Ten years ago.

The Chambord Islands have welcomed an alien visitor.

His name is Qi Yu.

New arrival.

Realizing that this was Qi Yu of the Pirate World, he was a little flustered to be honest.

Fortunately, he awakened his system Goldfinger

It’s just that this system is more personal.

The opening game is to tell him that he can find a reliable pirate group to lie down and stay flat, and he will become stronger.

After accepting this setting.

Qi Yu had to start looking for a pirate group that could take him to lie down.

After all, when he first arrived at that time, he could say that he was not good at anything.

If only one were not very good.

Didn’t pick a good team.

I’m afraid I’m going to return to the west in a second.

Qi Yu’s entanglement did not last long.

Because he saw a pirate flag flying a double-knife flag in the harbor.

How could Qi Yu, as a crosser, not know whose banner it was.

It is the team of the future Four Kings Red-haired Shanks.

Without the slightest hesitation.

Qi Yudang even decided to board the red-haired thief’s ship.

One comes.

The redhead is strong enough to keep him safe in the New World.


He also knows the basics of the redheads.

Knowing that this team is very casual and free.

Once you become a partner, you are a partner for life.

This is exactly the best thief ship for Qi Yu to lie flat and become stronger.

There is no danger.

The red-haired Shanks, who was reminiscing with Reilly at the time, was very happy to agree to let Qi Yu get on the boat.

After that, no matter how lazy Qi Yu was, he did not drive him away.

Qi Yu was also gradually getting stronger in that relaxed environment.

Of course.

His system function is not so convenient to increase the strength of the physique by lying down.

After all, it is still necessary to move.

For example, pick up the attributes dropped during the training of the strong people of the Red Regiment and the battle.

Whether it is cooking, medicine, navigation, strength, agility, speed, and swordplay, all of them can be randomly dropped and picked up and become Qi Yu’s power.

In addition, even the sight and smell color, the armed color and even the overlord color domineering have fallen.

In the eyes of everyone in the Red Regiment, Qi Yu had been lazy and not cultivating.

As everyone knows, he has evolved from an ordinary person to a strong party in just two years by picking up the attribute of picking up bonuses.

In addition to lying down and picking up attributes to become stronger.

Qi Yu had another way to become stronger.

That is the system’s annual awakening of passive ability.

The first year of joining the Redhead Pirates.

One of Qi Yu’s awakening passives, the majesty of the king!!!

The second year.

Awakening to Passivity II – The Arrogant Sun !!!

Third year.

The third passive – the care of thunder – the man who is favored by the thunder will not be struck by lightning, and can even use the power of thunder and lightning for his own use!

He does not produce lightning, but can act as a porter of lightning.

Fourth year….


Until this year.

The tenth year of joining the Redhead Pirates.

Qi Yu’s passive tenth was also finally awakened.

It was the first voice transmission that Shanks experienced last night.

Just an awakening to the Passive Ten.

Even Qi Yu himself hadn’t noticed.

Right now.

In his arrogant form, he is giving the newcomer Locke Star the most impressive lesson in his life.

He was warned never to wake up Qi Yu at twelve o’clock in the afternoon.


Nearing one’s end.

The red-haired pirate group banquet, which lasted for two days and one night, came to an end.

Originally as planned.

Tomorrow the day should also be a banquet.

It’s just that the plan can’t keep up with the change.

Because the newcomer Locke Star awakens the arrogant form Qi Yu.

The wine prepared for the banquet has been exhausted.


The bodies and minds of the Red Regiment people dominated by Qi Yu’s arrogant posture also needed a little time to heal.

The banquet had to end early.

As the captain of the red-haired regiment.

The red-haired Shanks, who loved the banquet the most, missed the banquet gorgeously.

If you want to cry, there are no tears.


Late at night.

The red-haired Shanks, who had experienced a ‘nightmare’, drank alone with a sad face.

Eat and drink.

Red-haired Shanks was ready to rest.




Qi Yu’s exclamation suddenly exploded in his mind.

Shocked by the red-haired Shanks, a thriller, went directly to Half-Life.

“Come back!”


Right now.

For the crimson Shanks’s wailing.

Qi Yu was ignorant and unconscious.

Looking through the panel of the tidying system in the room, he found something.



【Passive Ten?】 】

【When is it?】 】

[Then why doesn’t the system remind me!] 】

What is this passive ability? 】

【A little introduction!】 】

[There’s only one system progress bar!] 】

[It’s amazing!] 】

Qi Yuwu thought to himself.


The redhead of the adjacent redhead went crazy again.

Because this time he heard Qi Yu’s voice full of ‘beep’ silence.



[Beep Beep Beep Beep T

【When is it?】 】

[Then how not to beep me!] 】

[Besides, what is this beep?] 】

【A little introduction!】 】

[There’s just one beep-like thing!] 】

[It’s amazing!] 】

Red-haired Shanks: “I hold @#¥%!!! ”

Who can tell me what this ‘beep’ is!

So curious!

Good to know!

But I can’t say it!


Curiosity like never before welled up in his mind, and the red-haired Shanks was going crazy.

Just as the redhead was frantic.

Qi Yu was shocked to realize that the progress bar-like thing was moving rapidly, about to fill the point.

“It’s really exciting!”

“It seems that when you wake up, you will be almost done!”

Qi Yu looked forward to his own words.

When even if it is a break.

The next morning.

Qi Yu woke up, and couldn’t wait to summon the system panel to view the mysterious progress bar of the Passive Ten.

Sure enough.

Already full.

The price was that the redhead had not slept all night, and the redhead was all over the ground.

Qi Yu didn’t know this.

All his attention is drawn to the progress bar.


[Get a chance to draw a prize].

The system prompts you to sound on.

Qi Yu also finally knew the purpose of the progress bar.

Lots when it’s full.

This feeling is good.

The progress bar that will go by yourself is really convenient.

This is the rhythm of the lottery once a day.

Qi Yu rubbed his hands excitedly.

Choose the lottery without hesitation.

The dazzling light shone.


【Congratulations on getting the fruit of the face without side effects】

[No side effects: no curse of the sea, no fruit conflict].

Qi Yu: “??? ”


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