His eyes mainly hit the pickup trucks with heavy machine guns.

A total of 4 heavy machine guns, in addition to 8 bazooka launchers, about 20 people gathered together.

These people were ordered by Naixiong's subordinates to guard these heavy weapons outside, but most of them were drinking with wine bottles.

But there are more than ten people standing guard around, to be honest, it is not easy to start.

Just when Cai Yan ordered everyone to install mufflers on their pistols and assault rifles, a person suddenly walked out of the gate of the building.

This guy was wearing a camouflage uniform and looked like a native of Yazhou. He was swearing and seemed to have an accent from Nanbangguo.

The most important thing is that this guy is also wearing dead leaf yellow camouflage. Under the light, he looks similar to himself and others.

Next, two more people from Nanbang Kingdom appeared and said a few words to the previous person.

Cai Yan was stunned for a while, and a bold idea popped up in his heart.

He watched the three Nanbangguo mercenaries go back inside after soaking in water, and said on the team's channel: "Everyone follow me closely, remember, be mad."

After finishing speaking, he didn't wait for the team members to react, and strode from the dark area to the group of guys guarding the weapons.

At the same time, he was still chanting in a mouthful of Nanbangguo language, the kind where the bull's head is not the horse's mouth.

"Who?" Those who guarded the weapons immediately aimed the muzzle of their assault rifles at Cai Yan.

As soon as he was nervous, he almost collapsed, but his strong psychological quality told him that the next step was the key.

So he scolded those people loudly in Nanbangguo's language.

Not to mention, after those people were scolded, not only did they not get angry, but they looked flattered.

Obviously, the other party regarded them as mercenaries of the Nanbang Kingdom.

At the back, the 12 members of the team also came out from the shadows at this time. They took their respective positions and quickly came to the side of the group of Dongdian people.

"Do it!" At the moment when everyone was seated, Cai Yan shouted, and the 13 people instantly pulled out their pistols.

puff!puff! ...their gunshots sounded like raindrops, and they were less successful than the strafe of assault rifles.

In just 4 seconds, the more than 20 people who were guarding the weapons were all lying on the ground, all of them were killed by headshots, and many people were even killed without even time to react.

Cai Yan immediately put away two rocket launchers and one projectile, and then got on a pickup truck with a heavy machine gun.

The other team members also acted immediately. Four heavy machine gun pickup trucks crushed the corpses on the ground and rushed outside.

Both sides of the street were quiet, and some of the surrounding civilians had basically fallen asleep.

And those who are the bear forces are gathered in the huge manor, or in the surrounding buildings.

When Cai Yan and their car rushed out, someone found them.It's just that the two guys didn't find the bodies on the ground.

It wasn't until 5 minutes later, when a subordinate of Naoxiong from Kenle County came out, only to find the body on the ground.

"Damn, someone attacked us..."

The guy shouted twice, then suddenly raised the muzzle, and slapped the shuttle.

The sound of gunfire alarmed the people in those houses, and immediately groups of people rushed out of the manor and the surrounding houses.

When they saw the body on the ground, and the four pickup trucks and the bazooka were gone, they suddenly shouted loudly.

The subordinate Naixion sent to attack the Black Gold Club this time was named Nuo Chai, and he was also one of his confidants.

After seeing the corpse in this place, Nuo Chai's face became very gloomy.

He shouted: "Get in the car, chase me out, they haven't left the county, let the people at the checkpoint stop them!"

As soon as these words came out, a large group of people began to rush into a car, and then took their weapons and rushed towards the outside of the county.

Some pickup trucks were crowded with more than 10 people.

Hundreds of cars rushed to the outside of the county in a mighty manner.

On the edge of the manor, there were only 24 mercenaries with Yazhou faces left.

One of the leading guys squinted his eyes and looked outside, and said, "Accept the money to do things, wild dog, act immediately. You and I each lead a team. You attack from the mountains and forests on the left, and I am from the right."

"Understood, Mourning Dog!" The Nanbang Country mercenary codenamed Wild Dog nodded, and immediately led a small team toward the forest on the left.

The guy with the code name Mourning Dog took another group of people and drilled into the forest on the right.

In a blink of an eye, two mercenary squads entered the forest...  


At this moment, Cai Yan had already led his team, drove four cars, and quickly rushed to the checkpoint outside the county seat.

At this time, there was a group of people standing outside the checkpoint. It was Zhang Ye and his team.

