In the opposite mountain forest, another jungle ghost squadron was already in place.In the absence of Cai Yan, Zhang Ye served as a temporary squadron commander, directing the battle.

"Report to Jizo, and the red clothes are in place." After he arrived at the designated location, he reported to Xu Shu.

Xu Shu, who was lying on the edge of the mountain forest, heard the words of the two, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said, "Sniper, give me that Han carriage first."


His voice just fell, and the snipers of the four teams directly killed the four wheels of the Han carriage. The Han carriage sank and lay still on the spot.

"All snipers, fill me with fuel tanks and kill those armored vehicles!" Xu Shu ordered in the second step, and then the sound of heavy sniper gunfire continued to sound along with the sound of bombing.

boom!boom! ...

After the armored vehicles were hit by the fuel tanks, the whole vehicle jumped into the sky.Those around were Xiong's subordinates, and immediately suffered heavy losses.

After four rounds of heavy sniper attacks, more than a dozen armored vehicles were immediately scrapped, and the flames rose into the sky.

On the Han carriage surrounded by armored vehicles, Naixiong finally showed a trace of fear on his face.

He suddenly discovered that the enemy's attack power skyrocketed in an instant, and the destructive power was simply terrifying.

"Damn, red crab, red crab, where is the human, red crab, are you dead?..." He kept calling with the walkie-talkie, but there was no answer from the other side.

Naixiong's face became even paler. At this time, he seemed to have a feeling that he might be completely planted here this time.

In his left and right hands, the two young men glanced outside the car, and one of them said, "General, we will protect you from going out."

"Okay!" Naixiong heard the words and couldn't wait to speak.

Then a big guy opened the car door, and just when a small half of his body was exposed, suddenly a bullet flew over and passed directly through the side of his waist.


The guy screamed, his body was directly cut in two, and he cried out in pain on the ground.

"Ah!" Naixiong screamed and quickly got back into the car.

At this time, he didn't dare to go down after being beaten to death.The other party has a heavy sniper, who is always watching him, and there is only one dead end.

"Chake..." The big man beside him had a gloomy look in his eyes, and said, "General, we're probably doomed this time."

When Naixiong heard this, his face paled even more.

Xu Shu looked at the situation below. Most of Naixiong's people were beaten and fled to the back. More than 300 people, like lost dogs, ran back towards the way they came.

After seeing it, Xu Shu immediately ordered: "Old Ghost No. XNUMX Squadron, all the team members chase those people, don't let any one go."

Naixione is different from Commander Cardo. This guy's troops have been almost destroyed by himself, so there is no need for these people to keep them.

"Yes!" After Li Dakun received the order, he immediately led his men to chase in the direction of those defeated soldiers.

And Xu Shu joined Lu Yu together.

The two teams quickly ran towards the road down the mountain, and then rushed towards the battlefield from four directions.

clap clap clap...

They quickly shot at the corpses on the ground, and within 5 minutes, a group of commandos surrounded the Han carriage.

Xu Shu stood in front of the car and looked at the two people inside the car. The heavy sniper in his hand was placed directly on the hood, and then he took out three cluster grenades and connected them together.

Seeing this scene, Naixiong in the car immediately shuddered and shouted, "We surrender, surrender!"

Whoever it is, even a mad dog, is still afraid of death.

Naixiong opened the door cautiously, and a few members of Tianying immediately backed away a few steps.

The door opened, and Noxiong and his confidant got out of the car.

"How to deal with it?" Lu Yu asked indifferently.

Xu Shu smiled and came to Naixiong.

Naixiong looked at the young man in front of him, and said with a trembling tone: "We can negotiate transactions. I have hidden 50 billion meters of cash and gold over the years, as long as you..."


The gunshots sounded, and Naoxiong sat directly on the ground.

He looked back and saw that his confidant had been shot in the head, and half of his head had been knocked off.


He swallowed a mouthful of saliva, turned his head tremblingly and looked at Xu Shu.

Xu Shu smiled slightly and said, "General Nai Xiong, don't worry, as long as you cooperate well, we will not kill you."

"Cooperation, I will definitely cooperate." Naixiong nodded quickly.

Xu Shu: "Now, take our people to the place where you hid the money. Of course, I hope you can tell me frankly about how much you hid. Don't force us to use torture. I believe that with our means, you can You can't hide your money."

Hearing these indifferent words, Naoxiong's eyes darkened.

There are about 80 billion of his money in several places where he hides money.

Originally, I wanted to hide 30 billion to use it to make a comeback in the future.

Now, it seems absolutely impossible.


Two days later, Xu Shu came out of the jungle with a team.

Behind them, more than 20 cars followed.

These cars are loaded with cash and gold.

They were all shipped from Naixiong's treasury, with a value of 80 billion yuan.This money, for anyone, is a terrifying asset.

