
Bright moonlight sprinkles the sand.

Locke Star, the bride and groom in their new dry pants, strolls leisurely on the beach.

I just feel that the whole person is cheerful.

“Maybe it was my delusion before!”

“The red-haired pirates have a good review.”

“Well, go back!”

Locke Star nodded to himself.

This is the time.


A series of eight figures suddenly appeared.

Stopped in front of the newcomer.

“Dry… Cadres, there are… Can I help you? ”

The newcomer Locke Star’s newly relaxed heart was suddenly mentioned again.

He looked at the crowd with trepidation.


Footsteps came.

Red-haired Shanks appeared in front of the newcomer Locke Star and smiled kindly.

“Oops! To be eaten… Eat! ”

Locke Star only felt that the brain melons were buzzing.

“Hey hey”


“I’m sorry, newcomer!”

“This is the captain… Oh no, this is a special etiquette for welcoming newcomers! ”

The four Elder Ape Brothers, Dragon Brothers, Old Lions and Braided Brothers lifted the completely frightened Locke Star in the posture of Aruba.

Although I don’t know what the purpose of my captain Shanks is.

They believed 10,000 percent of Shanks and still didn’t ask anything.

One, two, three!


The newcomer Locke Star was thrown high.

Then it fell heavily into the sea.

Gollum grunt!

A few bubbles bubble up from the sea.

Then there was no more movement.

“Ahahaha, sure enough, I didn’t expect it!”

Shanks laughed confidently.

Only when the newcomer drowns because of the side effects of the Devil Fruit.

As everyone knows, Locke Star just didn’t react for a while and went to sea in a state of confusion.

“Ah this…”

“Isn’t that guy a landlubber duck who can’t swim?”

“Isn’t this joke bigger?”

A group of cadres couldn’t help but mutter.

“Ahahaha, almost!”

“Go and fish it up!”

The red-haired Shanks laughed and rolled up his sleeves, ready to go to sea himself.



The sea surface splashed a big wave.

The newcomer Locke Star emerged from underwater.

Where there is a half-drowning look.

“What, I used to be able to swim!”

“I thought you were a dry duck, but all of a sudden you sank and didn’t move.”

Jesus Bu and Raziru breathed a sigh of relief.


The newcomer Locke Star wants to cry without tears.

I wonder if I wasn’t still confused?

Suddenly the captain and the cadres came.

Without saying a word, he was going to be thrown into the sea to feed the sea kings.

Whoever changes is not afraid!

“That… I grabbed some fresh ingredients in the sea, do you want to try them? ”

The newcomer Locke Star sent two high-grade sea fish out of the water and shook.

As a newcomer to the Red League, he is now under a lot of pressure.

You can only please your predecessors in this way.

I hope to exchange two fish for my own non-eating.

“I poke, newcomer, you you, you… You’re not a capable person! ”


Immersed in shock and sluggishness, the red-haired Shanks of the Four Emperors returned to their senses.

His eyes widened.

The face was filled with incredulity.

It was as if I had seen the most peculiar picture in the world.

“Captain, what are you talking about?”

“How could I possibly be a capable person?”

The light next to Locke’s star, which had been roared by the redhead, leaked sideways again.

Fortunately, this time it was in the sea and no one would notice.

“I lose”

Seeing that the Locke Star was not cursed by the sea, Shanks reacted.

“What a catch-and-error person???”

Right now.

The Four Emperors Red-haired Shanks were already completely stupid.



“What’s going on today?”

“Why do you have to live with a new person?”

“He’s not such a person either!”

Jesus’ and other senior cadres also made a mistake.

Puzzled by Shanks’s anomaly.

“Ya grin and grin”

“If you don’t come to the drinking party on the big night, what are you doing here?”

The bright moonlight shines on the beach.

A handsome young man with black hair and white clothes stepped on the crystal sand and walked slowly.

“Qi Yu”

“Qi Vice”

The crowd greeted one after another.

Qi Yu yawned lazily.

The line of sight sweeps casually from the field.

Look at the newcomer who almost cried out.

Look at the cadres who have gathered.

He probably understood.

“Qi Yu, I…”

Don’t wait for the red-haired Shanks to open his mouth.

The familiar voice of the heart rang out.

[What I am].

[Wow, Shanks, you two goods, put wine and don’t drink, even put this bully on the newly.”

I didn’t expect you to be such a person, I misread you

[Moreover, what fun is it to bully the newcomers, it is better to fight with me for three hundred rounds and then help me wash my clothes].

Redhead: “!!! ”

This time I really caught the wrong person!


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