"Indeed, this task is very exciting." Xu Shu nodded, looked at Cai Yan, and said, "Hei Wuchang, you are responsible for beheading, remember, I want their commander David Roddy to live. ."

"Yes!" Cai Yan saluted immediately.

Xu Shu looked at Wang Xuexin again: "Bai Wuchang, your mission is armored troops, I only have one request, let their armored troops all lie down before the war."

"Yes!" Wang Xuexin shouted at attention.

"Zombie." Xu Shu snorted, looked at Zhang Zhenqi, and said, "You are in charge of attacking from the east. According to the defense map we got, there are about two battalions at the gate to the east of Zike City, or artillery. I don't care what method you use, kill those artillerymen and bring me the artillery."

"Yes!" Zhang Zhenqi shouted straightly.

The last one, Xu Shu looked at Li Dakun and said, "Water ghost, your mission is the airport. I'll give you half an hour to scrap their fighter planes and drones."

"Yes!" Li Dakun sighed.

All the four squadrons received the task. Xu Shu finally turned his attention to Scorpion Li and said, "Scorpion Li, your task is to give them makeup. They are half-baked, but they are not as delicate as your unique skills. I want you to They all dress up as Westerners, black and white, whatever you want."

Scorpion Li listened, grinned, and said, "No problem, black and white are simple, it's a good job."

Finally, Xu Shucai looked at the two demon pupils and ghost eyes, and said, "You two have a heavier task than them. At the moment when the battle broke out, immediately block the signal of the entire Zike city."

"Yes!" The two shouted at the same time.

When everything was ready, Xu Shu said solemnly: "Move at 1:XNUMX in the morning, put on makeup first, and then take the time to rest."

The old ghosts disbanded immediately, and then went to do makeup with Scorpion Li.

Xu Shu stood there, constantly thinking about whether he had missed something.

This time the battle, although he said it was easy, was definitely a huge challenge for the old ghosts and the others.

"Ding! Mission released: Help Hanfuguo clear the base of Zike City in the hegemonic country. When the mission is completed, 3000 merit points will be awarded, and a high-tech product will be drawn once. If the mission fails, all merit points and skills of the host will be deducted."

The sound of the system suddenly sounded in my mind. .

Chapter 169

"Ding! Mission released: Help Hanfuguo clear the base of Zike City in the hegemonic country. When the mission is completed, 3000 merit points will be awarded, and a high-tech product will be drawn once. If the mission fails, all merit points and skills of the host will be deducted."

Hearing the tasks and reward and punishment conditions announced by the system, Xu Shu frowned suddenly.

I have to say that the reward is very rich, the most generous one in history.

But again, the punishment is terrible.

Deducting all merit points and skills, that is to make Xu Shu return to the primitive era!

"Absolutely cannot fail." Xu Shu said through gritted teeth.

The war is about to begin.

There seems to be a faint pressure in the entire Stuy County.

In the early morning, Xu Shu woke up from his rest, and there was a murderous look in his eyes.


After a while, all the members of the entire Ghost of the Jungle, including Scorpion Li, all gathered together.

"Scorpion Li, change your code name." Xu Shu pointed to Scorpion Li standing in the far corner.

The latter grinned and said, "Captain, I've already thought about it, my code name is Evil Spirit."

As soon as the evil spirits came out, the ghosts retreated. The name of this guy is quite domineering.

Black and white impermanence, water ghost and others, all turned their heads and glanced at him, as if they were protesting silently.

"Let's go!" Xu Shu didn't care, he snorted: "Ghost of the jungle."

"Desire for life!"

"Desire for life!"

"Desire for life!"

A group of old ghosts roared in a deep voice.

"Let's go!" Xu Shu turned around and plunged into the darkness outside with the fully-armed old ghosts.

They didn't drive, they walked on foot.

In this battle, there is no way out for them, and their mission will be completed only if the base in Zike City of the hegemony country is completely removed.


Almost when Xu Shu and the others just rushed towards the base of the hegemonic country, far away in the border area between the Xia Kingdom and the Poison Triangle, a group of people were quietly approaching the border of the Xia Kingdom.

"Tengning, what the hell are you talking about this time? Why is there such an exercise all of a sudden, and the rules of actual combat have to be fully obeyed. Blast some blood."? "

Lu Yu looked puzzled and asked Teng Ning on the other end of the communicator.

