In two minutes, a reconnaissance company was wiped out, and no one was left.

Xu Shu looked at the scattered corpses, his expression indifferent, and he did not have any mood swings at all.

All are soldiers, fighting for their respective countries, killing... there is never right or wrong.

"Magic pupil, release your small drone and let me observe the forest in the east. If we want to save people, we must clear the back road first." Xu Shu ordered.

"Understood!" Gao Dingbang listened, immediately opened his backpack, and took out a drone that had been improved by himself and had special software installed. ...

(PS: Brothers, I may have to go out for a while at noon today, so I will upload two chapters in a row, and there are two chapters in the afternoon. Please support me a lot, flowers and comments are not too many, hehe!).

Chapter 113

In the small town of Bellaka, Li Hu leaned against the wall of a private house with a livid face.

Beside him, Shen Tuying's face was pale, and a wound on his arm was still bleeding even though it had undergone a simple explosion.

Aside from the two of them, a group of silver foxes and arctic wolves on the side were all exhausted, and as many as 15 people were injured.

All of these injured players were sluggish, and some even lost too much blood, and their breath was already weak.

But there was no way, even after first aid on the battlefield, their wounds could not completely stop the bleeding, and their lives were already on the line.

"Fox, the maned wolf can't do it anymore." At this moment, a crying voice sounded.

Li Hu and Shen Tuying heard it, and immediately ran towards the warrior codenamed Maned Wolf.

At this time, the maned wolf was lying on the ground with a bloodless face. There were two wounds on his body, one on the abdomen, bleeding non-stop, and the other on the base of the thigh, and blood was constantly gushing out through the bandage.

"Fox, I can't go back...I can't go back, I beg thing. If the enemy, just...just give me a shot, please...don't make me suffer. ' said the maned wolf with difficulty.

Li Hu's eyes turned red, he held the maned wolf's hand, and said in a deep voice, "Don't worry, brother, I won't let you die here, we will definitely take you back."

"It's too late... it's too late..." The power in the maned wolf's hands gradually disappeared.

Finally, his palms dropped, and the look in his eyes gradually solidified.

"Maned wolf! Maned wolf!...Brother!" A low roar sounded. Whether it was the silver fox or the members of the Arctic wolf, their eyes were red and their faces were full of pain.

"He's not dead, but he's coming soon." The hygienist of the Silver Fox team sighed with red eyes.

If there is no treatment within an hour, then the maned wolf will surely die.

Even, he may not even hold on for an hour.

"Hospital, by the way, hospital! There may be medical equipment in this town, find it for me!" Li Hu shouted in a low voice.

Everyone was shocked when they heard it.


If there is a hospital in the town, no, even if it is a health center, they can find some medicines to stop the bleeding of the maned wolf, and even blood transfusion.

"What are you still doing, hurry up and find me." Shen Tuying shouted.

When the two groups of players heard it, they immediately rushed towards the two ends of the town.

Within 5 minutes, a group of people came back with a medical kit.

He said: "Fox, no one was found, but a medicine box was found. The conditions in the health center in the town were very poor, so these things were found."

"Enough! Enough, quick, cut his clothes!" The hygienist of the silver fox team shouted loudly, and he finally saw hope.

After a while, Yinhu's wound was treated and the bleeding stopped, but he was still in a coma.

After the hygienist injected him with an anti-inflammatory medicine, he put all the medicines back into the medicine cabinet.

"Okay, now it's up to him whether he is alive or dead," said the health worker.

Li Hu nodded, feeling a lot more at ease.

As long as there is no death, there is still hope.

"Call the fox, call the fox, we have encountered the enemy's special forces, and they are coming in." Suddenly, an urgent voice sounded in Li Hu's ear.


Da da da……

The next moment, a series of gunshots rang out in the town.

When Li Hu heard this, his face changed, and he shouted, "Who is on the west side, why didn't they find the enemy?"

"Report the fox, it's me, the long-haired wolf. The enemy seems to have swam up from the pond in the southwest. We are not enough, and they were caught off guard."

"White fox, go to support immediately! The rest, prepare to fight immediately, they can't come from one direction, there will definitely be enemies around." Li Hu roared.


The two teams moved quickly, and even the player who was shot in the leg limped to the outskirts of the town and began to block the enemy.


"Report, Jizo, there is also a company in the forest." Mo Tong immediately reported to Xu Shu based on the thermal imaging pictures taken by his drone.

Xu Shu narrowed his eyes and said, "Prepare to attack and kill them."


After more than 10 minutes, they rushed to the edge of the woods and used the same method to silently kill the two sentries, and then they got into the jungle and came silently to those people like a group of ghosts. behind.

puff puff...