And this is just the beginning.

According to information, Jinyue's wealth is at least half that of Naixiong.As for Commander Cardo, it is rumored that his wealth has reached a terrifying figure of at least 200 billion meters.

If this money can be put on the bright side, this guy is definitely a world-class top rich man.

Hei Zi, Lu Yu and Teng Ning were all taken aback when such a large sum of money entered the account.

Seeing the money piled up in most of the secret room, Heizi swallowed and said, "I have been in the business for so many years, and I have never seen such terrifying wealth."

"I'll be darling, don't talk about you, the last time I escorted the treasury, I didn't have so much money." Teng Ning was also dumbfounded.

Lu Yu: "How should I spend this money?"

As soon as these words came out, the three of them looked at each other.

Heizi said, "Can't this money be spent?"

Xu Shu: "You must spend money. Heizi, go to an arms dealer. We need to buy a lot of arms, including gunships, tanks, heavy machine guns, explosives, air defense radars, etc. We need them all."

"Well... 12 armed helicopters will come first, and a flying brigade will be formed. There will be 80 tanks, and a tank regiment will be formed first. Then heavy machine guns, light machine guns, etc., just a few hundred, as well as anti-aircraft guns, self-propelled artillery, and howitzers. I have to wait a minute, better get some surface-to-air missiles and air-to-air missiles or something."

Hearing this, the three of Kuroko almost bit their tongues off.

So many weapons and equipment, and air defense radar, what does this guy want to do?

Start a war and invade neighboring countries?

It took a long while for Heizi to come back to his senses, and he asked, "Jizang, you... what are your plans? We will buy so many weapons, and there will be opinions on them."

Xu Shu grinned and said, "Of course, after killing Kado and Jinyue, he used it to dominate the poison triangle. From now on, Hei Ye is the only poison king in the poison triangle, the real overlord."

"If there is an opinion above, I'll take care of it. In any case, I want to make sure that from the day we conquered the poison triangle, no more poisonous people will enter our country."

Lu Yu: "This is unrealistic. Someone will definitely find a way to continue poisoning on both sides of the Damei River."

Xu Shu sneered and said: "Don't worry! If anyone dares to do this, let him disappear without a sound. When the time comes, there will be black gold, and we can't control which way to go?"

"That would also arouse suspicion from other drug dealers," Tenning said.

"Doubt? Haha! Doubt is a fart!" Xu Shu laughed twice and said, "We give these poisonous organizations a share allocation meeting or something every year. We can pretend to be poisonous if we have nothing to do with Heizi. Who would dare to doubt it?"

As soon as these words came out, the three of them thought about it, but they had nothing to say.

This guy, Xu Shu, took everything into account, and it was flawless.

In their plan, this place will be a poison base that will radiate to the West and other countries. Only the Xia Kingdom will never flow into it.

This is Xu Shu's final plan. Of course, it has to be discussed with the above before deciding whether to implement it or not.

(ps: I'm sorry brothers, today the child has a fever, just came back from the hospital, the update is late, my brother is here to apologize to everyone.).

Chapter 131

War has a cost, and weapons are one of the costs of war.

And weapons are precisely the prerequisite for war.

Without weapons, you fight a war with a hammer?

This is what Xu Shu said. The next day, Heizi contacted the military and fire merchants who bought weapons before. There were 3 people in total, and all of them were invited to the headquarters of the Hei-Jinhui in Nabu County.

The current headquarters of the Black Gold Club has no entertainment city at all, but a high-level meeting-place with layers of levels.

There are not many people who can enter here. Apart from the members of the commando team such as Hei Yi and Xu Shu, there are only a few confidants who died a few years ago.

In the conference room, everyone took their seats, and Hei Zi was surrounded by three people: Xu Shu, Teng Ning, and Lu Yu.He sat all of you, with Xu Shu and the three as a foil.

Opposite them, sat a white man, a black man, and a mixed race from Nanmei.

These three are the White Bear Country, the Overlord Country, and the three major arms and fire merchants of the Bishi Country. They are mainly responsible for the arms and fire trade in the Southeast Asia region.

The black man in the center, named James.

The one from the White Bear Country is named Sara Kazuo.

The one from Belgium is named Kaka Singer.

The three are competing with each other, but occasionally cooperate.They all come to make money, and they believe in a truth, that is, harmony makes money.

"Master Hei, I don't know what kind of business are you planning to talk about when you invited us here?" James asked first, in Ying language.

As for the recent dispute, these arms and arms dealers have long been informed.Hei Ye's rapid rise has already wiped out a bear, and caused heavy losses to General Jinyue and General Cardo.

Therefore, Heizi immediately became their potential big customer. He didn't look down on it before, but now he has actively sent someone to contact Heizi.

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