But he found that his investigation team had no movement.

The two members of the investigation team, including the four members of the sniper team, did not even call for help, and lost contact directly.

"Damn it, it seems that we have underestimated this devil mercenary group." Si Ge's face became even more ugly.

At this time, Cai Yan and Zhang Ye slowly put down the two black corpses.

"God?" Cai Yan couldn't help laughing and said in a low voice, "Since you are so good at God, then I will be a good person and send you to heaven."

After he finished speaking, his figure flashed and he disappeared into the jungle with Zhang Ye.

Soon, Sig found that his assault team and the fire support team had all lost contact.

So far, they have lost 8 people, and the entire squad is only left with his command group, and another assault group, only 4 people.

"Here is God, here is God, everyone retreats, retreats!" Sig's heart had already shouted in horror.

The moment he shouted to retreat, two gunshots suddenly sounded about 600 meters to the right.

He hurriedly turned his head and found that the two people in the assault team that were less than 100 meters away from him fell head-on.

There are 12 people in the entire team, and now they are left with a bachelor command team.

"Walter Fake!" Sig yelled and raised his gun quickly, but the next moment he couldn't find the two shooting figures.

"Withdraw!" Sig just felt horrified, and ran towards the back without saying a word. However, when he turned around and ran three steps, he suddenly felt a tingling in his heart, abdomen, and shoulders.

Papapa... The gunshot was delayed for nearly a second before it rang in his ear.

Sig looked down and saw that blood was bleeding from several wounds on his body, while the team member next to him had his head exploded, lying on the ground and twitching.

"... Shet..." Sig said the last two words of his life, and then fell to the ground weakly.

Da da da……

Bang!Bang! ...

At this time, the ghost of the jungle started a war of annihilation around Commander Cardo's armed forces.

There were gunshots in all directions in the jungle, and the troops of Commander Cardo were completely stunned.

They looked for places to hide, but in the face of the gunshots, their hiding seemed pale and powerless.

In just a few minutes, they lost more than XNUMX people.

The tank was stuck on the road, and it was impossible to pass in front. The cars behind immediately started to turn around. However, when the first car turned around, a bullet hit the fuel tank directly.


The truck exploded in an instant, and the driver in the car, including more than a dozen soldiers who had not had time to jump off, were all engulfed by the raging flames.

what!Ah... the screams continued to sound, but they were quickly drowned out by the sound of gunfire.

"Use strafing, try to kill their living strength!" Xu Shu shouted, and all the team members switched to strafing mode.

Da da da……

With the ferocious firepower pouring out, the armed forces of Commander Cardo were so frightened that they didn't dare to raise their heads, and they all stayed away from the cars and hid behind the armored vehicles.



However, when a heavy sniper sounded and an armored vehicle exploded, the soldiers shouted in horror one by one, and then ran frantically towards the way they came.

Not only them, but even Wen La and a few commanders who were hiding in the armored vehicle were so frightened that they hurriedly escaped from the armored vehicle.

A group of them, running faster than rabbits, ran frantically toward the way they came, and after leaving behind hundreds of corpses, they finally rushed over the slope and entered the woods ahead.

Xu Shu lowered the muzzle, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This time, Commander Cardo must be hurt.And these people went back, just to give him an excellent opportunity.

"Black Impermanence (Li Liaozhao), you bring two people in, be careful." Xu Shu said.

"Understood!" When Cai Yan heard this, he immediately took the two team members and touched the direction in which Wen La and the others fled.

The battle was over. After Xu Shu and the others went up to refill their guns, they called Heizi.

When he received the news, he immediately brought the people who had been arranged on the way in advance to clean up the battlefield.

The weapons and equipment that Commander Cardo left behind were all money.

On those trucks, there are a full 6 heavy machine guns and machine guns. With such weapons and equipment, in the absence of tanks and helicopters, it is almost possible to walk sideways in the entire poison triangle area.

"Magic pupil, contact Li Gui Commando and Tianying Commando and ask them what's going on there?" Xu Shu said in the communicator.

When Gao Dingbang heard this, he immediately used the communicator to connect the two teams remotely.

After a while, he received a message from the other party.

"Report Jizo, the Li Gui commando has almost ended the battle, but three of them were injured, and one brother's injury is more serious."

"The situation on the Skyhawk Commando is more dangerous. Mad Dog Naixiong has launched a frantic counterattack against them. They are now taking advantage of favorable terrain to fight fiercely, and many people have been injured."

Xu Shu listened, his face sank, and he said: "Send the coordinates to the terminal, we will immediately support the Tianying Commando, hurry!"

After more than ten seconds, the magic pupil sent the coordinates to everyone's tactical terminal. Xu Shu immediately took the old ghost and quickly withdrew from the mountain patrol.