Suppressed assault rifle shots rang out, followed by panicked and terrified shouts throughout the woods.

It's just that the shouting disappeared in less than two minutes, and then there was the sound of guns being replenished one by one.

Under this execution-style killing, those East Indian scouts had no room to react at all.Because in front of them is the most elite troops of the Xia Kingdom, the ghost of the jungle.

"Report, Jizo, we found a few cars." After about a few minutes, the ghost eye who was searching in the woods suddenly shouted.

Hearing his words, Xu Shu's face froze.

He looked at the map on the tactical tablet again. The straight-line distance from them to Belaka was nearly 130 kilometers, and it was not clear how far the road was.

"Get in the car immediately, and hit the town of Bellaka at the fastest speed." He opened his mouth and drank.


Everyone immediately came to the front of the car, and then they started the car, got into the trunk, and quickly rushed out of the woods.

At this moment, in the city of Bedesa in East India, a lean guy was looking at the battle report in his hand.

"Huh? One of our division's troops can't even take a Bella card. These wastes are all waste." The guy shouted hideously.

He is Galle, and the whole plan to lead the snake out of the hole was proposed by him. After Schales agreed, they deliberately leaked some secrets, and then arrested all the people in the Xia Kingdom's dark line.

These Xia Kingdom's dark line personnel, although they were all dug out.But after a series of interrogations, they didn't say a word.

This made Galle even more angry.

Almost all of those undercover personnel have been tortured to the point of death, but Galle will not let them die so easily. These people are still of great use.

Maybe in time, they can be used to catch bigger fish.

"No matter what, we must annihilate that troop and avenge our sacrificed compatriots." He roared and said to a messenger in front: "Immediately order the missile troop to bomb the town of Bellaka for me!"

"No! Chief Galle, now Chief Shales is planning to take a step forward. If the scandal of our massacre of people is exposed at this time, then he will definitely kill you." His subordinates hurriedly stopped him.

As soon as these words came out, Galle immediately reacted.

Indeed, if he did this at this time, then Shales would definitely use him as a scapegoat.

"Damn it!" Galle slammed the table hard.

At this time, the subordinate smiled lightly and said, "Sir Galle, don't worry! We have already arranged two special teams to conduct an assault on the town. They are full of plans, only a few dozen people, can they still be with us nearly 1000 people? special forces to contend with?"

"Well... Anyway, you asked the two special forces to be careful for me." Galle said.


In the small town of Bellaka, gunshots continued to sound from the town.

Silver Fox and Arctic Wolf are two commandos who have just graduated from Ghost of the Jungle, each of them is extremely elite.They rushed from left to right, and quickly suppressed a shareholder, the Indian special forces, who rushed in from outside, and killed many enemies.

Of course, their losses are also huge.


Two soldiers, sacrificed.

Everyone was in an extremely sad mood. They had just saved the maned wolf's life, but they did not expect that two soldiers would be killed by snipers in less than ten minutes of battle.

Fortunately, the two East Indian snipers were also killed by a sniper from Yinhu in a one-on-two sniper attack. Otherwise, they would have lost a few people in the team.

"Fox, the enemy has withdrawn temporarily." Shen Tuying gritted his teeth and roared.

The two fighters who had just been sniped by enemy snipers were his most elite team members.Looking at the corpse lying on the side, his eyes were splitting, and he could not wait to rush out and fight with the special forces of the East India.

Li Hu heard his words and said, "Damn, prepare to break through, we can't spend any more here. The special forces they sent are definitely more than that few people."

"Report, there is an enemy in the east, and it is also a special force. The lone wolf died. Report..." Exclamations sounded in succession, and the word "sacrifice" struck Li Hu's mind like a thunderbolt.

"Quick, send half of the people from each group to support the Xuehu Squad!" He reacted and immediately shouted in the communicator.

But the communicator was silent, and no one replied.

"Hey! The fox calls, the fox calls!" he shouted twice.

At this time, the expressions of the two team members who followed him changed, and they said, "We don't have any sound here, and our communication signal is blocked."

Li Hu's face was so gloomy that the enemy used electronic information warfare technology, and their situation became even more dangerous.

I'm afraid that this time, their troops will really be damaged here.

"Brothers, I'm Li Hu... I'm sorry to you." Li Hu suddenly woke up. It's very scary for such a constant army to come out to perform this kind of task without being well-trained.

To be honest, the lethality of this team is indeed very strong, but he does not know how to command such a force.

To command them according to the previous style of play completely restrained them.

Because of their stronger strength, they should not have entered the town of Bellaka in the first place, but instead moved directly to the east to break through.

Only in this way can their fast maneuverability be fully exerted.

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