At least half of those soldiers were directly blown up, and some unlucky ones were directly blown into minced meat.Others, luckily uninjured, but they were also stunned.

Thousands of people rushed to the square in front of the command office, preparing to surround and wipe out the old ghost troops that raided the command office.

But in less than a minute, their losses reached more than five or six hundred people.

"Shet! Retreat, retreat!" a lieutenant colonel shouted.

But when they retreated, there appeared again a group of elite soldiers behind them, they surrounded them from all directions, and shot directly at their backs.

puff puff...

Suppressed assault rifles fired directly at their backs.This attack is absolutely devastating.

The soldiers of the hegemony country fell in pieces like reaping wheat.

When they reacted, seven or eight hundred people directly lost nearly half.

"Fake! There are still people behind them, break through!" the lieutenant colonel of the hegemonic country shouted loudly.

However, as soon as his voice fell, a bullet blew his head.

Sniper rifle!

At this moment, all the soldiers of the hegemony country were desperate.The commander of the lieutenant colonel also died, and they are now officers with the rank of captain at most.

"Fake! Run!"

"No, we surrender!"

"Yes! We surrendered!"

"You can't kill prisoners! Ah!"... A loud cry rang out, and the urine of the hegemonic people was fully reflected.

They bully the weak, but they are even more afraid of death.

In the face of these killing gods, the soldiers of these hegemonic countries are desperate.

However, Cai Yan and the others did not accept the surrender.

After continuing to shoot for nearly 10 minutes, almost all the soldiers of the hegemony were annihilated, and then Xu Shu issued an order to retreat.


Cai Yan and the others immediately followed his orders and retreated in an orderly manner, before disappearing into the dark night.

Then Xu Shu asked, "Everyone, are there any injuries?"

"Report, two people in the first squadron were slightly injured."

"Report, 6 people in the second squadron were slightly injured."

"Report, the third squadron has no casualties."

"Report, 4th Squadron, XNUMX people with minor injuries."

In the communicator, the reports of the four squadron leaders sounded, and Xu Shu nodded with satisfaction.

This time, they used various conditions to almost completely overthrow the base of the hegemonic country.

Compared to their results, this loss of their own is completely negligible.

"Magic pupil, come pick us up." He shouted in the communicator.

Soon, Gao Dingbang and Chang Sheng, as well as Li Xie codenamed Evil Spirit, as well as Li Dakun and his team members, drove tanks and missile vehicles to Xu Shu and them.

? ?????? asking for flowers? ????????

After everyone got into the car, they immediately rushed in the direction of Stuy County.

When they came to the border of the Shata Kingdom, Xu Shu directed everyone to enter the area where he had been bombed by the missiles of the hegemony before, let everyone get out of the car, and hid all 24 tanks in the ravine. , in the hills like a maze.

"Blast the weathered stones with a grenade and bury all the tanks for me to hide." Xu Shu waved his hand and said.

Then he grabbed Li Xie and said, "Evil spirit, you have a better understanding of the environment in this area. You bring a team of players, immediately clean up the traces behind, and then hide on the spot."


"Understood!" Li Xie grinned, borrowed two people from Cai Yan without saying a word, and then quickly ran to the back.

After everything was done, Xu Shu and the others drove the missile vehicles and quickly returned to the Stey base.

It was already 4 in the morning, and it was less than an hour before dawn.

They quietly entered Stey County, returned to the manor, and drove the missile car into the warehouse.

Then Xu Shu began to help the wounded check their injuries, and it was already 7:XNUMX in the morning when their wounds were dealt with.

More than 10 wounded, all of which are not serious.

For the old ghosts, this battle over and over again has helped them develop a more powerful battlefield awareness than those soldiers of the hegemony.

They all know how to better destroy the enemy and know how to better protect themselves.

Murder is very simple, after a war, hundreds of people die is really not enough to watch.

The hardest thing is to save your life.

Undoubtedly, they did a great job.

The capital of the hegemony, Wharton, the headquarters.

At 6 o'clock in the morning, a message was sent from the base in Zike City in Hanfuguo.

"The military base in Zike was invaded, and David Roddy was shot at the headquarters? The entire air force was wiped out? All the tanks of the armored troops were driven away?..." The commander-in-chief on duty who received the information read After the information, he shook his head and smiled.