They found a few armored vehicles discarded by Commander Cardo's men, who ran in such a hurry that even the pharmacist didn't have time to pull them out, and three pickup trucks with heavy machine guns that could be moved.

After dozens of team members got into the car, they rushed to the ambush point of the Tianying commando more than 30 kilometers away. .

Chapter 130

The place where the Skyhawk commandos ambushed Naoxiong was a long and narrow valley, but even with the advantage of the location, they were still being beaten by Naoxiong's troops and kept retreating.

Fortunately, Lu Yu had set up several positions at the beginning. Although everyone was retreating, they were steady and orderly, and there was no chaos.

The team members retreated while blocking the soldiers in front of the bear.

Da da da……

The gunshots continued to sound, and Naxiong's four tanks, plus more than a dozen armored vehicles, opened the way in front, and a large number of infantrymen in the rear continued to shoot at the ridgelines on both sides.

The six commandos under Lu Yu, three on each side, more than 6 people were shooting downwards continuously.

But under the cover of tanks and armored vehicles, their attack efficiency was not high.Although a large number of infantrymen were annihilated, when Noxiong ordered the convoy to rush forward in two columns, they couldn't help the infantrymen hiding among the tanks and armored vehicles.


The most terrible thing is that Naixiong's tank fired, and the shells landed on the edge of a commando group. There was a huge explosion, and shrapnel flew horizontally, and immediately gave the three members of the commando group different degrees. of injury.

"Snipers, kill their tanks for me." Lu Yu roared.

Bang!Bang! ...

The heavy gunshots sounded, the tank's periscope was blown up, and the bullet passed through the periscope and killed the driver.

Four tanks lost control on the spot.

Then Lu Yu remembered a method that Xu Shu had taught him before, and said, "Give me a direct hit on their gun barrel base, hurry up!"

Bang!Bang! ...Under his orders, 6 groups of snipers all carried out intensive attacks on the barrels of the tanks.

The bases of the barrels of the four tanks were dented, at this time.

As long as the slope is greater than 60 degrees, the lethality of the heavy sniper's bullet is extremely terrifying, even the tank armor can't bear it.


At this moment, the two tanks that fired the shells exploded almost simultaneously.

The huge explosive force directly knocked the two tanks upside down, and at the same time pressed more than a dozen Noi bears under the tanks.

"Damn it!" Naixiong sat in a refitted bulletproof Han carriage and watched helplessly as his two tanks were blown up, his face suddenly filled with a hideous look.

He picked up the walkie-talkie and roared, "Red Crab, what are you doing?"

"General Nai Xiong, wait a moment, we have already touched them." A cold voice came from the walkie-talkie.

Immediately afterwards, a team under Lu Yu suffered a violent attack. One soldier died on the spot and another was seriously injured.

"No! Captain, there are mercenaries!" An exclamation sounded in Lu Yu's ears.

Hearing this, Lu Yu's face changed greatly, and he immediately shouted: "Golden Eagle, hurry up and support the Bald Eagle team, hurry up!"

Da-da-da... bang!Bang!

The two teams immediately confronted Noxiong's mercenary team.

They come and go, constantly running and attacking each other in the mountains and forests.

There were casualties on both sides. The Eagle Commando lost 2 commandos, while the other side was killed by 6.

However, they had a large number of people, probably more than 20 people. Although the Tianying team was brave, it couldn't withstand the siege of so many people, and could only keep shrinking its strength.

"Old Lu, tell your team members in the forest to stop shooting and hide on the spot." At this moment, an indifferent voice sounded from Lu Yu's communicator.

Lu Yu was slightly shocked and heard that the voice belonged to Xu Shu.

He immediately ordered: "Bald Eagle, Golden Eagle, stop shooting immediately and hide on the spot."

With his order, the two groups of people immediately went into hiding.

And just after they took cover, black shadows suddenly emerged from the forest, and they quickly shuttled through the forest, holding pistols in their hands, and constantly making puff puff sounds.

Ghost of the jungle, close-range pistol mobile shooting, a team of 24 people, there is almost no pause, the sound of gunfire is less than 4 minutes from the start to the end.

The commando under Naixiong was all killed by headshots, including the captain codenamed Red Crab, who was also shot in the head.

Then Li Dakun took the two teams to 200 meters away from where the Bald Eagles were hiding.

He shouted loudly: "Brother in front, don't shoot, I'm a water ghost."

Hearing his self-reported code name, the members of the Skyhawk Commando stood up one by one.

Seeing Li Dakun and the others approaching quickly, with a figure like a ghost, everyone in Tianying was shocked.

Their opponents were all eliminated in just a few minutes, or they were killed by pistols at close range.

The breakthrough ability of this group of people is more than twice as powerful as theirs.

"Report Ksitigarbha, the water ghost is in place." Li Dakun said in the communicator.

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