At that time, I am afraid that his power will also be greatly affected.

"Humph!" With a cold snort, Cardo stood up abruptly and said, "These people are destroying our peace and rules, they are simply courting death."

"Commander, what shall we do then?" Cardo's subordinate asked.

Cardo: "Call Naixiong and say I'm willing to sell him a favor. Also, pull up Jinyue and let that old guy do his part too."

"In any case, the balance of our three parties cannot be broken. Otherwise, those people will appear one by one in the future. They will anger the official Xia Kingdom one day, and then we will suffer heavy losses."

"To kill the black gold club this time, it can be considered that we are selling them a face. As long as the black gold club is gone, the settlement led by Xia Guo will also be a thing of the past."

"I'll do it right away." The confidant nodded and walked out immediately.


In another secret base, a fat old man about 60 years old put down the phone, his eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a dangerous light.

"It seems that Cardo is in a hurry!" A smile appeared at the corner of Jin Yue's mouth, and he continued: "But he is right, this balance cannot be broken. Destroying that black gold club can also temporarily ensure our safety."

"Tulang, immediately send 300 troops, and let the Blood Hand Mercenary Group send a team to accompany him. Together with Commander Cardo and the mad dog Naixiong, they slaughtered the Black Gold Club in Nabu County."

"Yes!" After receiving the order, a young man named Turang immediately went to execute it.


The three major poison king forces have all begun to move.

Naixiong's whole army was dispatched, and he himself went into battle.Tanks and armored vehicles took the lead and went straight to Dongdian.

General Jinyue sent 300 people, two tanks and 10 armored vehicles to Dongdian.

Finally, Commander Cardo, who directly sent a helicopter, 500 troops, and 4 tanks, smashed out of the jungle in a mighty manner.

And just when the three poisonous kings left the poisonous triangle and their armed forces were exposed, Xu Shu received the pictures taken by the satellite above.

At the same time, the above also determined the general location of their old nest through the direction they came out.

Xu Shu looked at the photo in his hand with a sly smile on his face.

"finally come!".

Chapter 129

The three poisonous kings were dispatched at the same time, which was an earth-shattering event for the entire poisonous triangle.

In the territory of Dongdian Kingdom, there was even a storm.

The officials of Dongdian Kingdom were shocked.

However, in the face of the contest between the three poisonous kings and the Black Gold Club, the official people did not intervene immediately.After all, the harder they fight, the better for the officials.

Of course, there is also credit for the official mediation of Xia Guo.

Xia Guo officially gave a sentence, two tigers fight, one must be injured, and Dongdian Guo also obeyed this suggestion.

They are fighting each other and their strength is weakening, which is also a good news for the official.

When the troops of the Three Poison Kings appeared in the Dongdian Kingdom, Xu Shu, Teng Ning, and Lu Yu entered the jungle with their respective commandos.

The other party has tanks and armed helicopters. If these weapons and equipment enter Nabu County, the stronghold established here will turn into fly ash in one day.

In order to avoid major losses, it is necessary to take the initiative to attack.

Inside the jungle, Xu Shu led the two squadrons and rushed towards the line that Commander Cardo's troops were traveling.

About a day later, they came to a very lush jungle.

Xu Shu stood on the mountain with a telescope in his hand, constantly observing the movement on a dirt road ahead.

Suddenly, he saw dust flying behind one of the slopes of the dirt road.

At the same time, there was the roar of helicopter propellers in the sky, and a small black dot appeared in the sky in the distance.

"Ding! Mission released." Just when he was about to order the old ghosts to prepare for battle, a voice suddenly appeared in his mind.

Then the system publishes the task details.

"Task release: Triggered task to destroy the three poison kings. Completion of the task will reward 3000 merit points and a skill draw. If the task fails, all current merit points will be deducted, and the protagonist's comprehensive strength will be halved."

As soon as the mission came out, Xu Shu couldn't help being shocked.

3000 Merit Points plus a lottery, this is the most rewarding quest since he activated the system.

But the punishment for failure is really harsh.

Failure of the mission not only deducts all merit points, but also reduces the overall strength by half.

Xu Shu dared not try, this task must be successful, and this is also the ultimate goal of his trip.

Taking a deep breath and closing the system interface, he looked up at the black dot in the distance.

Then he paid attention to the growing dust behind the slope, with a solemn look on his face.

"Sniper ready." A deep sigh came out of his mouth.

Suddenly, the snipers of the four squads were all ready.

