worry about the wave cannon."

Lin Ziyun said with a smile, "Let the Titans and Thor attack again, now I want to see how the Camilas fleet plays with me."

Now Camillas not only lost the command center, but even the fleet lost hundreds of battleships because of the influence of gravity. Of course, these battleships were not destroyed by the black hole, but by their own people.

Because the strong gravitational pull pulls all Camillas' warships to one place, and because the vicinity of the fleet is already covered with space mines, they collided with their own mines before they could react.

"Retreat! Quick!"

The Camilas fleet in the distance looked at the Infinity and the mecha that were rushing towards this side, and immediately started to flee in fright.

"It's not that easy to run, everyone chases me!"

Lin Ziyun didn't intend to let them go so easily. He had wasted so many shells before and didn't sink a few ships, so he had to make up for it this time.

Moreover, what he Lin Ziyun likes to do the most is... beat up the underdogs.

In this way, in the star field of Camilas and Iskandar, a large ship of more than [-] meters was staged with a group of brave little brothers, chasing thousands of small boats of [-] meters flying all over the sky.

An hour later, when the Infinity sank hundreds of Camilas warships, the head of this group of Camilas commanders finally opened up and began to bend and jump around.

Seeing this, Lin Ziyun had no choice but to give up bullying these children.

After the Camilas fleet ran away, Lin Ziyun set his eyes on the purple planet, and he gave a bad smile, "Hey hey, let's go, let's go to Camilas' hometown!"

"Good captain."

Roland saluted him solemnly.

Chapter [-] A small vice president

The Infinity is heading towards the Camillas planet at a rapid speed, and in just ten minutes, it has spanned a distance of millions of kilometers.

The huge battleship of the Infinity was coming, and the people in the Camilas planet had already seen it. Despite this, they did not resist.

Nonsense, the huge fleet of thousands of warships can't help her, and the defense in the light planet is still resisting.

A few minutes later, the Infinity came over the city where the Camillas Presidential Palace was located, and then a large number of landing troops began to be released.

Since the other party did not resist at all, Lin Ziyun soon took control of the entire city.

Of course, it is not only the city that is being controlled, but also the port next to the city, as well as the few Camillas battleships left in the port.

...At this time, the Infinity received a message, and then Roland said to Lin Ziyun: "Report to the captain, the Spartan team led by Sarah Palmer has successfully controlled all the high-level officials in the presidential palace," Friendly' talks can begin."

"Oh so fast, well, project me over there."

Saying that, Lin Ziyun took a few steps back, and then a faint blue light flew out of the holographic stage and shone on Lin Ziyun's body.

On the other side, in the conference room on the highest floor of the Camillas Presidential Palace Building, a holographic projection 33 appeared, and it was Lin Ziyun who was projected.

"Captain, everything is ready."

Sarah Palmer saw her captain coming, and immediately stepped forward.

Lin Ziyun's holographic projection 33 nodded lightly at her, then looked around.

I saw in the very center of the conference room, a large round table, a dozen or so purple-skinned Camillas were looking at him in fear, and beside them stood a dozen or so Spartan warriors.

After watching for a while, Lin Ziyun took his eyes back and said, "Who has the highest military rank here or who is the most powerful person?"

Perhaps it was because they were afraid that they would not understand according to the standards of the human army, so Lin Ziyun specially added another sentence at the end.

The dozen or so Camillas people sitting at the round table heard the words and looked at one of the bald middle-aged men at the same time. The man who was watched by everyone also stood up consciously, and opened the door. The translator said: "My lord, I am."

"What's your name, what rank is an officer?"

Lin Ziyun asked.

"My lord, my name is Redfuss. I'm the vice president of Camillas Emperor Star. I don't know if my lord is looking for a child: what's the matter?"

When the middle-aged man named Red Fuxis was talking with Lin Ziyun, he showed awe all the time, and those who didn't know thought that Lin Ziyun was their emperor.

But it's not surprising that Redford Hess is a relatively good Camillas. Born in a monarchy since he was a child, he never regarded himself as a nobleman. He was in power. Everything is done for the people.

He also saw the power of the ship that was standing above his head, and could destroy the star with one shot, so when he treated Lin Ziyun, he was very awe-inspiring. He didn't want to offend Lin Ziyun and cause the entire Camilla The planet was destroyed.

"Oh, vice president, the official position is quite big."

Squeezing his chin, he carefully looked at Rediffs, and then said, "From today, you are the president of this country."


Redif to the other side of the other person to come here to rule Camillas? What is it a ghost?

Lin Ziyun's face sank, and he looked at him sharply.

"No... No, no, I was just... shocked for a while, please don't take offense, my lord."

Redford Heath immediately bowed to Lin Ziyun.


Lin Ziyun snorted softly, and then said in a soft tone: "Since you are now the president of this week, let's talk about business."

Hearing the words, Rediffs wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and said, "Okay, please speak."

"I will give you five days to integrate all the technologies and technologies in the military field of your Camillas, and then hand them over to me."

"Five days old...Sir, will five days be too short? After all, you want too many things..."

Rediffuse rubbed his hands together and looked at Lin Ziyun in a pleasing manner.

"Oh, it's too short, well, then three days."

"Uh... no, big... hey, well, within three days, I will definitely give you what you want."

Redford sighed.

Hearing this, Lin Ziyun smiled and said, "Very good, that's how you can look like a president. As a president, you should be more decisive and learn from it."

"Thank you for your teaching..."

Although Redford said so, he was scolding his mother in his heart.

This man is really shameless.

"Since things are done, then we won't bother anymore."

After speaking, Lin Ziyun gave Sarah Palmer a look, and then disconnected the holographic projection 33.

The latter also activated the teleportation device with his subordinates, and after a while, only those... Camillas were left in the entire conference room.

After everyone was silent for a while, when it was confirmed that the humans had really left, one of the Camillas executives said, "Are we really going to give him those things?"

"if not"

Redford said solemnly: "You all go back and prepare, and use the fastest time to prepare what that person wants."

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