Teng Ning: "How do I know? But speaking of it, this exercise mission is really weird!"

"No matter what, our opponent is not weak, we must be careful. The strength of a regiment is not easy to solve!"

"Don't worry! After our strength went through the Poison Triangle battle, everyone has become much stronger. Although it is not as good as those perverts, it should be not much worse."

"Yeah!" Tenning nodded.


At 3:XNUMX in the morning, Xu Shu and the others passed the short road and arrived at Zike City.

Although Zike City is called a city, with the environment here, the area of ​​a city is less than a radius of 30 kilometers.

After Xu Shu and the others came over, they started to lay out the layout around Zike City.

He first marked the surrounding environment and some places that could be used as a retreat.In addition, it is the investigation against the city of Zike.

The military base of the hegemony is located in the southernmost part of Zike City, which can be regarded as a suburban area.

However, according to the defense map, Xu Shu learned that the base of the entire hegemonic country was almost built next to the city of Zike.On the southernmost edge is their military airfield.

To the east is the artillery unit of the hegemony, that is, the missile unit.

This unit is hidden in a hilly area, and it can attack and defend, occupying an excellent geographical advantage.

As for the headquarters of this base, it is at the back of the entire base. It can be said that this is already the core. If you want to break through, you must first bypass the airport and then arrive at the rear of the headquarters.

If it is a frontal attack, there are almost three regiments of troops stationed here, and it is impossible for them to force their way in.

Xu Shu sat on a ravine about 3 kilometers away from the base, quietly looking at the base in front.

He said in the communicator: "The first squadron, are you in place?"

"Report Jizo, Hei Wuchang is in place." Cai Yan said.

"Second Squadron?" Xu Shu asked again.

"Bai Wuchang has already entered the enemy's armored battalion. With just one charge, those armored units can be killed."

"The Third Squadron?"

"Report Jizo, the water ghost is in place. But... the enemy has a total of 4 fighter planes, an oil depot, 10 reconnaissance planes, and 16 helicopters."

After Li Dakun finished speaking, he said again: "Kizang, there are too many people on the other side. The garrison force, at least one battalion of troops. The most important thing is that they haven't rested yet, they seem to be carnival!"

His eyes looked at the brightly lit building inside the flight base ahead, and the surrounding battalion garrison.

With such power, let alone a squadron of them, even if the entire brigade of ghosts of the jungle came over, it was impossible to kill those people silently.

Hearing this, Xu Shu frowned and said, "...ˇ You don't have to hide and tuck, you can act on your own. As long as you can quickly destroy the enemy, even if there is a little movement, there is no problem."

"Understood." After receiving the order, Li Dakun grinned, revealing a sneer.

"The Fourth Squadron." Xu Shu called the zombie.

"Zombie report, Jizo, we have already touched their artillery positions. There are not only a number of artillery pieces, but also a lot of vehicle-mounted missile launchers, all of which are full of ammunition."

Xu Shu heard the words, his eyes lit up slightly, and said, "Zombie, no matter what, you must keep those missile vehicles. You don't need to control the launch password. You just need to ensure that they will not be launched."

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Zhenqi frowned.

As a result, their task is much more difficult.

But Xu Shu was right.

It's easy to snatch the missile car, but if you don't care about the enemy behind (Li Wangzhao) after robbing it, then the people of the hegemony country can use the launch password to open those missiles.

When the missile is launched, it is not the enemy that will blow up, but yourself.

"Everyone, are you ready?" Xu Shu asked.

"Black impermanence is in place."

"Bai Wuchang, take your place!"

"Water ghost, take your place."

"Zombie, shake in place!"

"Evil spirit, take your place." Li Xie said with a grin.

"The magic pupil team, take your place." Gao Dingbang also said.

After Xu Shu heard it, he immediately said on the public channel: "Everyone obey the order and act!"

Then a group of old ghosts moved quickly, and slowly touched the posts and the barracks.

Xu Shu approached the city of Zike, about 2000 meters away, when he felt a subtle sound from the base of the hegemonic country in front of him.

"Sniper?" A sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth. .

Chapter 170

In the silent night, inside the military base of the hegemony, most people were resting.

Whether it is the air force, the armored force, or other army units, almost half of the people have fallen asleep.

However, the guards here are very tight, and ordinary people cannot enter quietly through the night.

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