"What a ridiculous scam? Who dares to provoke the troops of our overlord? Are you tired of living?" he said, but the next moment his eyes froze.Son.

Chapter 172

At 6 o'clock in the morning in Hanfuguo, a message was sent by a surviving Dominion soldier in the Dominion base to the Dominion Command, which had already been off duty, through the public channel.

At this time, it was already 8 o'clock in the evening in the hegemonic country, and almost all the people in the entire headquarters were off work, leaving only a group of on-duty personnel.

"Report! Lieutenant Colonel Winter, we have received a message from our military base in Zike City, Hanfuguo."

Winter took the report and glanced at it.

"The military base in Zike City was invaded, and David Roddy was shot at the headquarters? The entire air force was wiped out? All the tanks of the armored troops were robbed?..."

"What a ridiculous scam? Who dares to provoke the troops of our overlord? Are you tired of living?"

Winter spoke arrogantly, habitually thinking that some international anti-war personnel sent them fake news.

However, when he saw the other party's communication code, the pupils of his eyes shrank violently.

"This is... it's really the communication code of Zike City. Damn it!"

He stood up abruptly, picked up the phone immediately, and made a call to the commander of the three armies of the hegemonic country.

George DiCarlo was attending a banquet hosted by the military. When he saw the secretary walking towards him with the phone, he frowned.

"Hello!" In the end, his tone was a little unkind.

However, when he heard Winter's report on the phone, the wine glass in his hand fell to the ground in an instant.


The sound of the wine glass falling to the ground made everyone in the banquet hall turn their attention.Then they saw George DiCarlo turn and walk towards the stage, his face terribly gloomy.

As the commander of the three armies of the hegemony, he is undoubtedly the protagonist of this banquet hall.And his sudden move also gave many military people a bad premonition.

George DiCarlo walked to the stage and said in a deep voice: "I just received news that our base in Zike City, Hanfuguo, was attacked by unknown armed forces, and almost the entire army was wiped out. I want all of your military personnel to immediately Enter the state of combat readiness."

After saying that, he turned around and walked outside.

At 8:20, the headquarters of the entire hegemonic country was brightly lit, especially in the conference room, a large group of generals were watching the information and materials sent by the front line.

At this point, the second email has been sent to their mailbox.

Not only are there requests for help, but there are also photos of wars and corpses all over the ground. All the generals headed by George DiCarlo turned very ugly.

"Now I order the XNUMXth Fleet, which is closest to Hanfuguo, to take off immediately to check the situation in Zike City. The army has transferred troops from two divisions and immediately reinforces Hanfuguo. Hurry up!"

George? DiCarlo's heart is anxious, the situation of Han Fuguo will change dramatically because of this war.Not to mention the current losses, the losses that will be caused in the future are already incalculable.

If the hegemonic countries do not respond strongly, then the third world countries they bullied will probably jump out one by one and launch various retaliations against them.

Just when George DiCarlo finished his order, a group of people suddenly walked into the headquarters.The leader was an old man with white hair, and he was the leader of the hegemonic country.

"Sir." Seeing him, all the generals stood up.

The lead student waved his hand and said, "How is the situation now?"

George de Caroma reported the situation to him.

A think tank of the leader's students couldn't help but said: "Fake, this is a terrorist attack, damn it, we must find out who did it!"

Hearing his words, almost everyone in the room turned their attention to him.

Terrorist attacks?

An idiot would call this a terrorist attack.

Is this a war?

Have you ever seen a terrorist attack against a large-scale armed force?

They are obviously coming for the military power of their hegemony. There are thousands of people in the entire base. So far, less than 400 people have survived, and some of them are wounded.

Thousands of troop casualties, what is this not a war?

The leader took a look at his idiot think tank and said coldly, "Kurt, shut up if you can't speak. We are in a war, can't you even understand this?"

When Kurt heard the words, he lowered his head and said nothing.

George? DiCarlo: "Sir, I propose to mobilize a large-scale army in the past, no matter what, we must protect our assets in Hanfuguo."

The gentleman nodded and said, "You decide this. My only request is to ensure the interests of our country... As for the families of the soldiers who died, you must also take care of the aftermath."

"Understood!" said George DiCarlo, nodding.


Just when the overlord was having a meeting, Xu Shu was already lying on his own bed in Stuy County, and he was sorting out the rewards of the system.

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