Hey alas!

What a strange day!

The four emperors, red-haired Shanks, touched the back of his head, confused.

The mighty Sight and Sound Domineering Spirit shrinks and returns like a tidal wave.


Red Haired Pirate Regiment Vice Ship No. 2, the strategizing military master Ben Beckman whispered for a reminder.


“Shanks, what’s wrong with you?”

The little fat man Raqilu, the sniper Jesus Bu and others also opened their mouths.

They’re just getting excited.

Just wait for Captain Shanks to speak.

As a result, the red-haired Shanks suddenly dropped the line.

Stunned in place.


“Nothing less!”

The red-haired Shanks replied.

Then listen with your ears.

The previous sound did not appear.

“Is it really an illusion?”

Red-haired Shanks frowned with a soothing brow.


He patted his face.

Strong spirit.

Straight punch crackling.


[Shanks is really a cruel person, even punching himself in the face is so … Energetic]

[I’m not afraid to swell my own face].

[However, these two goods catch everyone to face, over the years, presumably the face is also extremely thick].


“Who the hell is that?”

“Here we go again!”

The corners of Shanks’ mouth twitched.

I couldn’t help but lie in a big trough under my heart.

But now there are so many pairs of eyes waiting to be fed.

He had already delayed everyone a lot of time before.

At present, of course, the welcome banquet should be the main thing.

Red-haired Shanks subconsciously raised his hand.

I’m going to give myself two more slaps in the face.

However, the brakes were braked in time at the critical moment.

Because he was afraid of attracting the spit that did not know where it came from.

“Aha、、、 everyone”

“We are gathered here today!”

“What is the reason for this banquet?”

Red-haired Shanks asked.

Without waiting for the crowd to answer, it is decisive to ask oneself questions and answers.

“We are here to welcome the addition of the team’s newcomer, Locke Star!”

【To welcome the newlyweds to a banquet?】 You can pull it down


[Do we still have a reason for the banquet?] 】

[It’s not like starting with a loud voice!] 】

[Speaking of Shanks, you are not right today!] 】

[From time to time, just get stuck, don’t drink stupidly!] 】

[No, it can’t be a fake wine!] 】

[I poke, I should drink it for real!] 】

[The only bottle of fake must have been drunk by the two goods!] 】

The bamboo shoots that made Red have the ‘urge to vomit blood’ were never absent.

Am I stupid drinking fake wine?

You meow an egg!

I didn’t get stuck in a series of shells because you made trouble.


What the hell is going on with this sound?

It seemed to ring directly in my heart.

Could it be that Superman has the ability to read the fruit of speech?

Who is it!

My pirate group is not capable!

So is it …

The eyes of the four red-haired Shanks fell faintly on the star of the newcomer Locke.

He was seriously skeptical.

This new man is not honest.

Concealing the fact that he is a capable person.

As for why?

The redhead guessed probably because the newcomers knew they were incompetent on the ship.

Therefore, I am afraid that my identity as a capable person will be exposed, and I can’t join.


The more the red-haired Shanks thought about it, the more he felt that this was the reason.

It must be no worse!

But this new guy is a bit floaty!

How long have you been joining, and dare to tease the captain with your ability!

The red-haired Shanks stared deeply, staring darkly at the newcomer Locke Star.

Under the ‘death’ gaze of the Four Emperors.

The newcomer Locke Star only felt a tightness in the side light.

Almost scared to pee on the spot.

Because he sensed that there seemed to be some deep meaning in the redhead’s gaze.

“That, Captain, what’s up!”

Locke Star asked worriedly.


[Look at it, what’s so good, the banquet can’t be opened].

The voice of the heart in the dark is reproduced.


The Four King’s red-haired Shanks looked at the newcomer Locke Star’s eyes becoming more and more dark and deep.


The redhead’s large white teeth bit involuntarily.

Listen to the sound of oozing teeth.

The newcomer Locke Star shivered coldly.

I only feel two wars.

The side light is on the verge of a side leak.

“The boat… Captain, what’s wrong? ”

The newcomer Locke Star asked tremblingly.


This newcomer is not only a bit floaty!

The acting skills are not bad!

Simply shadow emperor!

It’s all this time, and you can still pretend to be so innocent!

If it weren’t for my wit….

[You are wise, why do you still look at this?] 】

[It’s not over, isn’t it?] 】

[Oh – wait].

[Shanks, you two goods should not be that aspect of the orientation…].

[Something is wrong! Something is wrong! 】

[In the future, I must protect myself!] 】

Red-haired Shanks: “I’m @#¥%!!! ”

He was already mad.

Earlier said that he was two goods, said that he was thick-skinned.

Do you still suspect that there is something wrong with his orientation in that regard?

You newcomer don’t look in the mirror to see your own color?

Even if you really want to find it, it can’t be like you!

At least a handsome guy like Qi Yu…

Thinking about it, Shanks subconsciously glanced at some lazy looking black haired handsome young man in a corner of the coast.

No,, go around it!

I was wrong!

Wrong Dafa!

This newcomer is not a little drifting!

He was floating to the heavens!

No way.

Today we must definitely cure him.

Three minutes to sink the sea, no, five minutes… Half an hour should not be too much!

The Four King’s red-haired Shanks thought to himself.


The newcomer Locke Star had a hint of crying in his voice.

He was almost scared to tears.

Obviously promised to give him a grand welcome banquet.

He was excited and looking forward to it for days.

Just waiting for today.


Look at this posture.

This legendary Four Emperor Red-haired Shanks is going to eat his own rhythm!

Is it not possible to say that you will be roasted as an ingredient later?


It’s all time!

It’s still acting!


On the way to acting, I red-haired Shanks would like to call you the strongest!

But it should still be cured.

Red-haired Shanks nodded deeply.


Shanks, who has found the truth, regains his usual self-confidence and humility.

“Newcomer, don’t be nervous!”

“In the future, everyone will be partners!”

The four kings of red-haired Shanks looked at the newcomer Locke Star with deep meaning.

Then raise your big hand.


Two slaps on the shoulder of the newcomer Locke Star.


The newcomer Locke Star is lying in a big bunch.

The side light that had been tight for a long time finally leaked sideways.


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