Except... the old ghost.

Xu Shu aimed at a sniper above a three-story building in the military base of the overlord Zike City, and slowly put his finger on the trigger.

The distance of 2000 meters is also the most effective range for heavy snipers.

It is almost impossible for ordinary snipers to kill such long-range targets.Except for Xu Shu, of course.

With the ballistic correction formula, he can instantly find the perfect sniper accuracy.


A gunshot sounded from the c91 heavy sniper's barrel, a flash of fire emerged from the muzzle, and a bullet was shot instantly.

At this time, the sniper of the hegemony country 2000 meters away suddenly exploded in the head, and the neck was completely destroyed.

The observer next to him was still joking softly with the sniper.

Suddenly a few drops of blood splattered on his face.

"Jack, is it raining?" The observer said with a smile, but didn't get any answer.


At this moment, a gunshot suddenly entered his ears.

His face changed instantly.

The sound of gunshots is the sound of heavy sniper shots.

Someone is using a heavy sniper from a distance!

He was instantly horrified, turned his head and glanced at the sniper next to him, and shouted, "Jack, it's a heavy sniper..."

At this glance, he saw a headless corpse twitching there.

"Sheet..." The look on the observer's face changed drastically. He hurriedly wanted to use the communicator to call the base, but at this moment, his head also burst open.

The gunshots sounded, one after the other, almost simultaneously from a distance.

The snipers and observers of the sniper team have already been killed.


The sound of gunfire immediately made the base in Zike City of the hegemonic country boil, and those soldiers jumped up from the bed one by one, and they immediately began to wear weapons and equipment and entered a state of combat readiness.

However, just as they rushed out of the barracks in full armor, the cluster grenades were suddenly thrown in from the outside.

Those cluster grenades exploded in mid-air before they landed.



"Ah!"... The screams continued to sound, and the soldiers of the overlord who had just run out almost fell down.

And those who hadn't had time to rush out of the barracks hid back in the barracks.


"Who dares to attack our base?"

"Sheet! Kill them for me."

"Bichi, Captain, be careful!"... One by one, exclamations accompanied by miserable howls continuously sounded from the gates of the dozen or so barracks in the camp.

As for the soldiers of the two hegemony countries who were sentry, they had already been shot in the head by the pistols equipped with silencers.

In less than a minute, this group of soldiers from the hegemonic country suffered heavy losses.

Almost at the same time, there were also bursts of gunshots at the Air Force airfield at the base of the hegemony.

The ground crew of the entire Air Force, including the pilots of more than a dozen fighter jets and dozens of helicopter pilots, could not stop the killing of the old ghost troops at all.

In less than five minutes, the battle was over.

In front of the incomparably elite jungle ghosts, these precious air force units fell down like wheat.

"Shet! How could this happen, damn it, who is it?" A roar sounded from the headquarters of the base.

David Roddy had just been awakened by the sound of gunfire, and immediately rushed from his room to the headquarters.

But as soon as he came in, he bumped into the guard who just wanted to inform him.

The latter hurriedly said: "Commander, our army camp has been intensively dropped by cluster grenades, causing heavy losses."

"What?" David Roddy's eyes widened, his expression full of anger.

This is provoking their hegemony, no matter who they are, they must pay the price.

However, before he could laugh at the news, the staff of another base urgently shouted: "Commander, our air force has been attacked, and we... the entire air force, including the pilots... can't get in touch."

"What?" This time, David Roddy was really panicked.

In just a few minutes, their Communist troops were completely wiped out, and they couldn't get in touch. The speed of the enemy's attack was simply terrifying.

"Damn it, could it be that the Eagle Nation has attacked us? No! How is that possible?" David Rhodey said secretly in his heart.

He opened his mouth immediately and said, "Order our armored troops immediately..."

"Report! Commander, our armored units have sent an urgent request for help, saying that they are under heavy attack, and the enemy has taken control of all armored vehicles and tanks..."

"Fake!" David Roddy slammed the table, then his pupils contracted violently, and a look of fear appeared in his eyes.

"The armor is gone, our missiles..."

He said it in his mouth, but a message seemed to come to answer his words.

Only one staff officer was heard shouting: "Commander, our artillery and missile vehicles have been controlled by the other party, and we... lost all heavy firepower."

As soon as these words came out, the fear on David Rhodey's face instantly magnified.

"Damn it! It was premeditated!" he shouted nonsense, and then shouted: "Quick! Quickly order our Marines, and the Hyperthermies, and the Sanjiao Chau, to fight immediately, let Moore …”

"Commander, the Moore squad has been wiped out!"

"Report Commander, Colonel Schells killed."

"Report Commander, Major General Kinder was killed."

"Report Commander..."... Then, the bad news hit David Rhodey's head like spring thunder.

quick!too fast!

From the beginning to now, only less than 15 minutes.

The strength of their entire base was defeated by most of them.

All they can use now are the infantry of those two regiments.

"Quick, order..." He immediately wanted to give an order, but just before his order was issued, the head of a guard next to him suddenly exploded.

"Ah!"... Immediately afterwards, there was a burst of exclamations in the entire headquarters.

puff!puff! ...

The next moment, the people next to David Roddy fell down one by one, just for a second or two. Including his guards, there were 16 people in the headquarters, and no one survived.

He raised his head, only to see a bearded man from the Arbor country walking in from the door.

"Commander David Roddy, it's really not easy to see you!" The man smiled and said a non-standard Ying language.

"Who the hell are you?" David Roddy growled hysterically.

"We?" Cai Yan grinned and said, "We are the messengers of justice."

(ps: My daughter-in-law was discharged from the hospital today, she was busy, and I only updated it now, I am very sorry. There are still a few chapters in the evening, and I will upload them later.) .

Chapter 171

"A messenger of justice?"

Hearing these five words, David Roddy's face turned green.

You mean we are representatives of evil?

"Fake! I don't care who you are, if you dare to take action against our hegemony, you will pay the price sooner or later. You are dead!" David Roddy roared.

Cai Yan grinned and said, "I don't know if we will pay the price, but what is certain is that your overlord will pay the price for your atrocities."

After he finished speaking, he raised his pistol without saying a word.


David Roddy couldn't believe it until he died, this guy just killed himself with just one shot.

Doesn't he know that keeping himself will be a bargaining chip in his hand?

Does he not know the meaning of his life to the hegemony?

Invading the military base, killing a lieutenant general, and killing thousands of people in battle, this time the overlord will definitely pursue them all over the world with monstrous anger.

However, no one could give him the answer to all this.His consciousness fell into endless darkness.

"Withdraw!" Cai Yan put the pistol back into the holster, turned around and walked outside.

puff puff...

The sound of gunfire continued, and they held assault rifles and kept shooting at the soldiers of the hegemony who rushed forward.

At the same time, a group of soldiers from the hegemony country rushed out from all directions.

After the accident at the headquarters, all the soldiers scattered in the surrounding camps rushed to the headquarters frantically.

However, just when they were about to rush to the front of the headquarters, they heard fires coming from the headquarters, which were the light of pistols firing.

Then they saw a group of people come out of the headquarters, and the two sides immediately began to exchange fire.

However, after Cai Yan and the others saw more and more people coming around, they immediately began to retreat from behind.

While retreating, several members of the blasting team among them pressed the detonation button.

boom!Boom!Boom! ...

A huge explosion sounded, and the entire front of the Overlord Command turned into a sea of ​​fire.

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