The people inside are talking about something.

However, this distance is still nearly 50 meters, and the translation software still cannot receive it.

"Akaledua didn't pull it..." Xu Shu's heart moved, he stepped back a little, and then spoke directly according to the language he heard.

Soon, a somewhat mechanized voice sounded in his ears.

"Nonsense, I heard that those people are very strong, and they have killed many people in the East India. Even if they dispatched tanks, they did not succeed in attacking the town of Belaka."

"That's right! A friend of mine is doing business in the small town of Bellaka. I heard him say that those soldiers are wearing hoods, they can't see their faces clearly, and they all speak slang words. No one knows who they are. from which country."

"Also, I heard that they didn't harm the civilians of East India, they were just not allowed to go out."...

Xu Shu continued to talk for a long time, and finally got some useful news.

Bellacar town.

He immediately retreated to the hidden place, and then said: "Magic pupil, how many kilometers is the town of Bellaka from us now?"

Gao Dingbang was stunned for a while, and said, "Belaka? It's 170 kilometers away, and this town is close to the city of Bedesa in the hinterland of East India."

As soon as these words came out, Xu Shu's face suddenly turned ugly.

Bedessa, according to the information he had received from Xiao Jin, a division of the East Indian Field Army was stationed at this location.

With such a small number of people, on this plain, it is not enough for others to shove between their teeth.

"Ding! Release the trigger task 'Rescue comrades in arms'. Task reward: according to the task score, the corresponding merit value reward will be obtained, and the number of lottery draws will be +1. Mission failure: all current merit value will be deducted."

Suddenly, a voice appeared in his mind, and Xu Shu was stunned for a long time.

The system... is on a mission?

This isn't an exercise, my dear... Can this be a mission?

But last time I only noticed the drawings of the mall, I didn't notice these.

With a move in his heart, he immediately glanced at the functions after the system upgrade, and found what he wanted in two seconds.

After the system upgrade, missions are no longer limited to exercises.But whether it is an exercise or an actual combat, as long as it is a mission, it is possible to obtain a system-triggered mission.

"Beautiful." After saying a word in his heart, Xu Shu said: "If we go to Belaka, we must pass through this area, or we need to detour at least 100 kilometers."

"So my plan is...silent battle." After he finished speaking, he looked at a group of jungle ghosts.

"Tasji has a good relationship with our country, so this war cannot be brought to their country."

"However, we have no identity, let alone ask for the cooperation of the Tasji troops. So the only way is to knock them all unconscious."

As soon as Xu Shu said these words, a person who was listening quietly raised his head suddenly.

Wang Xuexin grinned and said, "Jizang, I brought something out."

"What?" Xu Shu was stunned.

"Hehe!" The guy smiled again, and then took out a bundle of poisonous motherweed from his tactical vest.

In addition, there are several other rare herbs such as snake spirit grass, which can relieve snake venom.The most important thing is that this guy also brought a piece of lost soul wood, which is more difficult to find.

The so-called lost soul wood is a very special kind of tree.

Its interior is hollow, because there is a bug that likes to live in the trunk of this soulless wood, which hollows out the trunk for ovulation and dormancy.

The feces of this kind of bug, coupled with the special properties of Soul Losing Wood, can make people dizzy when ignited.

A kind of drug that has been very marked in the world before is the lost soul wood.

When Xu Shu taught them the skills and knowledge of the ghost of the jungle, he also taught them everything that could be used in the jungle.

Among them are the use of special herbs such as poisonous motherwort and soulless wood.

"Fuck! You kid, how come there is a lost soul wood? I remember that there is no such thing in our base area!" Xu Shu was shocked.

Wang Xuexin said with a smile: "We really don't have it there. I asked my family to send it here. I remember that there was this thing in the deep mountains and old forests in the area of ​​my hometown. I was not sure at the time, is it what you said? Lost Soul Wood, I won't be sure until the thing arrives."

Xu Shu patted the guy's helmet and said with a smile, "Nice job."

After he finished speaking, he took the piece of Lost Soul Wood and snuck to the edge of the camping tent at a sentry post.

Then he avoided the sight of the Tasji soldiers who were on duty, ignited the Lost Soul Wood, and immediately held his breath.

In about a minute or so, the strange fragrance on the Lost Soul Wood spread out with the air.

In less than a minute, the four Tasji soldiers standing guard became confused.

Xu Shu immediately stepped forward and shoved the burning end of the Soul Losing Wood under the marching tent. After about three seconds, he immediately retracted it.

Immediately, he extinguished the Soul Losing Wood and quickly retreated more than 20 meters away.

Whoosh!Whoosh! ...

After taking a few breaths of air, he immediately listened quietly, and there was no movement in the tent.

And the four Tasji soldiers standing guard were still swaying in place, as if they were drunk.

