New world, blue sea.

This is one of the seas under the command of the Four Emperors Whitebeard Pirates.

Right now.

An endless calm sea.

A large smiling whale boat stands quietly and moored.

The Whitebeard Pirates mothership, the USS Mobydick.

Spacious deck.

The man who was six meters tall sat with a big grin.

He wears a black turban and a captain’s cape with a white-bearded skull emblem.

The muscles were exposed like dragon-like upper body.

There are one vicious scar after another on it.



His most distinctive feature is naturally his white beard, which rises like a string of moons!

That’s his logo!

It’s also his name!

Even if you are old, you are plagued by various injuries and old diseases

Even if it is full of all kinds of heart rate monitoring instruments and nutrition hanging bottles.

He still has no reluctance.

Domineering side leak!

Don’t be angry!

Because he’s a whitebeard!

Four Kings Whitebeard Edward Newgate!

A reward of five billion bery—

The World’s Strongest Man!!!



A call came from the sky.

A blue line of fire crossed the air.

The undead bird surrounded by blue flames landed on the deck of the whale ship and in front of Whitebeard.

Pineapple-like blonde hairstyle is his trademark.

The flaming undead bird wings were his title.

He’s Marko!

Whitebeard Pirate Regiment Ship Doctor and Imperial Vice-Officer!

Ichiban team captain undead bird Marco!

“Marko, what’s wrong, so hurried and panicked!”

A strong man resting by the edge of the boat railing.

Whitebeard Pirate Regiment Captain Diamond Joz asked.

“Could it be that there is news from Ace?”

Team Captain Foil Bista looked moved.

“Really, really?”

“Is there really news from Ace?”

“Where is Ace now?”

“Has that bastard been caught by Titch?”

Team Bramanque of the Six, Team Lakyo of the Sevenfold Team, Team Eighth…

The captain of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment and the ordinary members of the team gathered on the deck were all energetic.

“No, no, no”

Marco waved his hand.


There was a slight disappointment on the faces of the people, and there was a lack of interest.

This period of time since.

The only thing that worries them is the second team leader Fire Fist Ace, who is alone in pursuit of the traitor Titch.

“Daddy, I just got a report!”

“The ship with the red flag has appeared in our territorial waters!”

Marco hurriedly reported.



“What did that redhead come to our side for?”

“Do you want to go to war?”

The momentum of the captains of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment gradually increased.

“Kula la”

Loud laughter rang out.

Derived from the White Beard of the Four Emperors.

“That red-haired boy, he’s not a guy who can take the initiative to pick trouble.”

“Marko, the ship that witnessed the intelligence should not be their mothership.”

Whitebeard asked in a deep voice.

“Yes, Daddy!”

Marco nodded.

Bru Bru Blu!

The phone rang suddenly.

Marco took a contact number worm from his jacket pocket and connected it.

“Captain Marko, we have successfully intercepted the ship of the Red Pirates!”

“The other party claimed to be sending an important handwritten letter to his father on behalf of the red-haired Shanks!”

The members of the Ichiban team reported.

“I see.”

Marco nodded, and his eyes immediately fell on the whitebeard in front of him.

There is no need to change hands with the report.

Whitebeard had heard it too.

“Kula la”

“If that’s the case, let’s see what the red-haired boy wants to do!”

Whitebeard laughed and laughed.



The sun is high in the sky.

The heat is like a big fireball.

Today is a rare sunny day.

It was 11:30 a.m.

The pirate ship flying the double-bladed skeleton flag marched straight forward under the escort of two white-bearded pirate ships.

The sea in the distance.

A huge whale boat gradually became clear and revealed.


Red Regiment Newcomer Locke Star throat knot rolls hard.

“Calm down!”

“Calm down!”

“I’m a member of the Red-Haired Pirates now!”

“In terms of comprehensive strength, it is even stronger than the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment!”

“As part of the strongest team, how can I be stage frightened!”

“What I represent now is the face of the entire red-haired pirate group!”

Locke Star whispered to himself.

Secretly cheer yourself up.

However, there is still a mountain of pressure.

After all, what he was going to meet next was the strongest man in the world.

In the last era, it was a peerless sea across the sea

A living legend on a par with One Piece Roger and Golden Lion Stoney!!!


Locke Star looked up and gave himself two slaps mercilessly.

“Vice President Qi entrusted me with such an important task!”

“We must not betray the trust of Vice Qi!”

“I must complete the task perfectly!”

“Never let the face of the red-haired pirate group be disgraced!”

Locke Star looked at the room on the second deck and nodded firmly.

The expression on that resolute and rugged face gradually became firmer.

“Hey, redhead newcomer, what are you still rubbing!” It’s here! Hurry up! ”

The captain of the team, Marco, crouched down on the railing, reminding the stunned Locke Star.

“Shut up”

The Locke Star turned his head in full momentum and stared at Marco who looked like a passerby.

“Are you teaching me how to do things?”

Marko: “??? ”

Are the recent newcomers so crazy?

Ignoring Marko’s odd gaze.

Locke Star carried his hands on his back.

Majestic and exuberant, he stepped on the stairs and boarded the whale ship Moby Dick.


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