The afterglow of the setting sun shines on the earth.

New World, Eighty-Eight Banquet Island.

A large three-masted sailing ship with a dragon’s head in a large red tone, quietly moored on the shore.

Above the coast.

Bonfire into pieces.

The wine is fragrant.

The roast meat is fragrant.

People push cups and change cups.

The laughter continues.

Melodious pirate songs flutter over the island.

This is the daily life of the Four Emperors Red-haired Pirates.

The feast routine of the world’s strongest pirate group.


It is the strongest in the world!

Four years ago.

The New World is the biggest battle since the Age of the Sea Thieves, even in hundreds of years.

The herds are chasing the deer.

Howie fights.

The parties compete.

The fierce war lasted for half a year.


The sea of chaos was calmed down.

The New World laid a new pattern with the four sea emperors as their honor.

Known as the Four Emperors!

Gaining the position of the four Sea Emperors is——

The world’s strongest man with a white beard Edward Newgate!

The world’s strongest woman bigmom Charlotte Lingling!

The strongest creature in the sea, land and air, the hundred beasts Kaido!

And the Four Kings Red-haired Shanks!

Compared to the other three veterans of the new world, two eras and decades.

The red-haired Shanks, who has only been in the New World for six years, is much inferior in both seniority and age.

However, he relied on his own superior domineering spirit and sword skills.

Stand out from the crowd of new world heroes.

Took a seat at the Emperor of the Sea.

King’s Landing, New World.

For his strength.

No one would question that.

Just 、、、

Red-haired Shanks alone could not make the Red-haired Pirates the strongest pirate in the world.

In people’s common sense.

The world’s strongest pirate group should be led by Whitebeard, who was once on a par with Roger the One Piece.


That New World War four years ago.

Except for the red-haired Shanks seizing the throne of the Four Emperors.

Another variable has emerged.

It was this variable that made the Red-haired Pirates the strongest in the world.

The name of this variable is Qi Yu!!!

Originally it was just an inconspicuous man on the red-haired pirate regiment, without the slightest sense of existence.

Before the Battle of the Four Emperors four years ago.

He couldn’t even get the Navy to reward him.


After that battle four years ago.

That man, however, created a history in the bounty world, a record.

For pirates on the sea.

The first bounty of 30 million is enough to be amazing.

And yet the man.

A man named Qi Yu.

His first bounty directly exceeded three billion.

3,364 million !!!

Compared with the reward of the four emperors and red hairs who were captains at that time, it was only less than one hundred million.

What a horror!

But above the sea there is not a single person who is not convinced.

It was all because of the man’s brilliant record in that war.

Finish fighting the pirates and fight the Navy!

Kill the Navy and kill the Draco!

That time period.

The man who had been keeping a low profile with the red-haired captain for six years seemed to be killing madness.

Kill from south to north.

Kill from east to west.

Kill from the New World to Paradise.

There are strong people with names and surnames on the sea, and almost all of them have fought with him.

Even Whitebeard, Big Mom, and Hundred Beasts Kaido are no exception.

In addition, there are naval generals and even legendary heroes.

After such a brilliant record.

No one will question his strength.


At that time on the sea.

There are birds who are making a move.

It is necessary to change the already established pattern of four emperors to five emperors.

Only in the end, it was because of the man’s low profile and dormanship again.

Even if the five emperors have not succeeded.

This sea.

Everybody knows.

The man named Qi Yu was the uncrowned emperor of this sea!

The Four Emperors Red-haired Pirate Regiment is an iron-walled pirate group with two emperors!

Everybody knows.

As long as that man stands with the red-haired Shanks, they are the strongest pirate group!

Even the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment, led by the world’s strongest man, Whitebeard, is invincible!

Because no one in this world can resist the two sea emperors!!!




A makeshift banquet platform.

The Four Kings Red-Haired Shanks stood at the top.

Behind him stood a red hedgehog head with a nervous face.

He was a new newcomer to the Red-haired Pirates a few days earlier, the Locke Star.

Today’s banquet is also the custom to hold for the addition of new people.

Of course, for the red-haired pirate group, the banquet does not need a reason at all, and the banquet can be held anytime and anywhere with a single thought.

“Ahahahahaha… Hiccup”

The fourth emperor’s red-haired Shanks burped a wine and smiled again.

[Ahahaha you’re big, Shanks.]

[Ya grin yaw grin].

[No matter how many times you listen to it, your cute laugh is really stupid and cute.]

[It makes me want to laugh].

[But no

“I’m going to hold back


“If you laugh, your little boy will have to put me on hold of face again.”

Redhead on stage: “??? ”

Where’s the sound?

Talking to someone?

He even said I was a bag!

Say I’m stupid!

Don’t I want face?

Don’t say it in private!

Have the ability to come out and single out ah!

See if I don’t drink you at the banquet later!

The mighty smell of the color and domineering spread out like a tide.

Instantly, covering the entire island!!!


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