Xu Shu held Butley in his arms, sat on the ground, and looked coldly at the helicopter in the distance.

But at this moment, his expression suddenly changed.

His eyes condensed, he turned his head to look inside the forest, and there was a fierce light from the depths of his eyes.

"Kizang, there is a situation in the woods." At this time, the old ghost's investigation team also discovered the situation and reported to him.

"I see." Xu Shu nodded and said: "Listen to my order, first hit the helicopter and tank. Leave the helicopter to me, and the tanks will be taken care of by you. Remember, hit the tank first, hit the driver, then Hit the commander, then hit the track, and finally hit the barrel, understand?"

"Understood!" The voices of several snipers came from the communicator.

When they were training, they once had very strict sniper training to attack large equipment.Especially for tanks, Xu Shu tried every means to teach the team how to sniper tactics against tanks.

Hit the driver first and the tank will lose control immediately.

Calling the commander, the tank lost its command directly.

The third step is to hit the track, the tank will lie down, and it is useless to change the driver.

The fourth step is to hit the bottom of the gun barrel, or directly hit the inside of the gun barrel if you have sniper conditions.

Heavy sniper bullets, the impact is very terrifying.

As long as the barrel can be partially deformed, if the tank fires, the shell will at least lose its original accuracy, or even explode directly in the barrel.

Under Xu Shu's order, the four snipers aimed at the slope in front of them. After a while, they saw tanks rushing out of the dust.

There are four tanks, just one for each of their four snipers.

In addition, there are a large number of armored vehicles in the rear.However, for them holding a heavy sniper in their hands, the armor of the armored vehicle is far worse than that of the tank, and it can't stop their bullets at all.

Xu Shu looked at the helicopter in the sky, but he was always paying attention to the movement in the forest in front of him.

"Black impermanence, pay attention to the situation ahead, they are almost 1000 meters away from us, you lead a group of people to charge forward." "

"Understood!" Cai Yan said, leading a small team, rushing towards the forest in front of him quickly.

After a while, they were hidden more than 500 meters away, quietly waiting for the arrival of those people.


Taking a deep breath, Xu Shu stared at the helicopter with all his attention, with a cold light in his eyes.

1800 meters, 1600 meters, 1400 meters... 1000 meters, 800 meters.

When the helicopter was less than XNUMX meters away from him, he took a deep breath and shouted: "Everyone... get ready!"


A gunshot broke the silence in the mountains and forests, and startling birds flew everywhere.

With the sound of this gunshot, the helicopter in the distance swayed suddenly, and then fell down suddenly.

But soon, it quickly pulled up again.

Xu Shu sneered, clearly seeing the co-pilot pulling up the helicopter with a terrified face, and muttering, "You can't save yourself."


With another shot, a big hole appeared in the co-pilot's chest, and his head drooped weakly.

Immediately afterwards, their helicopters slammed into the mountains and headed towards the forest below.


The helicopter exploded and the flames burst into the sky.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!" A middle-aged officer in Commander Cardo's team exclaimed loudly.

Bang!Bang! ... At this moment, a series of heavy sniper gunshots sounded, and in a short moment, the four tanks in front of them lost their drivers and commanders directly.

Then a series of heavy sniper gunshots sounded, and the tank's crawler was also broken, completely lying in the nest.

"Sig, what are you doing? Damn it, why are there so many snipers? Quick, kill them!" the commander in the team below shouted loudly.

Hearing the scolding in their ears, the tomahawk team led by Si Ge had an ugly look on everyone's face.

Because at this moment, they can no longer contact their snipers.

"Damn, Wenla, shut up! He has an ambush in the jungle, and our snipers are gone." Sig said angrily.

This guy is a white man, but he speaks the Dongdian language.

In his team, everyone is a Western face, there are whites and blacks, but there are no yellow people.

In terms of elite level, his team can definitely crush the mercenaries from Nanbang Kingdom that Cai Yan and the others encountered in Kenle County.

However, when they entered the attack range of the ghost of the jungle, they realized how terrifying the assault force they were about to face.

This tomahawk team is a team of 12 people.

Cai Yan also brought 12 people, but to be honest, the overall quality of these 12 people is too different, and the combat effectiveness is even more different.

After a sniper of the Tomahawk team was silently killed, their captain Sig became dignified.

"God calls the scorpion, God calls the scorpion..." Sig, codenamed God, immediately called his investigation team in Ying language.

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