Xu Shu: "Bring your people to Kenle County immediately to clean up the battlefield."

Hearing this sentence, Kuroko was shocked and said, "Okay! I'll bring someone here right away."

After speaking, he immediately went out, called dozens of trusted brothers, drove the car, and went straight to Kenle County.

In less than an hour, when they came to the blocked dirt road, when the brothers under them saw the blood and broken corpses on the ground, they couldn't help squatting down and retching. .

Not to mention them, even Kuroko couldn't help but feel nauseated.

It's terrible, this is an Asura hell, and no corpse is complete.

You can imagine the terrible attacks these people experienced before they died.

Heizi glanced at the four machine gun positions, and said in his heart: Two inverted triangle machine gun positions, this is simply massacre.

"Don't throw up, get up quickly and clean the battlefield!" Heizi cursed, and then took the lead to get those heavy machine guns.

Although he also has this thing in his gun store, no one will dislike his heavy firepower, especially in the war-torn zone here, heavy firepower represents the right to speak.

Under his scolding, fifty or sixty people got up and started cleaning the battlefield.

After a while, bundles of Type 47 automatic rifles made by Polar Bears were loaded onto the car, as well as four heavy machine guns, bazooka, and those pistols.

After loading the car, Kuroko was very excited.

He told the full car to return to Nabu County immediately, and then 16 took the people and began to use the method of crashing the car to forcibly clear away the debris of the car that was almost smashed by heavy machine guns on the dirt road.

Then they rushed into Kenle County, all the way to the innermost manor, and then began to search inside the manor.

After searching for nearly an hour, they moved out two boxes of gold bars and hundreds of millions of dollars before withdrawing from Kenle County.

At 7:XNUMX the next morning, in Nabu County, the headquarters of the Black Gold Club.

Kuroko had cleared his belongings for an hour and finally counted a number.

He looked at Xu Shu who had just squinted for a while and said, "A total of about 4 million meters of cash and gold have been counted, as well as more than 1100 assault rifles of various types, as well as more than 1000 pistols, 4 heavy machine guns, and 8 rocket launchers. ,and also……"

After listening to what Heizi had counted, Xu Shu immediately said, "You can start recruiting people, remember... Recruit me someone who is more reliable."

"I will call the country here and ask them to send a few more teams over. When the time comes, we will have the strength to eat the three poisonous kings in one bite."

Heizi heard the words and nodded.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, while Xu Shu and his group of old ghosts were still resting, Heizi began to recruit people in Nabu County.

In the past, he had dozens of trusted subordinates, and there were dozens of horses in the surrounding area.But starting today, he can't rely on these people alone.

So he started to recruit people with a lot of money. In just one day, the number of his black gold club soared to 300 people.

However, after these people are recruited, they must be rectified.

In the next few days, the recruitment is still going on.

But in the next few days, among the people they recruited, ruthless people gradually mixed in.

These ruthless people don't talk much, but each of them carries a suffocating aura.

These people are none other than those from the Special Operations Brigade of the Southeast Theater.

"Report, the Special Operations Brigade of the Southeast Theater Command, Teng Ning, captain of the Specter Commando, is reporting!"

"Report, Special Operations Brigade of the Southeast Theater, Captain Lu Yu of the Sky Eagle Commando to report!"

In the underground secret room, two majors stood in front of Xu Shu and reported at attention.

Xu Shu still had some impressions of Teng Ning.

This is the first time I have met Lu Yu.

The two of them gave Xu Shu a good impression, and they both carried a suffocating aura. Obviously, they were fierce men who participated in actual combat for a long time.

He returned a salute to the two of them and said, "Southwest Theater Command, Lieutenant Colonel's staff, code name, Jizo."

Hearing his words, Teng Ning had nothing to do.

But Lu Yu frowned. Xu Shu only gave him a military rank and a code name, which obviously made him not very satisfied.

When Teng Ning saw it, he patted him on the back with a smile, and then said, "Don't worry about his identity, even Shou and Chief Deng can't inquire about him, let alone the two of us."

As soon as these words came out, Lu Yu was shocked and looked at Xu Shu in disbelief.

Xu Shu spread his hands and said that he was helpless too.

Lu Yu stretched out his hand and said, "I'm sorry, but I was really upset just now. I hope you understand. They are all soldiers and want to be respected by their comrades."

Xu Shu laughed and said, "Of course I understand."

Teng Ning also smiled and stretched out his hand and shook hands with him.

"Actually, Lao Lu, you should have known from the rank and position he reported. The staff of the lieutenant colonel directly under the headquarters can be here?"

"Haha! Also." Lu Yu nodded.

What they mean is not that the staff is not good, but that the division of labor is different.In such a dangerous place, those staff officers who help the commander to direct operations must not have such capabilities.

"Brother, long time no see." At this time, Yang Zhan came to Lu Yu and Teng Ning.

