
The hearty laughter of the four emperors, red-haired Shanks, echoed under the sky.

With his sight and smell color perception.

Nature is able to perceive the side light leakage of Locke’s star.

For acting.

Even to this point.

Even I can’t help but express my admiration.

Maybe you can go to a drama in the future.

Red-haired Shanks couldn’t help but think.

After identifying the newcomer in front of him as the Emperor of Shadows.

He only acted when the side light of Locke Star leaked.

Even if the side light leaks out, it will continue to perform.

This is the real actor.

What a pity!

My sight and smell have completely locked you in!

You’re dead… No, there’s no way to escape!

The red-haired Shanks raised the corners of his mouth and smiled triumphantly.

“Cough cough”

“Shanks, it’s over!”

“People are just new!”

Ben Beckman, the second co-captain who also sensed the anomaly, coughed softly.


“Beckman, I’ll talk to you in more detail later.”

Red-haired Shanks lips slightly open.

No sound is emitted.

But as a partner for many years, Beckman, who is accompanied, can definitely read his lips.

[Hmm, it’s up again!] 】

[Is it with Beckman this time!] 】

[I have long found that you two are eyebrow-raising, and you two are really wrong!] 】

【There is adultery!】 】



The red-haired Shanks was happy.

He dared to spread the rumors of the pure brotherhood between him and Beckman.

This new man really floated to the edge and went to outer space!


Red-haired Shanks laughed heartily.

I can’t wait to cure a new person.

To do this, it is necessary to let the banquet start first.

“Everyone, no more nonsense!”

“Happy banquet, now continue!”

The red-haired Shanks waved a big hand, when even the announcement of the continuation of the banquet.


oh oh oh oh”

“The banquet continues!!!”

“Yo roar, yo roar, yow”

“Put the wine of Binks…”

Although he was very concerned about the previous abnormality of his captain.

But the banquet began.

The crowd simply left those doubts behind.

Ignore it.

Even if you want to inquire, it must be after the banquet.


Huge island coast.

Immerse yourself again in the joyous atmosphere of the banquet.

“Newcomers, enjoy the feast!”

The red-haired Shanks took one last deep look at the newcomer Locke Star.

“Yes… Yes”

Locke Star trembled with emphasis.

It was like a lamb entering a pack of wolves.

But worry about being eaten or worry later.

The priority now is to find a place where no one is changing pants.


If I wasn’t clean, the probability of being eaten would have been greatly reduced.


Coastal clearings.

The banquet of the Red Pirates was in full swing.

“Ben, Jesus cloth…”

The Red Haired Shanks of the Four Emperors mysteriously greeted a group of high-ranking cadres.

“Shanks, what’s wrong with you today?”

Beckman spat out a smoke ring.

“Yes, sir, you seem to have scared the newcomer before!”

Jesus looked amazed.

“Shanks, that’s what’s wrong with you!”

Wearing a skull hat with the red regiment logo on his head, blond hair and waist, the cold man old Jin said seriously.

“Roar and roar”

“Yeah, yeah.”

Behind him was a burly bald-headed dark-eyed old ape with a monkey cry.

Even if Shanks is the captain.

If it’s not right.

These elders naturally want to speak out in criticism.

“Shanks, you’ve never bullied a newcomer before!”

The dragon with the volatile shawl, sharp eyebrows, and a red dragon tattooed on his neck shook his head incomprehensibly.

“Shanks, tell me, what the hell is going on?”

The braided brother with a long knife on his shoulder and light yellow hair tied with small pigtails asked.

“You may not believe it when you say it.”

“That new man literally floated into the sky… Oh no, drifted into outer space! ”

Red-haired Shanks has a troubled way.


The crowd raised an eyebrow.

“That new man?”

“How can that be?”

“He was obviously frightened by your momentum!”

“What the hell is he?”

“Come and hear, listen, listen, roar!”

All the senior cadres were full of enthusiasm.

For Shanks’s words.

They won’t have any doubts.

Since Shanks said there was something wrong with the newcomers, it was almost a foregone conclusion.

Could it be that all of them have lost sight of each other?

That new man is actually a terrible character.

It’s like the man they found ten years ago in Chambord and now their co-captain!


Red-haired Shanks smiled mysteriously.

“Let’s wait for Lu and Qi Yu to come over and talk together.”

The voice dropped.


The wide-skinned little fat man Rachiru stepped forward lightly.

“Lu, it’s just right, alas, what about Qi Yu?”

Shanks was stunned.

“Vice Qi is now fighting with people.”

“He said he’ll come after he wins.”

Rachiru Road.

“That guy, it’s starting again!”

“There’s really nothing you can do with him!”

Red-haired Shanks shook his head.

“Hahaha, this is Qi Fu!”

“I’m lazier than anyone on weekdays, but as soon as the banquet starts, it’s intense!”

“By the way, there is also a time period from 10 o’clock in the morning to 2 o’clock in the afternoon, sigh, it is really arrogant ~ Na ~ ~ ”

Jesus Bu laughed.

“But this is exactly what we do!”

“Because we all like banquets the most!”

Rachiru Road.

“Qi Yu, that guy, do you like banquets?”

“He just wants to play wild ball boxing and find someone to help him with the chores.”

Cool temperament old gold gritted his teeth.

“Yeah, yeah.”

“Roar and roar”

The old ape brothers ape big ape two echoed.

“How many people have Qi Yu guys won so far to help him wash his clothes?”

“This team is lined up until next year!”

“Even Shanks washed his underwear.”

The braided brother with the red rubber band tied the braid was indignant.

“Ahahaha, the past does not need to be mentioned again, there is no need to mention it again!”

“Willing to gamble and lose!”

Red-haired Shanks waved his hand.

“All right”

“Don’t talk about that.”

“Qi Yu’s side won’t wait first.”

Red-haired Shanks waved his hand.

All the senior cadres looked solemn and waited for the following.

“It’s just… Alas, forget it.”

Red-haired Shanks is a bit hard to say.

“Let’s let the newcomers confess later!”

The senior cadres of the Red League looked at each other.

Although I don’t know why my captain is unusually targeting a new person!

But in the spirit of trust in the captain, in the years of close friends.

They nodded anyway.

The cadres immediately made a decision.

Just do it.

When even if it is action.


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