Seeing Xu Shu, he immediately walked towards the two nearest camping tents.

After a while, the Tasji soldiers of the two classes were the same as the first one, all became confused and confused.

Seeing this, Xu Shu immediately returned to his original hidden position.

He said: "It's done, everyone speed up and cross the border first. These Tasji soldiers can wake up in half an hour."

"Yes!"... Everyone rushed over from the position between the three sentries, and soon came to the border between Tasji and East India.

After entering the territory of East India, Xu Shu said in the communicator: "Bai Wuchang, remember your achievements as a kid."

"Hey! Thank you boss." Wang Xuexin laughed.

Xu Shu couldn't help but smile.

If it wasn't for this guy's lost soul wood, his group wanted to touch the enemy's tent from the wilderness, and then silently knocked these people out, it would definitely be extremely difficult to accomplish... ...

It is very likely that there will be a firefight, and then it will be really difficult to do.

Well now, it came silently, it was perfect.

"Go, target Belaka!"

Everyone moved quickly towards Bellaka, taking advantage of the dark night, their speed was very fast.

Xu Shu ran in front of him, his Eagle Eye skills and ten times the hearing distance were fully activated, and he was always paying attention to the situation around him.

Gradually, they had moved away from the borders of East India and Tasji.

Nearly 170 kilometers away, after two hours, Kankan walked 80 kilometers.

Everyone was panting and feeling sore.

Even Xu Shu felt a little tired.

He was about to order everyone to rest first, but suddenly he heard a sneeze coming from the dense forest ahead.

The sound is not loud, but in the wilderness of the dark night, even a fart is very clear, not to mention a sneeze, or when Xu Shu has opened ten times the hearing distance.

He immediately made a stop gesture, and everyone took cover on the spot.

Then he looked like a knife, staring at a low forest in front of him.

Soon, relying on his eagle eye skills, he vaguely saw a group of soldiers from the East India country nestled in the woods. Looking at the dense number of people, there was at least one company.

"Reconnaissance company?" A sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said softly in the communicator: "In the forest in front, there is a company from East India."

"I guess they are waiting for us. Apart from here, there should also be other troops ambushing there near our border."

"Ksitigarbha, what should we do now?" Hei Wuchang Cai Yan asked.

Xu Shu smiled coldly and said, "What should I do? Of course, I killed them. Everyone pay attention. Slowly lurking from the right side, there are many wormwood and it is easy to hide."


Under the leadership of Xu Shu, everyone gradually approached the dwarf forest from the right side.

After about ten minutes, they came to the edge of the grove.

Sure enough, as Xu Shu thought, these soldiers of the East India country were all gathered in a line, all of them were investigating the direction of the Tasji border line, and they didn't pay attention to the back and sides at all.

On the side, there are only two of their posts.

Xu Shu made a gesture, Cai Yan and Wang Xuexin walked over silently, and then shot in an instant, before the two sentries did not respond, they wiped their necks directly, and there was a knife directly. Severed their spinal nerves.

Two corpses lay silently on the ground.

Then Xu Shu and a group of old ghosts went into the woods, they came behind the East Indian scouts, and the muzzle of the assault rifle was aimed at the backs of these guys.

At Xu Shu's suggestion, they all took out the silencers on their bodies and put them on the assault rifles.

Generally, assault rifles pretend to be silencers, which will affect the initial velocity of the bullet, as well as the range and power, and even have a great impact on the service life of the rifle.

However, special circumstances require special treatment.

In special forces, the use of subsonic bullets is more common.

However, subsonic bullets also have many drawbacks. For today's large-caliber rifles, small-caliber warheads will cause extreme instability.

Therefore, Xu Shu and the others generally do not install silencers on assault rifles when they are fighting.

First, the range is shortened, but the power is weakened.

But now they are standing at a distance of less than 50 meters behind the East Indian reconnaissance troops. No matter how short the range is, they can still easily kill them.

Xu Shu stretched out three fingers and pressed them down one by one.

However, when the pressure reached 2, suddenly an East Indian soldier wanted to turn around and take off his belt to pee.

As soon as this guy turned his head, good guy, there were more than 20 assault rifles pointed at them neatly behind him.Those people are like ghosts, silently behind them, ready to swing the butcher's knife.

After Xu Shu saw this guy's actions, he fired the first shot without hesitation.

Puff puff……

A series of gunshots, faint flames flashed through the silencer.

25 assault rifles formed a strafing fire network, and instantly penetrated into the bodies of the soldiers of the East Indian reconnaissance force in front.

More than XNUMX people, they didn't even have a chance to open the rifle safety in their hands, they were cleared up in an instant.

After Xu Shu and the others finished playing a shuttle, they immediately pulled out their pistols and loaded their rifles at the corpse.

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