The three hugged each other and then patted each other on the back.

Yang Zhan was hugged by the two of them, his eyes were red.

After so many years, he really never thought that there would be a day when he would meet his brother again.

"Old Yang, I've suffered you." Lu Yu looked at the hideous scar on Yang Zhan's right face, and his eyes were a little red.

Tenning also looked similar.

After a while, the three of them restrained their eruption.

They once served in the special forces together, and all three were team captains at the time.In a blink of an eye, 5 years have passed, and both Tengning and Lu Yu are commando captains.

As for Yang Zhan, he has long been different.

"Okay, let's talk about the next battle plan." Xu Shu didn't give them three chances to reminisce, and came to the table in the secret room.

The three gathered around.

Xu Shu pointed to the Poison Triangle area and said, "This is the Poison Triangle, and we just won Kenle a few days ago, which is here. I estimate that Naixiong will be dispatched again in the next two days."

"Perhaps not only Naixiong, but also two other forces, General Jinyue in the north and Commander Cardo in the south, will all be waiting for the opportunity."

"In this way, we have completed the initial plan to lead the snake out of the hole. Next, there will be a big battle."

After speaking, he raised his head and asked, "Lu Yu, Tengning, how many people are there in your two commandos?"

Teng Ning: "I brought three 3-man teams, plus myself a total of 12."

Lu Yu: "My team is a bit special, only 9 people, but I brought 6 teams, plus myself a total of 55 people."

"Less." Xu Shu frowned.

Lu Yu: "No way, there are other teams in the Special Forces Brigade, but we are most familiar with the environment here, so we sent two teams here."

Just after he finished speaking, he heard Heizi say: "I have recruited about 800 people here, and there must be brave men under the heavy money. These people are not good people, and they have some fierce names in this generation."

Xu Shu nodded and said: "Heizi, if you continue to recruit people, you must at least gather a team of two or three thousand people. After this team has experienced the war, it will be the strongest force in the Poison Triangle."

"Okay!" Heizi nodded.

Although these are desperadoes, as long as they have not committed crimes in the Xia Kingdom, there is no problem in taking them in.

They all work for money, and as long as their price is high enough, I believe they should pay a certain amount of loyalty.

Of course, these people are all unreliable except for the confidants who they had gathered up earlier.

"Poison Triangle, a very secluded area with lush vegetation, with more than a dozen simple wooden houses."

At this time, on the second floor of a wooden house, a roar made everyone around him shudder.

The mad dog Naixiong was scolding, and there were two corpses lying in the room. He raised his hand and killed him to vent his anger just after he got the news.

"Whoever dares to provoke me is a bear. I will make him regret living in this world. Come on, gather our troops immediately, and follow me to meet this black master."

Naixiong, who was five big and three thick, waved his hand and strode out of the room.

Outside the house, a large number of soldiers in home cloth uniforms gathered.

These are Nokuma's armed forces, which he named the Mad Dog Legion.

In addition to the more than 300 people killed by Xu Shu and the others, there are more than 800 people here, and each of them has a fierce look.

In addition, there are four tanks around, and more than a dozen armored vehicles parked in the open space.

Naixiong stood on the second floor, looking at the hundreds of armed forces below, he said gloomily: "Now someone is coming to snatch our business, you say, what should we do?"

"Kill them! Kill them!"... A group of people shouted with guns.


There is also a very hidden base in a mountain forest that is about a hundred kilometers away from here.

This stronghold is much larger than Naixiong's stronghold, and there are even two helicopters parked inside, as well as more than ten tanks and dozens of armored vehicles.

Compared with Noxiong, Commander Cardo's family is much stronger.

Cardo is not tall, his eyes are slender and fierce.

At this time, he had just finished the phone call, and his face was gloomy and uncertain.

"Report to the commander." A voice sounded outside.

"Come in." Cardo said.

Then a man in a military uniform walked in from the outside and said, "Commander, it has been confirmed that the people sent by Naixiong were indeed killed by the Black Gold Club. Not only that, but the people of Naixiong in Kenle County were also killed. slaughtered."

Hearing this, the fierce light in Kado's eyes flashed away.

"Unexpectedly, that black gold club actually has such strength."

The man under him reported: "Commander, after our investigation these days, since the Black Gold Club gathered that mercenary group, its combat power has skyrocketed, reaching a terrifying level."

"It's not just Naixiong's forces, all those dark lines in various countries have been cleaned up in almost two days. Now the official personnel have noticed him and are ready to attack them. Especially the Xia Guo side. , they lost more than 10 dark lines, and this time they want to lead a joint settlement again."

Hearing this, Cardo nodded silently.

Over the years, settlements have become more frequent.

What the Black Gold Club did, not only caused Naoxiong to suffer heavy losses, but also attracted officials from several surrounding countries.

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