Just now, in two minutes, they wiped the necks of more than 10 people inside the checkpoint, and not a single shot was fired.

"Red clothes, get in the car!" Cai Yan looked at Zhang Ye and laughed.

The latter immediately got into a pickup, and everyone rushed out of the dirt road together.

Soon, they came to the position where Xu Shu was in front.

"Nice job!" Xu Shu saw the four cars, and there was a grin on the corner of his mouth.

"Black impermanence, remove the heavy machine gun for me, and then the car stops in the middle of the road." He shouted, Cai Yan and the others moved quickly.

After a while, the four cars were in the middle of the road.

After Xu Shu and the others removed the heavy machine guns, they found four concealed positions, two on each side, and set up the heavy machine guns.

The two machine gun positions on the same side are separated by nearly 600 meters, which is a distance of more than one mile.

Except for the 8 team members who controlled the heavy machine guns, all the rest were hidden in the woods beside the machine gunners.

woo woo woo...

Just less than 3 minutes after they finished, a large block of lights appeared in front of them. When they drove to the four pickup trucks blocking the road, a large number of people immediately jumped out of the cars, and then cautiously moved forward with weapons. come over.

The cars behind came to the front one after another.

However, after the car in front stopped, the car in the back drove behind the butt of the car in front, and got off and touched the front together.

One car after another, there are almost hundreds of cars, connected together like a long dragon.

Seeing this scene, Xu Shu's mouth twitched.

The word long snake formation is simply a gift prepared for him!

The number of people he saw was almost the same, and a faint arc appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Prepare... to fight!"

With the sound of the sound, the four 6-barrel heavy machine guns instantly spewed out a dazzling tongue of flame.

This is a Vulcan heavy machine gun that can fire more than 6000 rounds a minute. When it is turned on, it is like hell is coming.

bang bang bang...

Those cars were all pierced by bullets, and those people were blown up, and once their hands and feet were hit, they flew out.

As for those who were hit in the head or body, it was basically the ending that exploded.

An extremely bloody scene was performed on this dirt road.

4 Vulcan heavy machine guns, in four points, shot at the cars in the middle, no matter if anyone came down, just do it first and then talk about it.

boom!boom! ...

At this time, a car was suddenly blown up, and then dozens of cars exploded.Those who were lucky enough to escape the bullet were directly bombed into the sky.

In just a few minutes, Naixiong's people suffered heavy casualties.

The one-word long snake array turned into a dead snake that was still tortured and killed by Xu Shu.

Nuo Chai sat in the armored car, his eyes were wide open and his eyes were round.

There was an open hole the size of a sea bowl in his stomach, and blood and fat were all over the car.

Armored vehicles may be able to block bullets from assault rifles, but they definitely can't withstand Vulcan's strafing.

This guy was beaten to death in the car before he could even get out of the car.

After about 10 minutes, all the chains of the four heavy machine guns were exhausted, the barrels were red and white smoke was coming out.

Cai Yan and the others put down their heavy machine guns and walked forward slowly.

When I first came to the front of the car, I saw hundreds of tattered corpses lying on the ground, almost none of them intact.

Going further, it's a hell of a scene.

There are corpses everywhere, even if they are alive, they are dying.

Although everyone was used to seeing life and death on the battlefield, they couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"Fuck! This formation is too awesome." Cai Yan complained.

Xu Shu: "Stop talking nonsense, and I don't know what's going on with the water ghosts. Everyone is divided into two teams to support them."

However, just after Xu Shu finished speaking, he saw two teams rushing over from both sides. It was Li Dakun and another team leader code-named Zombie.

"Reported to Jizo and killed 13 people, all of them from Nanbangguo. I asked, but nothing came up." Li Dakun said.

"Report Jizo, I killed 12 people here." The zombies followed.

Xu Shu nodded and said, "Close the team!".

Chapter 128

After Xu Shu closed the team, he immediately called Heizi.

"Hello!" After seeing the call, Heizi answered the phone with some trepidation.

He is deeply afraid of receiving bad news, so his last way is to leave everything here and return to China, there is no other way to go.

Naixiong's crazy revenge will instantly destroy the foundation he has worked so hard to build over the past few years.

He is not afraid of sacrifice, but he is unwilling to sacrifice like that.

After all, this line is currently the only one buried here in the Xia Kingdom. It was hard-won, and I don’t know how much it took to build it.

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