The pirates’ feasts have always been tireless.

It lasted for a day and a night.

The red-haired pirate party’s hilarious feast continued.

“Come and come, after drinking this cup there are three more cups!”

The drunken rookie Locke Star was drunk.

Until you can’t drink anymore.

He finally burped and found a shady seat, ready to rest for a moment.

“Ah, in addition to the abnormal captains, Vice Captain Qi Yu and everyone else are all good people!”

The newcomer Locke Star sighed to himself.

“Then again, what about Vice Captain Qi Yu?”

“I haven’t seen it since I started.”

“Isn’t it time to go to sleep?”

“It’s only twelve o’clock, no!” How can you waste precious banquet time on sleeping! ”

Locke Star nodded seriously.

He got up straight and went back to the upper deck of the Redforth.

Once belonged to the Captain’s Room of the Red-haired Shanks.

Now it has also been won by Qi Yu.


“Vice Qi, are you sleeping?”

“Now it’s a banquet, how can I come to sleep alone?”

Locke Star Road.

“Well, two hours have passed so soon?”

A low, magnetic voice came from the room.

“I see, keep drinking the bar.”

In the room, Qi Yu got up.

“Haha, then I’ll go back and prepare the wine and wait for the vice president.”

Unexpectedly, Qi Yu was so face-giving to the Locke Star and was overjoyed.

Returning to the shore banquet hall in a hurry.

Start preparing wine and grilled meat.

“Hiccup, newcomer, what a pleasure it is!”

Jesus Bu burped a drink.

“Hahaha, Mr. Jesus, I woke up Qi Fu, who was secretly going to sleep!”

“How can you let Qi Fu go to sleep alone, hahaha!”

Locke Star laughed triumphantly.

But the people who heard him say this.

Even high-ranking cadres such as Raqiru and Jesusb, their faces have changed at this moment.

“Haha, what’s wrong?”

Locke Star was puzzled.

“Don’t ask, what time is it?”

Raqiru was anxious.

“It should be about twelve o’clock!”

Locke Star touched the back of his head, confused.

“It’s over!”


“That arrogant man is going to show up!”

“At twelve o’clock in the afternoon, it is the ultimate arrogance!”

Raqilu and other old people of the Red League couldn’t help but widen their eyes in shock.

“Guys, what’s wrong with you?”

“The arrogant man is referring again…”

Don’t wait for the questioning voice of the Locke Star to fall.

All I could hear was a loud bang.

The vast shore trembled.

A tall shadow shrouded it.

Along with this, there is a breath of hegemony in heaven and under the heavens.

“How dare a newcomer wake me up at twelve o’clock in the afternoon!”

Qi Yu grinned and opened his mouth in a deep voice.

Locke Star turned his head mechanically.

Look at the tall figure of the muscle like a dragon that suddenly appeared behind him.

Good moments later.

His pupils constricted suddenly.

He already recognized the identity of this macho man with a great change of form.

Not who else Qi Yu could have.

It’s just that Qi Yu, who appeared in front of him now, was more than twice as tall as usual.

The momentum around him is even more intimidating, exuding an unparalleled breath of arrogance.

It is completely different from the usual gentle elegance.

“Out … Appeared! ”

“Arrogant Sun!”

“Qi Fu’s arrogant form has appeared!”

“It’s up to you, newcomer, to experience the domination that comes from arrogance!”

All the old people of the Red League shouted in unison.

“Arrogant shape…”

Don’t wait for Locke Star to ask.

Next second.

He was picked up by Qi Yu like a chicken.

“Wine comes!”

“From this moment on, this banquet is at my disposal!”

“None of you are allowed to run!”

Qi Yu’s arrogant drink made the audience move.

Ling’s high-ranking cadres, including Old Jin and Brother Longwen, were all silent.



USS Redforth Infirmary.

“Finally hang up!”

The red-haired Shanks bottomed out.

The sad and depressed mood has also been cleaned up.

He ripped off the hanging bottle himself.

“Ahahaha, I haven’t participated in the banquet since yesterday, so let’s enjoy it!”

The red-haired Shanks smiled.

After taking a few steps, he suddenly realized that Beckman was still not moving.

“What’s wrong? Beckman, don’t you want to go? ”

Red-haired Shanks was puzzled.

“No, nothing!”

“I want to be quiet again, you go first!”

Beckman waved.

“Ahahaha, then I’ll go first.”

Red-haired Shanks strode out the shooting star.

Just ten seconds later.


Shanks sneaked back to the infirmary like a rocket.

“Hell yes”

“Who woke up Qi Yu at twelve o’clock in the afternoon?”

Redhead Shanks gulped and gasped.

“It’s the new guy.”

Beckman Road.

“Beckman, you obviously noticed, why don’t you say it?”

Shanks looked at Beckman wistfully.


Beckman didn’t say anything, just spat out a smoke ring with a sad face.

If Shanks is captured by the arrogant form Qi Yu.

His side is even safer.


Years together.

The old men of the Red-haired Pirates have already come up with a theorem.

That is, it is absolutely impossible to have a banquet with arrogant forms.

Because the body that will be hit by his arrogance is inexhaustible.

From eleven o’clock in the morning to one o’clock in the afternoon, it was Qi Yu’s arrogant form time.

During this time period.

Qi Yu, who is directly illuminated by the sun, will undergo earth-shaking changes in both body size and personality.

At the same time, the combat strength is also multiplied.

From eleven o’clock to twelve o’clock in the afternoon, step by step, step by step.

At twelve o’clock in the afternoon, it reached its peak.

From twelve to thirteen o’clock it gradually weakened.

And this arrogance at twelve o’clock in the afternoon is also Qi Yu’s ability to awaken.

Passive No. 2 – its name – The Arrogant Sun!!!


Ps. The Arrogant Sun is a reference to the Sun Grace of the Seven True Men of Sins, Escano, with a slight modification to limit the time to two hours.

In addition, ask for flowers, ask for recommendation tickets, and ask for everything!

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